Where: Barcelona, Spain
When: September 27, 28, 29. The embargo lifts at 11am PST/2pm EST on the 27th apparently.
What: TGS was just a mere afterthought to MS. Wondering why? That's because this little event is where the real meat of Microsoft's upcoming strategy and games will be revealed. Who knows what will be revealed, but if anything nice is to be shown (and, according to IGN, some cool games are already confirmed to be shown/playable) it should be a cool event for any 360 fan.
Anything else?: Yup, this X06 is also part of Microsoft's 'bringing it home' initiative, which you can read all about here. Although the TGS half of this experiment didn't turn out so hot, I expect it will be much better for the next few days. LO and BD HD trailers tommorrow, for one!

~thanks to IGN for gratuitous stealing of images~
Note: Again, I will try my best to update as frequently as possible with the latest news. If you find I missed something, feel free to link me to a corresponding article and I will update. Similarly, please don't post after page 10 about how you cannot believe you have to read through all these pages to get information. IT'S ALL IN THIS FIRST POST. For quick access, simply save the following URL in your notepad which you can find HERE.
Thanks a ton to Xboxyde for many of the links.
● Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh & MS establish WINGNUT INTERACTIVE, Studio dedicated to creation of world class interactive entertainement (sounds like Hollywood version of Mistwalker).
Xbox 360
● PJ & Fran will work on two 360 exclusive franchises, first is the 'chapter in the Halo(r) universe' (read:Spinoff) the second is something original.
● HALO WARS from Ensemble 360 exclusive. Halo Wars places the player in command of human UNSC armies as they deploy for mankind's first deadly encounter with the enemy Covenant forces. (1, Direct feed trailer, Art/Images)
● GRAND THEFT AUTO IV will have two downloadable 'episodes' exclusive to 360, released months after launch. Reportedly each as long in content as Liberty City Stories on PSP. (1)
● SPLINTER CELL 5 (the one after Double Agent) is 360 exclusive
● And speaking of Splinter Cell, here is the latest trailer for SPLINTER CELL: DOUBLE AGENT. (Video)
● BIOSHOCK is 360 & PC exclusive releasing 'this spring.' (Video)
● PROJECT GOTHAM RACING 4 announced... CG trailer shown. (1)
● The latest in the BANJO KAZOOIE series announced. Teaser trailer shown. (1, Teaser Trailer)
● Cryptic Studios (City Of Heroes) will develop MARVEL UNIVERSE ONLINE, only for 360 & PC. (1, Interview)
● DOOM - which is out on XBLA today - and SENSIBLE WORLD OF SOCCER announced for XBLA (1, Images)
● HD-DVD $199, 199, £129, free King Kong for limited time & Media Center Remote Mid November for US & Europe
● ASSASSIN'S CREED gameplay footage finally for all to see! (1, Gameplay Demo)
● GUITAR HERO II is going to be rocking your 360. With Guitar Hero II for Xbox 360 rock rhythm, lead, or bass guitar tracks with downloadable content and the new X-Plorer controller, designed specifically for the Xbox 360. (1, Controller, Image)
● The latest shit from FORZA 2 is ready for prime time. Check the links. (Images)
● SCI/Eidos and IO said they plan to release no PS3 SKU until 2008. So, by default, 360 gets them exclusive until that time. (1)
● Yeah, it's not the game we wanted but still it's shaping up decently I suppose. I'm talking about SHADOWRUN, and you can check the latest images. (Images)
● Finally, some 720p images of PHANTASY STAR UNIVERSE on 360. Check them out. (Images)
● ALAN WAKE looks stunning. Check out the latest images from this intruiging "psychological thriller." (Images)
● MASS EFFECT is gorgeous. My personal 360 killer app! Bioware, you can't do any wrong. ever. No, Jade Empire was not wrong. It was right! (Images)
● John Woo is jumping around and throwing some doves, I'm sure, and you'll be able to participate by checking out the latest STRANGLEHOLD images. (Images)
● Remember how CONTRA and GYRUSS got announced for XBLA at TGS? Well, here are the first pics courtesy of X06. (Images)
● CRACKDOWN, the cel-shaded freeroaming title from the creator of GTA, seems... curious, at the very least. (Images)
● Activision doesn't waste time whoring shit, but you already knew that. So check out the latest of CALL OF DUTY 3... (Images)
● ...and TONY HAWK PROJECT 8. This one looks like a return to form for the series, and thank goodness. Can't wait! (Images)
● STREET RACE NYC and HEAVY WEAPONS, two XBLA titles, were announced recently. And so with that, the first media. (Images)
● What else for the 'ol arcade? TOTEMBALL, which is an EyeToy-like title with similarities to Katamari of all things, and MUTANT STORM which looks to have great potential. (Images)
● One last game for xbla, ASSAULT HEROES. Seems like a fun concept, definitely worth looking into. (Images)
● Yeah, FUZION FRENZY 2 managed to get some facetime amidst the X06 news. Check out this party game in the latest media. (Images)
● Same BLUE DRAGON trailer from TGS, but in HD, courtesy of XBL 360. (Hi-Def Video)
● Same LOST ODYSSEY trailer from TGS, but in HD, courtesy of XBL 360. (Hi-Def Video)
● How could we forget GEARS OF WAR, the biggest 360 game this side of Halo 3? Yup, there's new video of it... and with a smooth locked framerate to boot! Hurrah! (Video)
So, ready for yet another week of megatons and disappointment-tons? Inflated expectations and GAF classics? Will RE5 be 360 exclusive (LOLZ)? Stay tuned for all this and more in the X06 MEGATHREAD.