
Sledgehammer was once working on an Uncharted-inspired third-person Call of Duty game, which promised a “brutal war experience”.
Speaking in an interview, former Sledgehammer Games Senior Creative Director, Bret Robbins, revealed that the studio had once been working on a third-person Call of Duty title that was inspired by Naughty Dog’s Uncharted series. He added that this was the very first Call of Duty project that Sledgehammer Games had been working on.

Robbins mentioned that the development team had made a prototype for the project, and that he thought it was fun. He hoped that it would get revisited some day, so that the game could be made. According to him, the idea behind the game was to have a gritty, brutal, third-person war experience. However, the studio didn’t go far with the project. It didn’t even go so far as to map out what the whole game was going to be. It was ultimately an experiment that was scrapped, as the development team was moved to work on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

Sledgehammer's Uncharted-Inspired 3rd Person Call Of Duty Game Promised A "Brutal War Experience"
Sledgehammer was once working on an Uncharted-inspired third-person Call of Duty game, which promised a "brutal war experience".