Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


Source (Niche Gamer)

A new Steam curator is making it their mission to warn gamers if Sweet Baby Inc. has been involved in a game’s development.

For those who don’t know, Sweet Baby Inc. is a narrative consultation company that offers a variety of services including:

  • Writing: “Cinematics, Dialogue, UI/UX writing, Barks, Copywriting, Etc”
  • Narrative: “Story pitches, World Building, Character Creation, Narrative Design, Story Feedback and Tweaks, and more”
  • Representation: “Cultural Consultation, Sensitivity And Inclusivity Reading, Risk and Opportunities Assessment, and more”
  • Development: “Full-scale Game Development and Interactive Fiction”
The curator uses proof of the company’s involvement retrieved either through credits uploaded to YouTube or from Sweet Baby’s website directly. You can check out the Sweet Baby Inc detected curator here.

The curator is by no means a comprehensive list, and Sweet Baby has claimed to be involved with dozens of companies, including:

  • Xbox Game Studios
  • Electronic Arts
  • Valve
  • Santa Monica Studios
  • Tru Luv
  • 2K
  • Polytron
  • Wizards of the Coast
  • Square Enix
  • Ubisoft
  • Raw Fury
  • Compulsion Games
  • and more
While narrative consulting isn’t an unusual service to offer, critics of Sweet Baby are concerned that the company is more concerned with pushing their own ideological goals than with the quality of the product or its reception by fans.


Good. The mess of cringe social justice statements trying to pass as organic character dialogue throughout Spider-man 2 is something I never want to support. Thankfully it was bundled with my PS5. On the initiative it is probably better to focus on specific games that use Sweet Baby Inc instead of the massive developers as a whole like EA and XGS, but there is so much rot in western studios any way.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I don't understand, Why is this being done and why should I be informed?
Anyone can be a curator, this might as well be saying "gafer makes thread to list games that sweet baby was involved with". Basically even lower than "forbes contributor writes..." etc. The reason it's posted is because folks hope the curator gets enough followers or whatever for the industry to #care.

Basically, cancel culture.

Would be funny if it does get many followers but the uptick of wishlists for games added increases.
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Source (Niche Gamer)

A new Steam curator is making it their mission to warn gamers if Sweet Baby Inc. has been involved in a game’s development.

For those who don’t know, Sweet Baby Inc. is a narrative consultation company that offers a variety of services including:

  • Writing: “Cinematics, Dialogue, UI/UX writing, Barks, Copywriting, Etc”
  • Narrative: “Story pitches, World Building, Character Creation, Narrative Design, Story Feedback and Tweaks, and more”
  • Representation: “Cultural Consultation, Sensitivity And Inclusivity Reading, Risk and Opportunities Assessment, and more”
  • Development: “Full-scale Game Development and Interactive Fiction”
The curator uses proof of the company’s involvement retrieved either through credits uploaded to YouTube or from Sweet Baby’s website directly. You can check out the Sweet Baby Inc detected curator here.

The curator is by no means a comprehensive list, and Sweet Baby has claimed to be involved with dozens of companies, including:

  • Xbox Game Studios
  • Electronic Arts
  • Valve
  • Santa Monica Studios
  • Tru Luv
  • 2K
  • Polytron
  • Wizards of the Coast
  • Square Enix
  • Ubisoft
  • Raw Fury
  • Compulsion Games
  • and more
While narrative consulting isn’t an unusual service to offer, critics of Sweet Baby are concerned that the company is more concerned with pushing their own ideological goals than with the quality of the product or its reception by fans.
I mean if the wokeys are allowed to create stuff that follows ruins and dox's streamers because they dared to play hogwarts then surely it's fair to have a curator that only warns about sweet baby influence and doesn't do anything else but inform


By the way I wouldn't physically follow them if I was any of you. The era crowd are mentally unwell and they will use any bit of evidence they can to ruin your life. Even following a curator on steam informing about woke shit.
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
This isnt just a Steam thing......Insomniac and (i believe) Naughty Dog also use these blue haired freaks too. Insomniac did for sure with Spiderman 2 and is also doing so with Wolverine.
Lol, they're probably made up of Naughty Dog ex-employees.
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I just find the way Sweet Baby talk about representation, inclusion and sensibility stuff really phony and gross...
My opposition is not even due to "woke", is just gross.

It's much more beautiful to me, when diversity is born out of pure artistic intention (Final Fantasy 9, for example) from the developers themselves.

(Edit: Picture for reference)

Then a external hand, just doing it to check boxes on a notepad.

Also, arts capacity of shocking you, of making you squirm, has value.
And is something that is lost with all of this.

Remember when Final Fantasy 16 mention of sexual abuse towards (If I'm not mistaken) children was removed by localization?
It wasn't portrayed in a good light, a VILLAIN did that.

There was an artistic intention with that, for the writer, that was lost in localization, because it's insensitive.

Sweet Baby is very much anti-art and creativity.

Diversity and inclusion has to be born out of pure artistic intention. Not external hands.
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Not really newsworthy. There's a Steam Curator for all kinds of shit. Search LGBT and there's several for that theme. Search for titties and find some more. There's legit curators and meme curators. This is just another one in the machine.
I just find the way Sweet Baby talk about representation, inclusion and sensibility stuff really phony and gross...
My opposition is not even due to "woke", is just gross.

It's much more beautiful to me, diversity born out of pure artistic intention (Final Fantasy 9, for example) from the developers themselves.

Then a external hand, just doing it to check boxes on a notepad.

Also, arts capacity of shocking you, of making you squirm, has value.
And is something that is lost with all of this.

Remember when Final Fantasy 16 mention of sexual abuse towards (If I'm not mistaken) children was removed by localization?
It wasn't portrayed in a good light, a VILLAIN did that.

There was an artistic intention with that, for the writer, that was lost in localization, because it's insensitive.

Sweet Baby is very much anti-art and creativity.

Diversity and inclusion has to born out of pure artistic intention. Not external hands.
Exactly this. If your inclusion and diversity is being forced by an outside 3rd party, it is no longer sincere. These elements should be born from the intention of the creators, not to check boxes.
Source (Niche Gamer)

A new Steam curator is making it their mission to warn gamers if Sweet Baby Inc. has been involved in a game’s development.

For those who don’t know, Sweet Baby Inc. is a narrative consultation company that offers a variety of services including:

  • Writing: “Cinematics, Dialogue, UI/UX writing, Barks, Copywriting, Etc”
  • Narrative: “Story pitches, World Building, Character Creation, Narrative Design, Story Feedback and Tweaks, and more”
  • Representation: “Cultural Consultation, Sensitivity And Inclusivity Reading, Risk and Opportunities Assessment, and more”
  • Development: “Full-scale Game Development and Interactive Fiction”
The curator uses proof of the company’s involvement retrieved either through credits uploaded to YouTube or from Sweet Baby’s website directly. You can check out the Sweet Baby Inc detected curator here.

The curator is by no means a comprehensive list, and Sweet Baby has claimed to be involved with dozens of companies, including:

  • Xbox Game Studios
  • Electronic Arts
  • Valve
  • Santa Monica Studios
  • Tru Luv
  • 2K
  • Polytron
  • Wizards of the Coast
  • Square Enix
  • Ubisoft
  • Raw Fury
  • Compulsion Games
  • and more
While narrative consulting isn’t an unusual service to offer, critics of Sweet Baby are concerned that the company is more concerned with pushing their own ideological goals than with the quality of the product or its reception by fans.
Instantly subscribed. Fucking brain rot peddlers...
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