Update 2: "Tapes," CDi viral marketing, and complaints about game journalists and graphics
Up. 3: Sexism, Seattle Mariners, EGM sucks, SNES versus Genesis
Up. 4: Super FX chips, Jaguar vs. 3DO
Up. 5: Battle Arena Toshinden > Panzer Dragoon, technology moving too fast, SNES CD
Up. 6: Star Fox, death of fighting games in 1993, SNES CD a hoax, more Sega vs. Nintendo
Up. 7: People are mad at Jeff Gerstmann's opinions
Up. 8: Victor Ireland, Dreamcast hopes and dreams
Up. 9: Conspiracy theories, dark times ahead for Sega
Up. 10: PS2's jaggies, people continue to be mad at Jeff Gerstmann
Up. 11: Really, really mad at Jeff Gerstmann
Up. 12: PS3 will win, PS2/XBOX/GC will all lose
Up. 13: Goodbye, Dreamcast
Up. 14: Game Boy is doomed, Zelda is kiddy, Metroid is being ruined by Americans
Up. 15: Mac and Amiga fans were hardcore
Up. 16: 3DO fans give their modest opinions on all other systems
Up. 17: PC Gaming: Dead Since 1992, and the Nintendo/Sega conspiracy to kill Atari
Up. 18: Atari 2600 reviews, Custer's Revenge
Up. 19: Street Fighter hatemail 1992-style, Sheng Long
Up. 20: Street Fighter is doomed, what on earth is "Mortal Kombat"?
Up. 21: FFVII on PSX, Squaresoft are traitors, how to revive General Leo
Up. 22: Ultra 64 will win because of Squaresoft, Ultra 64 delayed, Ultra 64 will lose because of Squaresoft
Up. 23: StarFox and Sega, Game mags complaints, EA and Nintendo, Sega censorship, Sega CD apologetics
Up. 24: That racist GameFan review, PSX launch impressions, N64 news, PSX won't have JRPGs
Up. 25: Zelda III isn't good, SNES graphics are disappointing, Too many sequels
Up. 26: Saturn vs PSX graphics, PS2 vs. Dreamcast graphics, PC gaming will die in 2001
Up. 27: PS2 speculation from Sega fans, PC Game Feel, Microsoft should make a console
Up. 28: Late 2001 was the worst
Up. 29: IGN is in MS's pocket and the President of Nintendo should step down
Up. 30: Iwata warns about low priced software and chasing advanced tech, cool JPEGs and Quicktime videos, and OoT isn't perfect because of no multiplayer
Up. 31: Death of the 3DO, biased magazines
Up. 32: Slow SNES, early SNES impressions, EGM advertorials, why early 90s games are inferior, fragmented market and HDTVs by the mid-90s
Up. 33: The future, Street Fighter, more slowdown, Japanese vs. American creativity
Up. 36: Paid mods
Up. 37: Nintendo delays a console
Up. 38 Part 1: More N64 Delays Part 2: 64DD Delays
Up. 39 Part 1: PSX vs Saturn, Saturn surprise launch is a good idea Part 2
Up. 40: 32X, CES miscellany, Does Sega have an internet address
CES/E3 Special 1
Part 2
Part 3
32-bit Predictions; Part 4
Part 5; Diablo previews
Stumpokapow request: Game Boy launch, Virtual Boy launch
Nintendo has a strangehold (8/5/89)
Psychology of a Good Game (11/10/89)
Nintendo Anti-Trust Investigation Announced
Nintendo vs. SEGA genesis (12/3/1989)
The Absolute WORST games on NES (major update)
Beware all Lynxs owners. (2/8/90)
What happened to the good old games? (11/3/90)
What is with Nintendo? (12/19/90)
NES Hardware and Nintendo's Future (12/20/90)
GameBoy is dead (7/22/93)
There's a shit ton more to look through. Good Lord, it's like looking into a mirror.
