Hello NeoGAF!
Today we are releasing an update to the site's Giveaway functionality. With this update, users can now give away their own game keys by generating their own site giveaways! Here's how it works:
From the giveaways tab on the left hand side, select "Create a giveaway"
Once you're there you'll be given a series of questions to answer about what you're giving away, what gaming platform your key is for, and how long you'd like the giveaway to take place (3 days, 7 days, or 14 days).
Just enter the information that the form is asking for by filling out the various text fields and drop down menus
When you hit the Submit button, the system will validate the information you entered. If you've entered something wrong, the system will let you know and you'll have the opportunity to correct it. Once the validation process is complete, you'll (hopefully) see this
Which means your giveaway has been successfully created and is now live! Every GAF user will now be able to see and enter the giveaway you created. Exciting!
When the giveaway timer finishes, the system will automatically draw a winner from the pool of users that entered, and will PM the winner with their game key. Now you're a hero.
There might even be some secret site achievements for winning a giveaway, or creating one!
Please remember to follow these guidelines when creating a giveaway:
Today we are releasing an update to the site's Giveaway functionality. With this update, users can now give away their own game keys by generating their own site giveaways! Here's how it works:
From the giveaways tab on the left hand side, select "Create a giveaway"

Once you're there you'll be given a series of questions to answer about what you're giving away, what gaming platform your key is for, and how long you'd like the giveaway to take place (3 days, 7 days, or 14 days).

Just enter the information that the form is asking for by filling out the various text fields and drop down menus

When you hit the Submit button, the system will validate the information you entered. If you've entered something wrong, the system will let you know and you'll have the opportunity to correct it. Once the validation process is complete, you'll (hopefully) see this

Which means your giveaway has been successfully created and is now live! Every GAF user will now be able to see and enter the giveaway you created. Exciting!

When the giveaway timer finishes, the system will automatically draw a winner from the pool of users that entered, and will PM the winner with their game key. Now you're a hero.

There might even be some secret site achievements for winning a giveaway, or creating one!
Please remember to follow these guidelines when creating a giveaway:
- Giveaways are site-wide and your name will be shown to everyone for the sake of accountability. Don't be a dick and please only create giveaways in good faith.
- If a moderator finds a user that's abusing the giveaway system (constantly giving invalid or illegal keys, etc) then your giveaway creation privileges may be revoked. Excessive or egregious abuse may result in a site-wide ban.
- NeoGAF isn't responsible for the content or validity of user-generated giveaways. If something isn't working correctly, please PM the giveaway creator directly to try and work it out.
- Currently the system is designed for Steam keys but you can also choose "Xbox", "Playstation", or "Other" as your giveaway category. Right now, any of these selections will load placeholder art. We're working on updating that soon.
- We have a lot of additional functionality planned (sorting and filtering options, pagination, Steam account syncing to show whether you own a game that's being given away, etc) so please be patient with us.
- Now that giveaways can be created by anyone at any time, be sure to check back often to see what's new!
- Above all else, remember to have fun and do your best to help spread the love of gaming to others!