Victor Omega

This is the Phanpy (elephant) in the room, one that we all know is true yet still hope and dream of the possibility: a true Open World, interconnected region, MMO like Mainline Pokemon game.
But two things (actually three things (actually let say the third thing now as it will eventually get brought up: Nintendo Hardware philosophy.) ) make this an impossible venture.
- GameFreak is not capable of making such a game. Not yet, anyway.
- Animation in 3D - they have moved to 3D rendered games but have not fully grasped 3D animation. The sheer level of creating over 1000+ unique animations for every pokemon in 3D would take not only years but decades. (think about all the different creatures in CAPCOM's Monster Hunter Franchise, then make all the reskin and variation have their own unique animation set. This is pokemon.
- Connected Regions - Without massive help from other studios, Gamefreak does not have the team to develop a connected region world.
- Stylized or Realitlistic - this is the main problem with the current Pokemon: they are trying to do both. Stylized graphic with realistic texture. Games from Level-5 like Yokai Watch and Ni no Kuni, have all captured the art style pokemon should be using. Pokemon should be taking color-grading from its own anime, yet current Pokemon games use wash-out color palettes.
- Such a game breaks what has made the franchise what it is today.
- Pokemon games are not a Service - Pokemon is designed to sell hardware, Nintendo Hardware. annually. Such a dream game would break that trend and revenue.
- Rule of two / Exclusive - Pokemon is designed in such a way that to obtain every pokemon, the player must have to trade. Trade from different version of games. This Dream Pokemon break that formula if the player can move from region to region in one games.
at the end of the day, It will take Games freak years to fully develop such a games. But to do so, will require not only the capability of their devs but their own desire in risking dismantling a 25 year gaming formula that is untouched in the industry. (10 million units in the first three days)
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