
SpaceX's Falcon 9 is scheduled to launch at in a window between 00:27 and 02:57 EST (05:27 and 07:57 UTC) on Tuesday. This is the third launch of Falcon 9 in 2017, and the 31st launch of Falcon 9.
What is the mission?
Falcon 9 v1.2 will launch from Kennedy Space Center pad LC-39A to send Echostar 23 into a geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) for Echostar Corporation, a premier global provider of satellite and video delivery solutions.
Is there going to be an attempted first stage landing?
No, not this time. Echostar 23 is a heavy satellite, with a payload mass of 5500kg. This, in combination with the GTO requirement means there wont be sufficient fuel left for any landing. This means SpaceX will be using an expendable version of Falcon 9 v1.2.
Expendable? This seem so strange!
It does, doesnt it? You wont see any landing legs or grid fins on this first stage. There should only be a couple of more "expendable" launches as the next version of Falcon 9, Block 4, should have enough efficiencies to land such a mission in the future. It seems such a waste, which is really quite something given the progress SpaceX has made into making reusability a thing.
Where can I watch the launch?
As usual, you can watch SpaceX's coverage on Youtube with the Hosted Webcast or the Technical Webcast.