(it's funny because in early 1990 it EXPLODES with posts fawning over the glory of the ATARI LYNX, NEXT GENERATION GAMING IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND)
Up. 3: Sexism, Seattle Mariners, EGM sucks, SNES versus Genesis
Up. 4: Super FX chips, Jaguar vs. 3DO
Up. 5: Battle Arena Toshinden > Panzer Dragoon, technology moving too fast, SNES CD
Up. 6: Star Fox, death of fighting games in 1993, SNES CD a hoax, more Sega vs. Nintendo
Up. 7: People are mad at Jeff Gerstmann's opinions
Up. 8: Victor Ireland, Dreamcast hopes and dreams
Up. 9: Conspiracy theories, dark times ahead for Sega
Up. 10: PS2's jaggies, people continue to be mad at Jeff Gerstmann
Up. 11: Really, really mad at Jeff Gerstmann
Up. 12: PS3 will win, PS2/XBOX/GC will all lose
Up. 13: Goodbye, Dreamcast
Up. 14: Game Boy is doomed, Zelda is kiddy, Metroid is being ruined by Americans
Up. 15: Mac and Amiga fans were hardcore
Up. 16: 3DO fans give their modest opinions on all other systems
Up. 17: PC Gaming: Dead Since 1992, and the Nintendo/Sega conspiracy to kill Atari
Up. 18: Atari 2600 reviews, Custer's Revenge
Up. 19: Street Fighter hatemail 1992-style, Sheng Long
Up. 20: Street Fighter is doomed, what on earth is "Mortal Kombat"?
Up. 21: FFVII on PSX, Squaresoft are traitors, how to revive General Leo
Up. 22: Ultra 64 will win because of Squaresoft, Ultra 64 delayed, Ultra 64 will lose because of Squaresoft
Up. 23: StarFox and Sega, Game mags complaints, EA and Nintendo, Sega censorship, Sega CD apologetics
Up. 24: That racist GameFan review, PSX launch impressions, N64 news, PSX won't have JRPGs
Up. 25: Zelda III isn't good, SNES graphics are disappointing, Too many sequels
Up. 26: Saturn vs PSX graphics, PS2 vs. Dreamcast graphics, PC gaming will die in 2001
Up. 27: PS2 speculation from Sega fans, PC Game Feel, Microsoft should make a console
Up. 28: Late 2001 was the worst
Up. 29: IGN is in MS's pocket and the President of Nintendo should step down
Up. 30: Iwata warns about low priced software and chasing advanced tech, cool JPEGs and Quicktime videos, and OoT isn't perfect because of no multiplayer
Up. 31: Death of the 3DO, biased magazines
Up. 32: Slow SNES, early SNES impressions, EGM advertorials, why early 90s games are inferior, fragmented market and HDTVs by the mid-90s
Up. 33: The future, Street Fighter, more slowdown, Japanese vs. American creativity
Up. 36: Paid mods
Up. 37: Nintendo delays a console
Up. 38 Part 1: More N64 Delays Part 2: 64DD Delays
Up. 39 Part 1: PSX vs Saturn, Saturn surprise launch is a good idea Part 2
Up. 40: 32X, CES miscellany, Does Sega have an internet address
CES/E3 Special 1
Part 2
Part 3
32-bit Predictions; Part 4
Part 5; Diablo previews
Stumpokapow request: Game Boy launch, Virtual Boy launch
Nintendo has a strangehold (8/5/89)
>Since Nintendo controls the chips that ALL (except Tengen games)
>carts must have, they essentially have a monopoly on what games
>eventually make it to market. Along with the exclusive licensing
>agreements for games distributed in the USA, as long as Nintendo
>can control production of ALL game carts, there will be shortages
>of certain games.
Nintendo isn't stopping at just control of the production of the
games, they are also working on control of the distribution.
In the August 5th San Francisco Chronicle there was a news brief
about a new lawsuit filed by Nintendo. I don't have the paper with
me, but here's a summary:
Nintendo has filed suit against Blockbuster Video to prevent them
from *renting* out NES cartridges. The basis for the suit is that
Blockbuster xeroxes the instruction manual for each game, so
Nintendo is going after them for copyright violation.
They've been trying to stop video shops from renting the cartridges
for quite a while. This tactic may be successful. Not too many
people would rent a game without some instructions.
