
They get really into it around the 30-31 min mark if you want to skip.
So I only knew her from the 4chan skeletor memes and such... But this is a very interesting story about eating disorders and fame or being a content creator.
Many people thought she may have died... But she seems to be taking steps in the right direction. Such a strange topic and something im pretty ignorant about. Give it a watch, what did you think?
Good info about eating disorders.
As someone with issues of my own I know the hardest step can be admitting you have a problem.
Shanes video (at this time) has 499,000 views and 430,000 likes.
*She lives in a Mob house apparently LMAO (just watch)
**Its really cute how she mentioned PewDiePie being a Youtuber that was kind to her. And fans. Don't let them haters keep you down sister fisters!
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