Is this thread intended to become a console war battle ground? No. Will it? Let's hope the mods' campaign of Console War eradication will shield us from the lurkers beyond the circle of light of our collective campfires.
I just want to point out that I don't praise the gameplay in this OP, it's more about the way they built the whole thing than how fun it may be. A few words on the central plot - but full disclosure I avoid side quests when I play this.
Horzion Zero Dawn. 2017.
Everybody should acknowledge this game for what a technological and artistic achievement it is.
(yes, I employ stock photos here, as I figure it these do look more or less exactly like the game looks as I play it, so there)
(post-everything: this has turned into a screenshot fest, sorry about that. Didn't want to make them too small or they wouldn't communicate my points very well)
<this after the bullet points were written>
So yeah, I was playing this game and finally getting into it (right in time for it's sequel) when it struck me that not enough people fall over themselves praising this bish. The game is insane, it's a colossal technical achievement with countless devoted and detailed man hours loaded into it, amazing artistic direction and creativity, supreme technology. Digital Foundry are apparently going to stop pixel counting in 2022, and I think this a great example of why that's important - what are people gonna say, lawl it's 1080p? (I have no idea what the fuck the resolution is) - forget it, the game's gorgeous no matter the resolution. I dunno about what framerate it is, but I have played Demon's Souls on 30 and 60 and this feels a lot closer to DS's 60fps mode than the 30FPS mode.
People don't want to give this game the love it deserves because that would go against the boundries we have marked out in the console war. I'm just here to hold up my hands and say: guys, it's fucking amazing, just accept it, try to play it on PC if you haven't got a PS4/Pro/5.
I dunno how to approach this, I'm gonna start with bullet points.
*note: none of these points i based on research or anything, it's all opinion, hence the tag I've given this thread.
- The game is gorgeous in many ways
Okay, let's get it out of the way. The opening zone is not exactly brain-exploding, and the water graphics were... a good try, but a bit of a fail. Nice technology, incorrectly adjusted transparency settings and colouration. Furthermore, Aloy's head is sometimes a bit awkwardly rendered - they try to keep it stable so we can read the expressions on her face, but sometimes it just comes off looking like she's got a weirdly static head on a bobbling body. And yes draw distance, LOD and haze effects hover around the 'artful' to 'awful' end of the scale in certain circumstances (that's not the whole story on them, though, especially LOD).
But I honestly struggle to find much else to pick nits about, especially considering the age of the game.
- NPC faces are breathtaking. Extremely effective skin rendering, great modelling, awesome facial capture, great lighting, I've not played many games that so directly translate the face of actors to the face of their characters. Is it technically perfect? No, but it is artistically, impressionistically, on point.
- The outfits are also exceptionally well designed and rendered. A good simple example would be the 'kind' Matriarch from the start of the game, Tee[something].
- The foliage in the world is stunning. I know even non-PS fans grudgingly praise TLOU2 for the way it's greenery renders, and that's well deserved, but Horizon Zero Dawn has achieved the post-apocalyptic look in its own way and it is every bit as amazing. The denisty, the sharpness, the animations, the stylistic additions like firebugs and sun/moonlight glinting off shoots... The red sneaking grass in particular looks like a bunch of real life grass was captured and simply pasted into the game world.
- The robot dinosaurs look fucking awesome. Don't sit there and tell me you didn't like similarly drawn dinosaurs on DeviantArt back in the 00s. They're a fantasy robot dinosaur enthusiast's wet dream. And the animations...
- The terrain that holds this foliage is stunning. See: Next subsection.
- The environments are insane
Yes, yes, the tech is aged and some areas are less awesome than others (some of the 'Bandit Camps' are a tad scratchy, remind me of Skyrim in some ways) but boy oh boy...
- The city ruins are incredibly rendered. The lighting (again, hugely successful) filters through the gutted buildings, which Aloy can explore just as far as her jumps and incidental ledges carry her. The overgrowth, lit by the lighting de jour, gently caressed by the wind, completes the effect. Chef's kiss.
- The way the terrain undulates, darkens, brightens in heartbeat-like lockstep with the pacing of your playthrough is truly something special. In late afternoon you scurry down a slope to the foot of colossal ruined skyscrapers, as you pass beneath their feet the night closes in, now the green of firebugs and the moonlight, refracted through whisps of mist, frames your progress through a catherdral of godrays, with the distant creepign menace of robotic eyes prowling through the underbrush.
- The rural lands contain superfluous details. Shrubs of every shape and size, secondary and tertiary trees; vistas; outcropings; streams; mudslicks; fields and copses of trees. The various resoruces you can pick are all well rendered and colourful, easy to tell apart and satisfying to yoink.
- As suggested earlier, the LOD isn't as jarring as it could have been. Okay, yes, sometimes things scan into being remakably close to Aloy (mudslicks, in certain areas, for one) but in general the amoung of pop in you'll actually notice, while you're running around, is remarkably limited. I guess they worked out some pretty nifty smoke and mirror tricks to achieve this effect, but it's just another example of art and creative applications of tech winning out on sheer big-ball rendering.
- Aloy and the robot's animations are incredible
Okay, it's hard to be quite so effusive with the efforts of some of the supporting cast - one of the three matriarchs has annoyingly static sleeves that don't obey gravity in the early hours of the game, for instance, and some of the cut scenes that take a close look at Aloy's enemies the Carja show up some gently simplistic moves on their part... but:
- Again I return to praise for the technology of the game. How many games have full half a dozen different animations for Aloy running? And three or four more for Aloy descending? She trips on god-damn tree roots for pete's sake. She doesn't run in a straight line but kinda meanders in the direction you're pointing... Yes, her head bobbles slightly in cutscenes but in game play it's generally pretty well stuck to her body and the way her body navigates incidental obstacles is just incredible. It's the kind of thing you don't notice, but really aughta - they put in huge amounts of effort. I swear, Aloy has like 2 different ways of squatting.
- Aloy's attacks perfectly warp around and bend to meet enemies in satisfyingly crunchy ways. There's a real percussion to the combat, timing plays a role almost as much as a Dark Souls or God of War - even slightly moreso perhaps as H:ZA enemies don't stagger reliably when hit.
- The dinosaurs. They're just incredible. They have such weight to them, their attakcs are frantic but savage and hella intimidating when you scale them up a bit. Even the simplistic Watchers, little raptor-like guard robots, have a striking leaping karate-kick attack that really freaks you out the first time they heave themselves, bodily, at you.
- the story is hella worthy
- I'm not gonna go into this, too much, I'll just say that I rerolled in this game maybe 5 or 6 times trying to get into it (just about managed it this time, I think) and I got to know Aloy's foster father Rost quite well over those attempts and, well, the story works. With him. Like it elicited an RL reaction from me.
- you really hate peeps. You hate the intolerant wankers among the Norda (Aloy's people, for lack of a better group) with their cheap sneers and innuendo, relying on shitting insults about something they don't understand to feel better about themeslves (read: GAF's politics forum) The Carja radicals are also detestable - their first introduction has so set me against them that I've yet to seek out help from anyone in taking their bases apart headshot by headshot, stabbed back by stabbed back, yet. Fuck 'em. This game really riles you up and gives you a very stylish way of reaping vengeance upon a fool. I only wish I could have killed Blondie from the intro scenes myself.
- The whole general plot about accessing, breaking down and understanding the complex past the world, the way the old earth fell apart, is like nitrous oxide for the engine of my game power.
I could go on, I've probably missed things, I just wanted to give this game the shoutouts it deserved, the heady praise it deserves.
Thanks for your time.
I'll just pick your post to make this clarification:
I was basically saying a big portion of the player base (xbox fans) might be rubbishing the game out of hand purely because it's a PS exclusive (now pc), and that if one drops one's console war goggles maybe one could see the good parts of the game.
So yeah if you're not in that group you'd probably not get my point. I'll add that clarification to the OP.
I just want to point out that I don't praise the gameplay in this OP, it's more about the way they built the whole thing than how fun it may be. A few words on the central plot - but full disclosure I avoid side quests when I play this.
Horzion Zero Dawn. 2017.
Everybody should acknowledge this game for what a technological and artistic achievement it is.
(yes, I employ stock photos here, as I figure it these do look more or less exactly like the game looks as I play it, so there)
(post-everything: this has turned into a screenshot fest, sorry about that. Didn't want to make them too small or they wouldn't communicate my points very well)

