Sega for a long time has sat on a ton of its legacy IPs and has done nothing with them although that is going to change soon (I'm highly confident about VF6 and the New Jet Set Radio but not enough has been shown/leaked on the others and I don't agree with many of the IP's they decided to revive at all but I still hope they are high-quality games and successful)
if I were running Sega I would choose 8 in-house IPs to focus on with those being
>Virtua Fighter
(the usual, although I would probably up the budgets for these games because the re-used assets, animations, and overall poor presentation of the games probably turns a lot of people away from them)
(would move away from the 3d boost formula. gens, shadow gens, and especially unleashed showed that the games could be great but there is very little room for innovation and it is highly prone to "hallway level design"/automation, I would split Sonic into 2 gameplay styles, there would be 2D/2.5D games that play like a mix of freedom planet and the rush games and 3D games that play like a mix of Sonic P06 particularly blaze's gameplay, a bit of bomb rush cyberfunk, and sonic dream team's open ended level design
>Panzer Dragoon
(Would be a mix of the gameplay of other PD games like Orta and Zwei, also Kid Icarus Uprising, and Armoured Core 6 would have a heavy inspiration for the game, the story would be a pretty big focus for the reboot, and many rpg elements will make their way into the game)
>Jet Set Radio
(Just give me faster bomb rush cyberpunk/JSRF gameplay with much larger levels, more combat/movement mechanics, tougher police/heat system, and make the game highly moddable/configurable)
(The Score Attack/Lap gameplay loop is getting relegated to a secondary mode, the level design like Sonic will have far more obstacles and alternate paths, the kids are getting removed from the gameplay entirely, nights will only have the 2.5D gameplay, there will be no top-down or fully 3D sections, gameplay will be inspired by the later stages in Sonic Robo Blast 2 NiGHTS special stages, Nights Open Dreams fan project and the flight, Wave and UFO sections in geometry dash levels)
>Phantary Star/Phantasy Start Online
New Genesis is getting axed and PSO3 will go back to the 90's space ranger/cowboy bebop-esque aesthetic, for gameplay I would stay faithful to the way OG PSO2/PSU played but take a bit of inspiration from the monster hunter games, especially 4 and generations stellar blade and a bit of Elden ring will also inspire this game as well
as for the standard RPG just have Atlus work on it, I have never played the older non-online phantasy star games and I much prefer tactical RPGs like Persona 5 Tactica, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Baldurs Gate 3 to traditional ones so I would probably have those games be the inspiration for the PS RPG, I also might just keep phantasy star as solely an MMO game and revive the shining games instead
>Daytona USA
Please just give me Scud Race/Daytona 2 with a bit of GRID 2 Gameplay with a shit ton of content/customizability, tune the controls so that they work better on controllers, maybe make the drifting a tad more forgiving, especially in scud race, lean fully into the arcade racer aesthetic, and don't make the game look or play realistic at all
Which Sega IP's would you reform/revive and how would you do them?
if I were running Sega I would choose 8 in-house IPs to focus on with those being
>Virtua Fighter
(the usual, although I would probably up the budgets for these games because the re-used assets, animations, and overall poor presentation of the games probably turns a lot of people away from them)
(would move away from the 3d boost formula. gens, shadow gens, and especially unleashed showed that the games could be great but there is very little room for innovation and it is highly prone to "hallway level design"/automation, I would split Sonic into 2 gameplay styles, there would be 2D/2.5D games that play like a mix of freedom planet and the rush games and 3D games that play like a mix of Sonic P06 particularly blaze's gameplay, a bit of bomb rush cyberfunk, and sonic dream team's open ended level design
>Panzer Dragoon
(Would be a mix of the gameplay of other PD games like Orta and Zwei, also Kid Icarus Uprising, and Armoured Core 6 would have a heavy inspiration for the game, the story would be a pretty big focus for the reboot, and many rpg elements will make their way into the game)
>Jet Set Radio
(Just give me faster bomb rush cyberpunk/JSRF gameplay with much larger levels, more combat/movement mechanics, tougher police/heat system, and make the game highly moddable/configurable)
(The Score Attack/Lap gameplay loop is getting relegated to a secondary mode, the level design like Sonic will have far more obstacles and alternate paths, the kids are getting removed from the gameplay entirely, nights will only have the 2.5D gameplay, there will be no top-down or fully 3D sections, gameplay will be inspired by the later stages in Sonic Robo Blast 2 NiGHTS special stages, Nights Open Dreams fan project and the flight, Wave and UFO sections in geometry dash levels)
>Phantary Star/Phantasy Start Online
New Genesis is getting axed and PSO3 will go back to the 90's space ranger/cowboy bebop-esque aesthetic, for gameplay I would stay faithful to the way OG PSO2/PSU played but take a bit of inspiration from the monster hunter games, especially 4 and generations stellar blade and a bit of Elden ring will also inspire this game as well
as for the standard RPG just have Atlus work on it, I have never played the older non-online phantasy star games and I much prefer tactical RPGs like Persona 5 Tactica, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Baldurs Gate 3 to traditional ones so I would probably have those games be the inspiration for the PS RPG, I also might just keep phantasy star as solely an MMO game and revive the shining games instead
>Daytona USA
Please just give me Scud Race/Daytona 2 with a bit of GRID 2 Gameplay with a shit ton of content/customizability, tune the controls so that they work better on controllers, maybe make the drifting a tad more forgiving, especially in scud race, lean fully into the arcade racer aesthetic, and don't make the game look or play realistic at all
Which Sega IP's would you reform/revive and how would you do them?