As a weary traveler seeking out quality modern day Star Trek, I've crash landed on a class M planet known as The Orville.
Is it hospitable to those of us allergic to NuTrek? Not likely, but possibly.
I've watched the 5 best episodes (according to IMDb) between S1 and S2 in preparation for S3. Here are my findings:
- Humor scrapes hard. 9/10 jokes don't land at all, which is surprising considering Seth McFarlands history. Bortus (a more comedic Warf) does land a lot of his jokes.
+ Great camera work. They do this crazy thing of keeping the camera still while actors deliver lines.
- At times, it feels a little too family oriented. Almost a G rated tone.
+ The interpersonal relationship drama (dating, marriage) is pretty in your face. I suspect this tests well with the 10 - 14 year old demographic.
- There's almost 0 Norm Macdonald from what I've seen.
+ All 5 episodes do transcend to some rewarding high moments. There's a warm, optimistic, feel good vibe I can get behind.
- Does get a little too preachy imo.
Season 3 starts tomorrow. Show apparently has a bigger budget now thanks to Hulu and episodes no longer have to be 43 minutes long. As we all know, season 3s can be pretty special for Star Treks.