<this after the bullet points were written>
So yeah, I was playing this game and finally getting into it (right in time for it's sequel) when it struck me that not enough people fall over themselves praising this bish. The game is insane, it's a colossal technical achievement with countless devoted and detailed man hours loaded into it, amazing artistic direction and creativity, supreme technology. Digital Foundry are apparently going to stop pixel counting in 2022, and I think this a great example of why that's important - what are people gonna say, lawl it's 1080p? (I have no idea what the fuck the resolution is) - forget it, the game's gorgeous no matter the resolution. I dunno about what framerate it is, but I have played Demon's Souls on 30 and 60 and this feels a lot closer to DS's 60fps mode than the 30FPS mode.
People don't want to give this game the love it deserves because that would go against the boundries we have marked out in the console war. I'm just here to hold up my hands and say: guys, it's fucking amazing, just accept it, try to play it on PC if you haven't got a PS4/Pro/5.
I dunno how to approach this, I'm gonna start with bullet points.
*note: none of these points i based on research or anything, it's all opinion, hence the tag I've given this thread.
- The game is gorgeous in many ways
Okay, let's get it out of the way. The opening zone is not exactly brain-exploding, and the water graphics were... a good try, but a bit of a fail. Nice technology, incorrectly adjusted transparency settings and colouration. Furthermore, Aloy's head is sometimes a bit awkwardly rendered - they try to keep it stable so we can read the expressions on her face, but sometimes it just comes off looking like she's got a weirdly static head on a bobbling body. And yes draw distance, LOD and haze effects hover around the 'artful' to 'awful' end of the scale in certain circumstances (that's not the whole story on them, though, especially LOD).
But I honestly struggle to find much else to pick nits about, especially considering the age of the game.
- NPC faces are breathtaking. Extremely effective skin rendering, great modelling, awesome facial capture, great lighting, I've not played many games that so directly translate the face of actors to the face of their characters. Is it technically perfect? No, but it is artistically, impressionistically, on point.

