Critically endangered, the Sumatran rhino is the smallest of the five extant species. They also have red/brown fur! They're threatened by habitat encroachment and poaching. As always.
From the International Rhino Foundation:
There are fewer Javan rhinos, but their population appears to have stabilized. The Sumatran rhino is most endangered since their population has decreased more than 50% over the last 20 years.
As part of conservation efforts, a few have been born in captivity.
Save for two females captured in 2011 and 2014 for captive breeding programs, Malaysia has not seen a Sumatran rhinoceros in the wild since 2007. Now scientists have asserted that the animal is extinct in the wild there.
The sad conclusion is documented in the conservation journal Oryx by a team of scientists led by the University of Copenhagen's Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate.
The picture is grim for the Sumatran rhino, according to the researchers. It once ranged across much of Southeast Asia, but now its numbers have shrunk to about 100 left in the wild in Indonesia and nine others that are safeguarded in captivity.
From the International Rhino Foundation:

There are fewer Javan rhinos, but their population appears to have stabilized. The Sumatran rhino is most endangered since their population has decreased more than 50% over the last 20 years.
As part of conservation efforts, a few have been born in captivity.
"Andalas" (Cincinnati Zoo) was the first to be born in captivity in over a century.
"Harapan" (Cincinnati Zoo) and his mother "Emi" (passed away)
"Andatu" (Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary).