
Developed by: Nintendo EPD / Grezzo
Published by: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Release Dates: October 22, 2015 (JP) / October 23, 2015 (NA/PAL)
Genre: Zelda-style Cooperative Dungeon Crawling
Stereoscopic 3D: Yes
New Nintendo 3DS enhanced: Yes (C-stick pans the camera around)
amiibo support: No.
Miiverse Integration: Yes (posting your stylish clothes as Miiverse Stamps)
SpotPass: Yes (updates crafting materials available at the shop)
Save slots: One
Multiplayer: 3 players via local wireless, online (region locked), and (single copy) download play.
Multiplayer modes: cooperative (main game) / competitive (battle arena)
eShop download file size: 8,200 blocks (roughly 1GB)
DLC: Yes, via free update (update size: 1,100 blocks [roughly 141MB])

The princess of Hytopia got cursed, can't wear fancy clothes anymore. Three adventurers who look like the great hero assemble to deal with the royal fashion crisis. Off you go.

If cooperation is key, then coordination is the keyhole (yikes, that analogy was terrible). Unlike in Four Swords, you have to move each Link individually in singleplayer as the Links you are not controlling are immobile husks until you switch to them. In multiplayer you communicate with your teammates via icons on the touch screen to coordinate and solve dungeons.
The game's main mechanic is the Totem maneuver, which lets you stack all three Links on top of each other to reach higher places or hit out of reach enemies or objects.
There is no world exploration in this game, it's strictly Zelda dungeon crawling, puzzle solving and fighting. You pick a mission in Hytopia and then enter one of eight zones in the Drablands with 32 dungeons (split in four levels) total. Completing a dungeon nets you rare materials that you can use to craft new costumes (dungeons can be replayed at any time). Before entering a dungeon, you get to pick an item for each Link from a preset selection that is suitable for that particular dungeon.
Item List:
Fire Gloves
Gust Jar
Water Rod
Drablands Challenge:
After beating all an area dungeons in an area, players can take on an additional challenge by activating the Drabland Challenge for a dungeon. These include finishing a dungeon with fewer hearts or being limited to specific items. This increases your chance of receiving better rewards.

In multiplayer, everyone shares a lifebar. One player gets hit, everyone loses a heart. So trolling is a bad idea. Cooperation and coordination are of the utmost importance. Unless you hate everyone. You coordinate by communicating directives via the preset icons on the touch screen.

You can play locally either via wireless play with everyone having a copy or make use of the single-cart download play support where only one player needs the game to play with two friends. You can also play online with friends or random players. However, online play is locked by region (EU+AU / JP / NA). The key thing is, you HAVE to have three human players to play multiplayer. You cannot play with two humans and one CPU, for example. Thus, if you only have one partner to play with online, you'll have to fill one spot with a random player. If a player drops out during a session for whatever reason, the remaining players can look for another player to replace them or end the session. You also cannot mix local + online players.
There's also an additional battle arena mode called Coliseum, reminiscent of the StreetPass feature in A Link Between Worlds. Here, players can face off against each other (either simple 1v1 or 1v1v1) in eight arenas with their costumes and fight to win sought after materials not found anywhere else. The Coliseum is not accessible with Download Play, every player needs their own copy of the game.

