Sidney Prescott
Unconfirmed Member

Welcome to the GAF Steam OT!
This is a Community thread for all things relating to Valve's Steam. Use this thread to discuss games you've played, sales, add new friends or ponder over the next game pick-up. Anything goes! (Gaben memes encouraged)
There isn't many!
- Discuss Steam stuff obviously!
- Be civil. Let's keep the console hate out of here. We're all gamers here, none of that master race stuff!

While you are here, be sure to check out the official NewGAF Steam Group and send in a membership request. The more the merrier. Please be patient as

Steam Community :: Group :: NewGAF
GAF Steam ID's:
Below are the links to profiles of GAF users which you can add. I won't add anyone here without them approving first, so let me know if you want to be added. I'll add mine as an introduction.