I have never bought an NES cartridge that I didn't rent first from
my local video shop. I pray that Nintendo doesn't manage to kill
this whole market with lawsuits.
Psychology of a Good Game (11/10/89)
I would say that a good video game has:
1) Easy initial playability: Unless you're a vidiot like myself, flight
simulators like Falcon are just too difficult to get into, and hence
don't have much appeal outside the computer market....yet...Lucasfilm
has just released one supposedly which requires very little piloting
2) LOTS and LOTS of depth. Zelda is a perfect example. If you're
just blasting commie/dungeon dwelling/Zarton scumbags, the game loses
appeal very fast. Unless of course you blast them in new and interesting
ways at each level. I personally think Sundog and Dungeon Master are
two of the best home video games ever written as they keep you occupied
for MONTHS...
3) Well done graphics. You don't need to be Pixar, but if you're making
4) At least ONE major original idea in it. Tetris could have been written
ten years ago, but it's still a fantastic concept, and there are a bunch
more yet to be discovered... I like blowing away slimeball mutants as
much as the next guy, but there's just too much of that these days....
Those are my major views on the subject...
Nintendo Anti-Trust Investigation Announced
>Yeah, which same investigation began when the aforementioned Rep was
>unable to obtain Super Mario Brothers (2, presumably) around
>Christmas last year. Unable to obtain a hot new video game around
>Christmas?? An obvious conspiracy! Give us a break, Dennis...
Maybe you can write off the inavailabilty of SMB2 last Christmas because of
all the screaming kids wanting a copy, but...
How can you simply ignore that Nintendo has a lock-out chip in all their
cartridges, and any cartrdiges that don't have the chip won't run on an NES?
And how can you simply ignore that Nintendo makes _all_ the cartridges and
that the game makers get their cartridges from only Nintendo? So, in theory, if
Nintendo doesn't think a game is up to their "quality", they can simply give
the company less cartridges. (Notice the huge supply of SMB2, a popular game,
but not a lot of Legendary Wings, a really bad game?)
And how can you simply ignore that Nintendo has (from other people on the
Net, as I reall) made threats to retailers that if they sold games without the
official Nintendo seal (read : if they sell Tengen games), that the retailler
might not get as many cartridges as everybody else does? (Tengen is the only
company that has created a simulated lock-out chip.)
Sure sounds like an obvious conspriacy to me!
Give me a break, Edward...
P.S. I've had an NES for about four years, and I have all of four games for it.
I find very few games on the NES to be fun.
Let's look at your logic here. Say I want to write a book. Does this
mean I should apply for a poetic license? I mean we wouldn't want people
to turn out low quality literature, now would we ?
As I remember, Atari first tried to block production of Activision
cartridges. Either they lost the battle, or realized that these new
independent cartridges boosted the sales of their home unit, and so
began the Atari phenomena....
Why in Buddha's name should anyone, ANYONE have to pay Nintendope
a CENT to put out peripherals for their system? Does this mean that
Seagate should have to pay ALL the major computer producers a royalty
fee for the privilege of making hard drives for them? Get a life!
The reason Ninrakedough is so popular here is that the average dweenie
never played any of the really good games of the early 1980's and
last owned an Atari 2600. This makes Joe Hydrocephally really believe
the games he plays on his Nintwobit are major technological coups. After
all, they are alot more fun than the pirated games he has for that PC
Clone he bought at K-Mart.
The other reason that Nofundo is so popular is that they advertise,
ADVERTISE A D V E R T I S E until you want to shove a Tetris where
the sun never shines.
However, Nintendo in Japan is a different story. It came out two years
before it was released here and had NO LOCKOUT system. Technologically,
it's comparable to the Atari 7800, except I think that the Atari has
better video quality.
The Lameboy is just an extension of their luddite policies extended
to the hand held. If Atari makes enough Lynxes, they might actually
get beaten although this is certainly a long shot due to Atari's major
psychological problems....
Nintendo vs. SEGA genesis (12/3/1989)
On the subject of choosing a video game.....my five cents....