You can outfit your Link with ability-enhancing costumes before entering a dungeon. by collecting materials earned from completing dungeons or by simply buying them from the market in Hytopia (they get updated via SpotPass), you can get more costumes from Madame Couture's shop. That's this wild old lady, by the way.
Costume List
- Heroe's Tunic: standard outfit
- Timeless Tunic: Blocky Link, 8bit music
- Tri Suit: combined effects of Lucky Loungewear and Energy Gear if all three Links wear it
- Goron Garb: Fire resistant
- Zora Costume: Can swim super fast
- Kokiri Clothes: Can shoot three arrows
- Legendary Dress: Increased heart drops by enemies
- Big Bomb Outfit: Bigger bombs!
- Lucky Loungewear: Increased chance of dodging enemy attacks
- Cheetah Costume: Move faster
- Cacto Clothes: Enemies who touch you will take damage
- Fire Blazer: Shoots three fireballs from Fire Gloves (one big, two normal ones)
- Dapper Spinner Kit: perform a spin attack by pressing B three times
- Jack of Hearts: Gain an extra heart container
- Queen of Hearts: Gain three extra heart container
- Boomeranger: Boomerangs damage enemies (not just a stun!) and pass through them
- Cozy Parka: No more slipperiness on ice
- Tingle Tights: Gives you three balloon that save you from falling into pits once per balloon
- The Serpent's Toga: Turn into invulnerable stone when standing still
- Dunewalker Duds: Quicksand won't bother you anymore
- Gust Garb: Make gusts go farther
- Light Armor: You emit light
- Ninja Gi: Dash attack with 3x damage
- Bear Minimum: Double health loss. -1 Heart Container.
- Torrent Robe: Doubles the radius of the Water Rod.
- Energy Gear: Increases your energy gauge by 50%.
- Hammerwear: bigger Hammer, bigger shock wave and double dmg, faster swing.
- Sword Suit: shoot sword beams at full health. Double damage
- Sword Master: Doubles attack power and range, shoots a sword beam at full health.
- Rupee Regalia: Doubles the amount of Rupees found in the wild.
- Showstopper: Draws enemies' attention to you and you alone.
- Robowear: Improves the Gripshot's speed and power.
- Spin Attack Attire: Allows you to perform a much larger Spin Attack by holding B!
- Cheer Outfit: Increases the energy gauge of your teammates by 50%.
- Lady's Ensemble: Gives you an extra Heart Container, and increases Hearts' drop rate.
- Cursed Tights: Even luckier than the Lucky Loungewear, but you receive double damage!
- Linebeck's Uniform: Lets you see inside treasure chests before you open them.
- Fierce Deity Armor: Shoots beams in four directions.

Friendship Tokens:
Playing the game cooperatively in local play or via download play, you will get a chance to earn exclusive Friendship Tokens that let you craft two special costumes. This is not available for online play.
UPDATE: From version 2.0.0., you will be able to buy Friendship Tokens at the market, too.

Update 2.0.0.
Ver. 2.0.0 [Releasing12/02/15]
Version 2.0.0
Click here for more information on the Den of Trials and new costumes.
- Den of Trials will be added.
- Over 30 stages will be unlocked in the Den of Trials (each one goes progressively deeper underground).
- 2 new outfits will be added.
Linebeck's Uniform: Lets you see inside treasure chests before you open them.
Fierce Deity Armor: Shoots beams in four directions.- These will be unlocked after clearing certain requirements in the game.
- A new method for obtaining Friendly Tokens will be added.
- Friendly Tokens can be obtained from the street vendor after Princess Stylas curse has been lifted.
- Miiverse stamps will be added.
- Players with similar styles of play will be matched up (teamed up) more frequently during online play.
- Users will be matched up with other players based on their answers to a series of questions prior to being matched up.
- Users will be able to add other users to their blacklist if they exit the game through the pause menu during the game.
- After their teammate exits the game, users will be able to add them to their blacklist by tapping the teammates Hero Panel and pressing the A (or B) button before saving the game.
- Adjustments will also be made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.
Software update 2.1.0: December 22nd 2015
- Adds a new feature, hero points, that helps with progression through the game
- Collecting hero points adds effects to the Bear Minimum Digs outfit, and you can also receive materials to create outfits you dont have from the Street Merchant
- Hero points can be obtained by:
- Completing a bonus challenge or a level that you did not select during online play
- Completing a level (regardless of what level or bonus challenge) in Local Play or Download Play
- Introduces additional enhancements to improve the users experience and enjoyment

Watch Eiji Aonuma play Tri Force Heroes and yell at development staff
Watch Eiji Aonuma (in cosplay) and Hiromasa Shikata (Game Director) play Tri Force Heroes with Japanese players during the online demo
Watch musicians record the Tri Force Heroes Main Theme (harmonica hype!)
Official NA site
Official EU Site
Review Thread

3DS friend code exchange:
I think it should be best to do it in a spreadsheet style on google docs.
Each region gets their own spread sheet
Like so(quote to show):
North America
if people want to use them
Hi everyone I create the Splatoon discord voice chat server and made a small section for Tri Force Heroes. I have been playing lately and the time challenges can be difficult without voice chat. I am hoping this voice chat server can help some fellow warriors. It is simple to use, click on the invite link and download which best suits you, Android, iphone or desktop app.
The below thread has all the info on what Discord is and Iphone, Android and desktop application links.
Please quote to see the Discord invitation
Thank you.