"Protestors armed with tiki torches and confederate flags take to the streets of South Park. Randy comes to grips with what it means to be white in today's society," according to the episode's description.
White nationalists made recent headlines after a protester at one of their rallies in Charlottesville was killed and numerous others were injured.
South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone told The Hollywood Reporter they hoped to return to more traditional one-off storylines with the kids this season, rather than get too heavy with politics, which inadvertently happened last year after they decided to make Mr. Garrison a Donald Trump- like character, which as was done because it was assumed Hillary Clinton would the elected president.
Parker said he liked that Cartman got a girlfriend last season and that might stick, but it looks like Member Berries may be done.
South Park season 21 premieres Sept. 13.