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Nintendo’s creative leader, Shigeru Miyamoto, has reiterated he has no plans to retire from the company.
At 71-years-old, Miyamoto is now in retirement age. However, he has previously insisted he’s not considering ending his career in the near future.
Speaking to The Guardian in a new interview, the Nintendo director again discussed his plans for the future, stating, “more so than retiring, I’m thinking about the day I fall over”.
He added: “In this day and age you have to think about things in a five-year timespan, so I do think about who I can pass things on to, in case something does happen.
“I’m really thankful that there is so much energy around things that I have worked on. These are things that have already gone out into the world … they’ve been cultivated by others, other people have been raising them, helping them grow, so in that sense I don’t feel too much ownership over them any more.”