Personally, I think the Nintendo is a piece of right wing garbage akin to the
IBM PC. Slow, out of date, but heavily marketed so that mindless dweenies will
think it's the hottest thing since Zelda had her first period. I have yet TO
OLD ATARI 800 SEVEN YEARS AGO.....Yes, there are some nice games, but they do
not do anything extraordinary and in fact clearly show the glaring limitations
of the thing's inferior pre-VLSI hardware.
On the subject of the Sega Genesis and the Turbografix 16. At least these guys
are using hardware invented after the Apple II, give 'em credit! The graphics
in these games are NICE! I really can't give a decent opinion as to which is
better, they're both fantastic!
But now I get to stand on my soapbox and have some fun. Correct me if I am
wrong, but isn't the Atari 7800 superior hardware wise to the NES? I heard
thing could manipulate 64 BIG sprites at once. It was developed right when
the slump hit the videogame industry, and two fantastic and innovative games
Rescue at fractalus and Ballblazer NEVER got the recognition they deserved.
I have yet to see ANYTHING on the NES half as good as these wondrous
creations from Lucasfilm. All I ever see are variations on the horizontal/
vertical scrolling find the magic trinket and or blow it up while a host of
randomly drawn stick figures get in your way theme. I'd rather pay 25 cents
in an arcade and at least get decent graphics and sound.
Um..... I think you are missing a small (yeah right) point about the Nintento
Games... THERE FUN!!!! Gee, now isn't that a novel concept, a bunch of video
games that are fun to play. In my house we have Sega Master System, Genesis
and NES. Take a guess which gets played the most? Come on guess. Give up?
The NES. Why becaue it has such FUN games as Zelda, Link, Metroid, SMB2, Metal
Gear, Fester's Quest, Double Dragon, et. al. The only thing my brothers (who
are 9 and 13) use the Genesis for (Sega Master system now sits in a closet.)
is Sports games. That's because good sports games look better on a system with
awesome graphics. My brothers still play sports games on NES too. The NES has
something that the ATARI 2600 used to beat the superior Intellivision:
playabilty. I can still give you a list of ATARI 2600 games that I would not
mind playing today, most of them were made by Activision, but there are still
some atari classics. To make a long story short (Too lategreat hardware
does not a great system make. This is both true for PC's and Video Gaming
systems. I still prefer PC's over Macs, and NES over Genesis. As a closeing
>useless. If you don't want or like to play NES games, that's your perfect
>don't dismiss millions of people who actually enjoy NES games
>as simple minded. That just shows your near-sightedness and ignorance.
>Think about it.
I don't dismiss them as simple minded, I dismiss them as ignorant. There
is a difference. These people don't realize what an obsolete piece
of crap the NES is. Just like there are hoards of people who still
believe PC clones are the pinnacle of Earth technology...
The Absolute WORST games on NES (major update)
The absolute WORST games for the NES (all it takes is one vote).
Friday the 13th LJN
Town & Country Surf LJN
Major League Baseball LJN
Skate or Die Ultra
Metal Gear Ultra
Section Z Capcom
Trojan Capcom
Ghosts 'N Goblins Capcom
Legendary Wings Capcom
Xenophobe Sunsoft
Gradius Konami
Top Gun Konami
Hydlide FCI
Spy vs Spy Kemco
Raid on Bungeling Bay Broderbund
Defender II Hal America
Karnov Data East
Well, it seems like there are MANY games out there that really stink!
I don't think I'll be doing a poll on this due to lack of interest.
Beware all Lynxs owners. (2/8/90)
Beware all lynxs owners!
I have just heard that Saga have developed a portable games console
similer to the lynxs (colour LCD etc.) but based on the Genises. When I
say based on the Genises I mean it can use the same carts! Plus it can be
used with your T.V. (with a specail adapter) which can't be done with the
lynxs (I think). Sorry these are all the details I have at the moment,
although I was also told its in its final stages of development.
More details when I get them
Cheers Tim.
This rumor sounds kind of fishy to me. This game console would do
everything that the Genesis does, and be portable at the same time.
