
The new NXTWEAR V Together with two controls, all of this has a spatial positioning system and will transmit the movements of your hands to the virtual environment, in addition to the change of point of view when you turn your head.
At the moment they are not for sale but We have already been able to try them on. They are comfortable, they weigh little and a priori, we could spend hours with them.
We have been able to play with a PC that they had as a demo and also as a viewer on a Steam Deck. The feeling is very similar to what you have with the HTC Vive Pro 2 or the latest Oculus when it comes to immersion.
Most of the specs were revealed in this thread, it seems that it has been renamed. The also made the headset smaller and more rounded than the original showing so that's a good sign.
But there's more to discover so as more journalists reports on the exhibit Ill add the new impressions and the new info about the headset and the controllers.
It appears to be XR and not just a VR headset.
Apparently the people who tried ot found it to be light and comfortable enough for hours of play. The device is standalone and appears to be PC and Steamdeck compatible, and has a spatial positioning system to help get your bearings in your play space.
We will have to wait for more info as MWC continues. TCL aims to make this headset affordable in pricing I've seen $400-$500 thrown around but nothing from TCL yet, although they did admit that while this is a next-generation headset, at the previous announcement they did say they wanted a price in the area of the Quest for accessibility. They'll probably try to get as close as possible. Probably won't go above PSVR2 and will match it as the ceiling.