Flying Wonkey
Taken from the Super Nova Fukushima twitter. They mentioned that they're receiving the game and will be making it available for people to play on February 18 which is less then a month from now. Super Nova Fukushima is an arcade that will receive the game the fastest apparently.
This release of the game is being considered a 'pre-launch' version by Harada and the full 'launch' version of the game is expected to be out in March.
This release of the game is being considered a 'pre-launch' version by Harada and the full 'launch' version of the game is expected to be out in March.
「鉄拳7」2/18入荷決定‼ 福島県内最速での入荷になります。 いち早く「鉄拳7」をプレイしたいなら、スーパーノバ福島店へ