Saudi Arabia: Push for gays to be executed because social media is ‘making too many'

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A newspaper in Saudi Arabia has reported that prosecutors in the country are pushing to enforce the death penalty for homosexuality – because social media is turning people gay.

It is often difficult to confirm data about gay people charged under Saudi Arabia’s justice system, as consensual homosexual acts are often legally indistinguishable from rape or paedophilia under the country’s laws.

But Okaz, a daily newspaper located in Jeddah, reports that as many as 35 cases have been brought against gay men for ‘obscene’ behaviour in the past six months, while the state is also pursuing a number of alleged ‘cross-dressers’.

The Washington Blade reports that prosecutors in the cases are pushing for harsher penalties including the death penalty for people convicted of homosexual crimes, in particular due to fears surrounding social media.

Okaz reports that there has been a surge in “abnormal behaviour” due to the boom in internet use, and that people are becoming “increasingly bold” about their so-called abnormalities.

A spokesperson for the US State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor told the Washington Blade that it is “aware of these reports, but cannot verify their accuracy, adding: “We continue to gather more information.”
Amid the surge in cases, a man in Saudi Arabia was arrested for flying the rainbow flag at his home.

The doctor, who lives in Jeddah, apparently didn’t know the flag represented LGBT+ pride.
He says he bought the flag online after one of his children said they liked the “pretty” design.


Edited: I can see how this post was offensive. It was in my mind a mild joke about certain Christians in the US who feel persecuted (see the new movie God is Not Dead). Changing post because it was not my intent to shit on all Christians. Focus should be on SA and why the hell we are allied with them in the first place.


That means WE are against homos. Unless allies no longer share common goals and morals. It is ok because they have billions. When will it change?


A sad reminder that as a species we've still got a long, long way to go.

There is now a place that Christians can go and not be persecuted for their beliefs!
I can only presume you're blissfully unaware in the irony of posting trash like this.


A sad reminder that as a species we've still got a long, long way to go.

I can only presume you're blissfully unaware in the irony of posting trash like this.

Exactly, it's not like modern American Christians go to Africa to spread gay hate in countries which then start persecuting and killing gay people. OH WAIT.
I heard somebody describe Saudi Arabia as 'the ISIS that made it'. Stuff like this just bolsters that belief.

And these people are our allies!


Exactly, it's not like modern American Christians go to Africa to spread gay hate in countries which then start persecuting and killing gay people. OH WAIT.
Gosh aren't you big and clever.

I think you'll find most modern American Christians don't actually do that. But sure, keep spreading ignorance and hate. That'll fix things.


Gosh aren't you big and clever.

I think you'll find most modern American Christians don't actually do that. But sure, keep spreading ignorance and hate. That'll fix things.

Christianity has hundreds, if not thousands of years of shameful history behind it and tons of people who still keep it up. If someone's light zinger of a reminder on a message board is too much, better just bury your head in the sand and sing 'la la, all is good in the world'.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
This lunacy is not just specific to Saudi Arabia.


(From 2013)


Christianity has hundreds, if not thousands of years of shameful history behind it and tons of people who still keep it up. If someone's light zinger of a reminder on a message board is too much, better just bury your head in the sand and sing 'la la, all is good in the world'.
All is not good, but I'd rather help heal the world by teaching tolerance and understanding, not make it worse by shouting down ignorance and bigotry with more ignorance and bigotry.

I could introduce you to some Christians who have done more good in the world than you or I will ever do, if it'll help. For the record, I'm not a Christian.


Exactly, it's not like modern American Christians go to Africa to spread gay hate in countries which then start persecuting and killing gay people. OH WAIT.

You're a huge part of the problem you know, regardless of the exaggerations within.
You realize how hypocritical your post is? You're mad at Christians for calling out a group...
Meaning you're doing the thing you hate.

And as the disclaimer: I'm Christian and openly pro gay.
And your post is downright offensive to some.

I'm used to both the Christians who are anti gay and those who are anti Christian, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to call out people being obnoxious.


A sad reminder that as a species we've still got a long, long way to go.

I can only presume you're blissfully unaware in the irony of posting trash like this.

Most countries are still stuck in the past, there are only a handful of safe oasis's spread across earth.
I don't pretend to understand the mind of a bigot, but if you legitimately thought social media was turning people gay, wouldn't your first step be to ban social media and not kill all the people it's apparently victimizing? It's like finding out that cheeseburgers cause cancer, so let's kill all the people on chemo. The leap in logic boggles the mind. Maybe logic isn't the right word when talking about people who conclude that social media turns people gay. Fucking crazy assholes.


And as the disclaimer: I'm Christian and openly pro gay.
I have people very close to me who are Christian and gay and interestingly it seems other people have more trouble reconciling the former because of the latter. I suspect this is because of attitudes like some have shown in this thread.

But I'm taking this off topic, sorry. Saudi Arabia!
All is not good, but I'd rather help heal the world by teaching tolerance and understanding, not make it worse by shouting down ignorance and bigotry with more ignorance and bigotry.

I could introduce you to some Christians who have done more good in the world than you or I will ever do, if it'll help. For the record, I'm not a Christian.


I don't pretend to understand the mind of a bigot, but if you legitimately thought social media was turning people gay, wouldn't your first step be to ban social media and not kill all the people it's apparently victimizing? It's like finding out that cheeseburgers cause cancer, so let's kill all the people on chemo. The leap in logic boggles the mind. Maybe logic isn't the right word when talking about people who conclude that social media turns people gay. Fucking crazy assholes.

the association they made has some truth though. social media exposes their citizens to new ideas that otherwise they might be ignorant of. obviously they'd be gay beforehand but seeing how people across the world live allows them to come to terms with their sexuality

lets hope they don't decide to take that step too
Kind of. It's actually much more complicated than 'oil'. The US produces enough oil themselves to sell it in addition to supply its own resources.
Its all about keeping the plates of stability spinning. Even if that means supporting extremist dictatorships.

With Iranian oil returning to the global market those plates might just fall over.


As messed up as things in Saudi are, this is a bit of a hit piece.
Don't get all carried away over a newspaper article, nobody is going to get executed for being gay.


Gosh aren't you big and clever.

I think you'll find most modern American Christians don't actually do that. But sure, keep spreading ignorance and hate. That'll fix things.

Most? Perhaps not. A large plurality of those I (and others) deal with in my every day life? Ehh....

Hell, my own mother commonly wears a shirt that says on it "Christians are Persecuted Today". Those she associates with are no less... fervent.

News Bot

It never ceases to amuse me that the two most genuinely villainous nations in the Middle East are both Western allies.

It's also really fucking despairing. Not a word will be said about this from any Western nation, meanwhile Hilary Clinton will continue to espouse how much she "cares" about LGBT rights.


The Autumn Wind
Most? Perhaps not. A large plurality of those I (and others) deal with in my every day life? Ehh....

Hell, my own mother commonly wears a shirt that says on it "Christians are Persecuted Today". Those she associates with are no less... fervent.
I saw a van a few weeks ago that had not a bumper sticker, but a printed piece of paper taped to the back window that read:


Endangered species

Needs protective status."

Plain white paper, Times New Roman font. I couldn't roll my eyes back far enough.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
And acting like Christianity as a whole today doesn't have a very clear anti-gay agenda.

I am a hundred percent with you. However, it is worth noting that the issue of homophobia is a much larger one in the Muslim world.


I doubt that you would get such numbers in any US state.
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