... Umm, so, yeah, white supremacists are not only pretty frightening, but they are also obsessed with political correctness apparently.
Foy felt terrible about the shooting, she explained to Daily Intelligencer in the first full interview she has granted after a terrifying few days, but as a politically active person who had been watching with interest and sympathy as the Black Lives Matter movement has grown, she was also bothered by what she saw as a double standard on display in the aftermath of Goforth's death: When an unarmed person of color is killed by police, she said, theres often an immediate effort to prove that they were no angel, that in some way or another they had it coming (though George Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer rather than a police officer, this general tendency toward victim-blaming tendency was pretty clearly on display in the case of Trayvon Martin). When a white person especially a police officer is killed, people seem much more able to accept the fact that some killings are simply unjustified, full-stop.
So Foy tweeted a dry joke about what she saw as the different ways society responds to different deaths: I cant believe so many people care about a dead cop and NO ONE has thought to ask what he did to deserve it. He had creepy perv eyes
Disastrously for Foy, the tweet quickly got screen-grabbed and began spreading among right-wing Twitter users, who immediately sought to amplify it. It found its way to Brandon Darby, managing director of Breitbart Texas, part of the far-right Breitbart website. Darby, as he would soon explain, quickly decided that it was on him to step in and defend the murdered deputys legacy against the threat apparently posed to it by a college students tweet. And as a journalist with a good-size megaphone, there was one obvious way to do that.
Darby directly informed Foy what was in store for her:

(I emailed Darby some questions about why he saw Foy as a legitimate target, and I got back a response from a Breitbart spokesperson who said that Darbys article was part of the websites ongoing effort to investigate the violent nature of BLM and its followers. The response is hard to take seriously given that Foy couldnt be further from a public BLM figure, and that Darby openly admitted to a more straightforward motive: He was furious about the tweet and wanted to bring Foy fame among Breitbart readers as retribution.)
But while Foy was in class, Darby got his wish: The story almost immediately went viral, leading to what can only be described as an epic and scary shitstorm. Her Facebook and Twitter feeds were inundated with threats and harassment. On the Breitbart website and Facebook page, the number of comments ballooned; there are now more than 41,000. A huge number of the tweets and comments ridiculed her physical appearance, and there was a racially aggrieved undercurrent to many of them: There was frequent speculation about Foy (who looks and identifies as white) sleeping with black men, as well as some comments hoping that she got raped by one.
By the time Foy got to her husbands office, shed received a number of increasingly urgent texts from friends who were worried about her theyd seen what was going on online, and, not knowing Foy had had her phone off for five hours, had noticed that she wasnt responding. Her phone number and address had been leaked online multiple times, and the death threats had started coming in via Twitter, phone calls, and text messages. Foy and her husband rushed home, grabbed what they could I was looking out the window the entire time that we were there and headed for Foys mothers house.
Foy said she received about 30 voice-mail death threats. Here are some of them the language is obviously not safe for work.
Thursday, for the first time since the tweet, Foy didnt get a single death threat. But she said she woke up Friday to two new voice-mails again threatening her life. I dont think Ill ever feel safe again, Foy said, simply because a small percentage of the people who attacked her seem so unhinged. To the majority of the public itll blow over. Labor Day weekends coming up, and I know people are going to party and forget. But there is a percentage of people that Im on their list. Im on their eternal list, and they want my head on the chopping block. Its a numbers thing, in other words. It just takes one bullet to kill me from one gun from one person, and that one person is out there. So no, I will never feel safe. Not for me, not for my family, not for anyone I know who has publicly supported me.
... Umm, so, yeah, white supremacists are not only pretty frightening, but they are also obsessed with political correctness apparently.