Welcome to the world of Shadow Warrior, Hiya!, where demons and killer robots run rampant and the only thing that can stop them is Wang, the man, the hero, the legend!
And before we start, put on some proper music to get you through this killer OT. I picked some pieces from the classic game as well as from the recent remake from 2013.
Now you are ready to begin your journey into the fantastic world of Shadow Warrior. This is my first OT I have done by my lonesome so I hope you will enjoy it.
Good luck and have fun
Who is Lo Wang you ask? Well he is a bad enough dude to have stopped a demonic invasion of our realm once already with nothing but his revolver, dual uzis, quad-
barreled shotgun, flamethrower, rocket launcher, high-powered crossbow with explosive bolts and the legendary, ancient slaying sword Nobitsura Kage! Unfortunately after
Lo Wang destroyed the ancients in the shadow Realm all hell broke loose (literally). Now the two worlds collided and demons are a common sight in our realm.
This picture below is actually Earth.
But Lo Wang wasn't always the legend he is today. Back in the days he was under the employment of Orochi Zilla.
You think that's bad? Well it gets worse, so hold onto your pants.OH SHIT!
Under Zilla Lo Wang was a hired gun with an attitude, a lot of money and reputation. He used to have it all, guns, dosh, his own bat cave, but then he fucked up and saved
the world. During this adventure he got into conflict with Zilla which resulted in Wang's resignation. The thing is that Zilla wanted to give the Nobitsura Kage back to Enra,
ruler of Shadow Realm, to enslave the world (Zilla actually believed Enra would keep him around as his adjutant or something, lol). Lo Wang didn't like that idea very much
and after a fierce battle with Zilla, who got augmented by Enra, Lo Wang cut Zilla's arm off. Zilla managed to escape and used his massive wealth and research he has done
on Shadow Realm to build his own empire filled with killer robots, advanced vacuum robots and other kind of robots that you can surely imagine *wink wink*.
A place with all the demons and shit like ancient demigods, lava rivers, big tentacles (probably), stones defying gravity and severed talking heads. It also looks all
Chinese/Japanese like for some reason. All you need to know is that half of your enemies comes from there.
That is where the other half of your enemies comes from. Lots of neon lights, robots and cybernetically augmented demons that need a LOT more breathing holes.
Holy pile of dynamite!
You said it! Shadow Warrior 2 is, just like other Shadow Warrior games, a wangtastic FPS game for the ages with guts, blood and epic one liners EVERYWHERE. Shadow
Warrior doesn't focus on shooting all the time but makes melee and integral and fun part of the game. Swords, chainsaws, claws and many many more melee weapons are
introduced in Shadow Warrior 2 just in case you got bored with only rocking the sword for 19 years. Also, you don't have to worry about some stupid two weapons limit, you
can have up to 9 weapons ready on your weapons wheel / keys and the rest are safe in your inventory.
The game still follows a linear story just like the previous games but some of the new or improved features include:
- side quests
- loot system
- tile based map generation
- hub
- dozens of new weapons (70 in total)
- many more spells (including invisibility)
- COOP action for up to 4 players
- upgrade system that adds elemental damage to weapons
That sounds wicked sick! What about the loot system?
The loot system works similarly to the ones in Diablo or Borderlands, which means that there are ancient Chinese secrets in the world that drop weapons for Lo Wang to pick
up and use. Some enemies can also drop weapons after a bit of convincing.
Mate, I heard that the maps are procedurally generated, what's up with that?
Well you heard wrong, this isn't No Wang's Sky. The maps are hand crafted like in other linear FPS except that individual sections of the map are used as tiles and have many
variations that can change things like weather or building and enemy placement. The maps will still look organic so you don't have to worry about maps not making sense.
What about the health system? Classic auto regen bullshit?
Nope, you get your classic 100 hp at the start and you can either use your Ki to heal to pick up health kits in the world or from inside of your enemy's guts.
I love the gore in the 2013 version. Is this game's gore as good?
No, I'm sorry to tell you that it isn' it actually a LOT BETTER. Now it works like in Metal Gear rising, slicin'n'dicin is accurately calculated in relation to where you hit your
What about combat arenas? How vertical are they? Can I jump around like a crazy monkey shooting arrows left and right?
The game now features a lot more verticality. Fall damage has been removed and players can now climb buildings and jump from rooftop to rooftop to completely blindside
their opponents. Assassination side quests can, for example, be completed extremely quickly by combining Lo Wang's agility and his new sneaking ninpo. Not all maps are
this way though.
I hate those wacky numbers when I hit someone. Can I disable that? Actually can I disable the whole HUD if I want to take some scenic shots?
Yes you can do both. The HUD can be customise and even the FOV can be changed.
Shadow Warrior 2 now also features a 4 player coop option that allows players to team up and play both the campaign and the side missions together. Coop multiplayer
allows players to customise their characters including gender and weapon and armour skins. Coop on pc is only available through online. It is, however, possible for
GOG and Steam players to play together.
Since the game isn't released yet then pretty much all of the images and videos online are of the older versions of the game so remember that these don't represent the final
game. Once the game releases I will update this section with proper media.
Angry Joe's gameplay session
On the 13th of October the game will be released on PCs but a console port is planned for early 2017.
Below are links to trusted sites where you can buy the game.
| Price: 36.99€ / $39.99| Steam | GOG | Devolver store
There is also a special edition available with a soundtrack, cosmetic items and a digital artbook for 46.96€ / $52.39.
Laced Records is offering a limited run of Shadow Warrior 2 OST vinyls, you can buy them here.
Official Wang site here
PC performance thread
Be sure to check out the original Shadow Warrior and Shadow Warrior 2013 too! The Redux of the original contains all the DLC and the 2013 remake is on 90% discount
quite often on Steam.
There are 6 ancient Chinese secrets somewhere in this OT (5 of them are links and one is hidden in text), and a booby trap. There is one rule though, don't use the quote
function to find them. If you do, you are a scumbag and you know it. The first person who discovers all 6 ancient Chinese secrets and PMs me what they are will get a
multiplayer kunoichi costume dlc steam code :)
The code has been claimed by CrunchyFrog!
OT approved by More_Badass "Looks good!"