- The outfits are also exceptionally well designed and rendered. A good simple example would be the 'kind' Matriarch from the start of the game, Tee[something].

- The foliage in the world is stunning. I know even non-PS fans grudgingly praise TLOU2 for the way it's greenery renders, and that's well deserved, but Horizon Zero Dawn has achieved the post-apocalyptic look in its own way and it is every bit as amazing. The denisty, the sharpness, the animations, the stylistic additions like firebugs and sun/moonlight glinting off shoots... The red sneaking grass in particular looks like a bunch of real life grass was captured and simply pasted into the game world.
- The robot dinosaurs look fucking awesome. Don't sit there and tell me you didn't like similarly drawn dinosaurs on DeviantArt back in the 00s. They're a fantasy robot dinosaur enthusiast's wet dream. And the animations...

- The terrain that holds this foliage is stunning. See: Next subsection.
- The environments are insane
Yes, yes, the tech is aged and some areas are less awesome than others (some of the 'Bandit Camps' are a tad scratchy, remind me of Skyrim in some ways) but boy oh boy...
- The city ruins are incredibly rendered. The lighting (again, hugely successful) filters through the gutted buildings, which Aloy can explore just as far as her jumps and incidental ledges carry her. The overgrowth, lit by the lighting de jour, gently caressed by the wind, completes the effect. Chef's kiss.
- The way the terrain undulates, darkens, brightens in heartbeat-like lockstep with the pacing of your playthrough is truly something special. In late afternoon you scurry down a slope to the foot of colossal ruined skyscrapers, as you pass beneath their feet the night closes in, now the green of firebugs and the moonlight, refracted through whisps of mist, frames your progress through a catherdral of godrays, with the distant creepign menace of robotic eyes prowling through the underbrush.

- The rural lands contain superfluous details. Shrubs of every shape and size, secondary and tertiary trees; vistas; outcropings; streams; mudslicks; fields and copses of trees. The various resoruces you can pick are all well rendered and colourful, easy to tell apart and satisfying to yoink.
- As suggested earlier, the LOD isn't as jarring as it could have been. Okay, yes, sometimes things scan into being remakably close to Aloy (mudslicks, in certain areas, for one) but in general the amoung of pop in you'll actually notice, while you're running around, is remarkably limited. I guess they worked out some pretty nifty smoke and mirror tricks to achieve this effect, but it's just another example of art and creative applications of tech winning out on sheer big-ball rendering.

- Aloy and the robot's animations are incredible
Okay, it's hard to be quite so effusive with the efforts of some of the supporting cast - one of the three matriarchs has annoyingly static sleeves that don't obey gravity in the early hours of the game, for instance, and some of the cut scenes that take a close look at Aloy's enemies the Carja show up some gently simplistic moves on their part... but:
- Again I return to praise for the technology of the game. How many games have full half a dozen different animations for Aloy running? And three or four more for Aloy descending? She trips on god-damn tree roots for pete's sake. She doesn't run in a straight line but kinda meanders in the direction you're pointing... Yes, her head bobbles slightly in cutscenes but in game play it's generally pretty well stuck to her body and the way her body navigates incidental obstacles is just incredible. It's the kind of thing you don't notice, but really aughta - they put in huge amounts of effort. I swear, Aloy has like 2 different ways of squatting.
- Aloy's attacks perfectly warp around and bend to meet enemies in satisfyingly crunchy ways. There's a real percussion to the combat, timing plays a role almost as much as a Dark Souls or God of War - even slightly moreso perhaps as H:ZA enemies don't stagger reliably when hit.
- The dinosaurs. They're just incredible. They have such weight to them, their attakcs are frantic but savage and hella intimidating when you scale them up a bit. Even the simplistic Watchers, little raptor-like guard robots, have a striking leaping karate-kick attack that really freaks you out the first time they heave themselves, bodily, at you.
- the story is hella worthy
- I'm not gonna go into this, too much, I'll just say that I rerolled in this game maybe 5 or 6 times trying to get into it (just about managed it this time, I think) and I got to know Aloy's foster father Rost quite well over those attempts and, well, the story works. With him. Like it elicited an RL reaction from me.
- you really hate peeps. You hate the intolerant wankers among the Norda (Aloy's people, for lack of a better group) with their cheap sneers and innuendo, relying on shitting insults about something they don't understand to feel better about themeslves (read: GAF's politics forum) The Carja radicals are also detestable - their first introduction has so set me against them that I've yet to seek out help from anyone in taking their bases apart headshot by headshot, stabbed back by stabbed back, yet. Fuck 'em. This game really riles you up and gives you a very stylish way of reaping vengeance upon a fool. I only wish I could have killed Blondie from the intro scenes myself.
- The whole general plot about accessing, breaking down and understanding the complex past the world, the way the old earth fell apart, is like nitrous oxide for the engine of my game power.
I could go on, I've probably missed things, I just wanted to give this game the shoutouts it deserved, the heady praise it deserves.
Thanks for your time.
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