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Elder Scrolls 6 is allegedly launching in 2026, according to comments from a Microsoft lawyer during the ongoing Federal Trade Commission (FTC) hearings regarding the purchase of Activision Blizzard. Though we didn’t expect the Elder Scrolls 6 release date for some years, especially following comments from Phil Spencer, who said the Bethesda RPG game was at least five years away, maybe – just maybe – we could see the Skyrim sequel much sooner than we’d hoped. With Starfield fast approaching, the idea of Elder Scrolls 6 following so soon on its heels is questionable, but stranger things have happened, especially in the world of games.
At one stage in the hearings, however, a Microsoft lawyer seemed to reveal that the Elder Scrolls 6 will be released in 2026. Actually, the lawyer said “Elder Scrolls 16,” but barring an extreme increase in Bethesda’s release cadence, that was likely just a slip of the tongue.
“Could I clarify one issue that council raised with you?” Microsoft’s lawyer says during the hearing, when discussing the company’s game offerings. “When you were asking about Zenimax and asked him to find a game that was most similar to Xbox [sic], he mentioned Elder Scrolls. That is incorrect. There are two Elder Scrolls games. One is online called Elder Scrolls Online. That is a multiplayer game. It is on PlayStation today. The game he’s talking about is Elder Scrolls 6. The projected release is 2026 as a single-player game.”
So, maybe we’ll see Elder Scrolls 6 in 2026, or maybe it won’t be until 2028.