strange headache

I can't believe why nobody was talking about this great show or how I couldn't find anything about it here on GAF, but you absolutely need to get on it, right now! Taboo is a raw, vicious and brutal history piece about a guy called James Delaney, a half-mad adventurer who returns to England after having inherited a strategic piece of land that is both contested by the King, the East India Company and the fledgling United States.
Now don't let yourself be turned away by the plot synopsis and the somewhat slow start. Taboo is something to be experienced, if only for Tom Hardy's intense screen presence. As the title of the show suggests, raw violence, exorcism, prostitution, incest, rape, slavery and yes... even cannibalism are woven into the show's intriguing and smartly written storyline. It is certainly not for the faint hearted, but Taboo handles these heavy subjects really well as it paints its stark and uncaring world full of human vice, greed and corruption.
Tom Hardy's main role leans heavily on the mythological figure of the woodwose or wild man, a beastly yet cunningly smart creature that roams outside of social conventions. James Delaney is an insanely intimidating character, who hides a chillingly calculating personae behind a brutish and feral façade. With his ever-present hat, long coat and heavy step he keeps grunting at innocent bystanders and threatening “extreme violence” to almost everyone. Tom Hardy plays the role to perfection, very similar to his previous movie Bronson.
Don't go into this looking for historical accuracy though. Taboo is like a vivid fever dream, stuffed full of hallucinations, raw emotion, brilliant dialogues and spiritual elements that never quite come into focus. It is just a brilliant 8-part series that so far is unfortunately limited to a single season. A second season was announced in 2017, but so far nothing has really materialized. Don't let that deter you though as the first season remains a fully satisfying experience.
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