Free market wins. There isn’t much of a need for video game press anymore, hence it’s collapsing. And lol @ trying to gain sympathy by talking about the need to promote indie games. That shit barely happened anyway. Gimme a break!
I’m a huge proponent of the free market, but this is a pretty unique situation. Google almost anything gaming related, and most of not all of the results of the first few pages will all be AI-generated garbage, likely built from scraping one another, with whoever the original source was being buried beneath pages of instantly generated “articles”.
There was a job with an “AI writing manager” I saw last year. They claimed the “managers needed to produce several thousand “articles” Per. Fucking. WEEK!
We can’t treat this as “business as usual”, because were quickly entering a total hellscape where nothing you see will have been touched by human hands.
And yeah, people want to poke fun at it because it’s affecting media outlets that are pushing agendas, but we’ve already started seeing official digital marketplaces being inundated with AI-generated “games”. The only realistic solution IS to have real gaming journalists and reviewers we can rely on — but if those people don’t exist, then you won’t be able to sort the good from the bad. And then only the biggest publishers WILL be able to be discovered, because they can just buy exposure.
Things have been bad with gaming journalists pushing real world agendas, which has only exacerbated the issue by alienating their audience further. But I think it’s still a role that frankly NEEDS to exist.
That is, if we actually want there to be more games than just COD and other “safe” franchises devoid of any personality.