Think about how much the Genesis costs now, and think about how much
such a portable console would probably cost in order to not destroy
the market for the original Genesis. Sega could replace the old
Genesis with this new machine, but that doesn't seem likely either
given the relative newness of the system.
What happened to the good old games? (11/3/90)
With the advent of 32-bit processors and 24-bit colour screens, we could
achieve some truly awesome reworks of the older games. To truly wrap
around to wave 1 again, one would have to complete over four billion waves.
At the rate of one wave per minute at best, it would take eight thousand
one hundred seventy-one years to get that far. Imagine it getting
continually more difficult up beyond wave 100. Now *there*'s a game.
Oh, and what's with the scoring these days? Note that scoring doesn't have
jack-diddly to do with achieving extra lives anymore? Note that the bonuses
are just kind of ...well, *there*? I guess they're trying to make score
pretty much meaningless and put more emphasis on game play -- at least until
the *end* of the game, when you get on the high score table (for what it's
worth). Whatever happened to the reasonable bonuses at the end of a wave
(like you *might* get 20,000 points on a good day), and the reasonable
scores? These days, you get 500,000 points for taking three steps past
the starting line. Oh, and the machine *might* give you an excuse of
a *chance* at getting an extra life. Then, again, it might not. It
depends on the time of the day, the phase of the moon and the mood of the
CPU. Whatever happened to 10,000-point or incremental (progressively
harder) extra lives?
It's just that every new (arcade) game being released is YET ANOTHER
spinoff of that entire Teenage Mutant Ninja Gaiden Ikari Double Dragon
Dudes Warriors theme and I have HAD IT with these bullsh*it excuses for
"arcade" machines. Yea there's a *decent* game here and there that gets
released like Smash T.V. and Hard Drivin' (which is more than just decent)
but even these have obvious faults which detract from thier actual
funness factor. I've only played Smash T.V. once and I finished it that one
time (no, not the complete Pleasure Dome finish). It cost me about $15.-
between my friend and me, but the point is that there's really no incentive
for me to shell another $30- or $40- bucks into this game just to find
the lousy pleasure dome. Hard drivin' is great but for 75 cents a pop
my wallet doesn't last as long as the thrill (i.e. I'd rather play pinball
for an hour than play Hard Drivin for 10 minutes).
It's very obvious to me that in general, game designers have started to
rely on the all the magnificent hardware available to them and not on
thier own creativity.
What is with Nintendo? (12/19/90)
Are they going under like Mattel, Coleco, and Atari?? I see their
games for $9-$25. Very few are over $35 anymore. I can't believe that
new games like Skate or die 2 are only $18 at Electronic Boutique.
Also, everyone says they saw that Nintendo was coming out with the
16 bit Super Famcom in January. A video dealer here says it was in a trade
magazine. If this is even close to being true, why does Nintendo deny
any plans of a U.S.A. version? It seems that they would ad to the rumor so
prospective 16 bitters will not buy a Genesis but instead wait for the
SF. I say the hell with Nintendo, Genesis here I come
NES Hardware and Nintendo's Future (12/20/90)
Apparently, the Super Famicom really will plug into the old NES's I, along
with a good percentage of you folks, expected Nintendo to join the ranks of
Old Atari and really screw up the Super Famicom. I doubted that any
corporation really could do more than sit stupidly upon its laurels after a
truly great success. Bureaucratic calsification seems endemic to corporate
success. After reading this article, though, I am begining to wonder. I may
actually become to respect Nintendo again.
GameBoy is dead (7/22/93)
Wow! Was that a flame! Funny!
It's funny that people think "LameBoy"'s are cool JUST because they have so
many cartridges for them. So does that mean that if a Porsche and a Ford
Escort were the same price, that I should buy the Ford Escort *JUST* because
there are more Ford dealers?
Personally, one good game in color is worth 100 good (although most are crappy)
games in (yawn) black and gray. (I suppose I could also rag on the fact that
the Lameboy screens need flashlights to play in low light...).
There's a shit ton more to look through. Good Lord, it's like looking into a mirror.
(it's funny because in early 1990 it EXPLODES with posts fawning over the glory of the ATARI LYNX, NEXT GENERATION GAMING IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND)