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System Shock - Shodan's Citadel Station Updated In Patch 1.2 - Steam News
Female Hacker, Reworked Final Battle and Cloud Saves among many of Shodan's Update
A female Hacker has now been added as a playable character
- Select the Hacker’s appearance from the New Game Configuration screen
Reworked the entire final fight with new mechanics and a unique flow
– Face and defeat (?) Shodan once more in her new cyberspace domain
Cloud Sync support has been added
- you can now pick up and continue your game on whichever machine you find yourself on.
Other major Changes
- Alpha Strain enemies have a new attack
- Avian Mutant enemies have a new attack
- Cyborg Diego has new movement options
- Continued refining enemy AI and behaviors
- Mission waypoints have been implemented for (Easy mission difficulty)
- Better Gamepad handling and implementation
- Major optimizations across the entire game — Steam Deck users rejoice!
- Achievements are properly awarded when completing the requirements
- Some first person Hacker animations have been corrected
- General combat and speed balance adjustments across enemies and weapons
- Credits added to the Title Screen
- Improved quest logic behavior across several areas of the game
- Players can now no longer save over the AutoSave, and the AutoSave will now only appear in the Load Game menu
- Game Over screen can now be skipped
- Recycle Station ‘inventory’ size has increased to 4x3 from 3x3 to allow recycling of bigger junk items. Scrapper rejoice!
- The max payout from a Recycle Station is now 120 Credits
- EMP stun duration has been reduced by 25%
- SHODAN will lock the Research control room door if the player fires the Mining Laser at Earth
- Detox patch now has a 25% protection bonus against environment hazards while active
- Fix a soft lock that could occur when dying while interacting with a Surgery Machine
- Items dropped inside of elevators should no longer disappear
- Pathfinding performance improvements in Flight Deck and Groves
- Fix a case where the player was able to clip through the world by loading games while crouched
- Fix a case where plasma projectile FX would spawn every frame and wouldn’t clean up properly, causing major frame drops
Minor changes
- Easier to see total counts of collected Media items
- Added a button to the entrance of the Security level to ensure you can backtrack to the rest of the Station
- General FX improvements and tweaks
- New artwork on monitors across Citadel Station
- Enemy callouts and vocals are less frequent now
- Better text sizing for all languages
- Jump Jet behavior improved
- The color of some projectiles were tweaked
- Sped up animations of using Dermal Patches
- Enemies who are near Restoration Bays will be teleported to their spawn location to ensure the Hacker doesn’t get softlocked by being killed repeatedly
- Save files are now counted incrementally
- Fix ups of various Cyberspace levels and enemy placements within
- Better handling of Hacker death in unlikely scenarios
- SHODAN now has a surprise for the player when Diego is killed on the Security level
- Total Enemy Reinforcements have been increased across all levels
- Reduced the number of enemies that can bunch up in the same Reinforcement Volume
- Enemies will remember the player for longer on all difficulties
- Enemy line of checks include the projectile collision radius whenever possible so that their attacks fail less often
- Fixed an enemy ambush that wasn’t activating properly in the Medical CPU room if the player comes back later in the game
- Kickstarter corpse tokens added to enemies
- Enemy awareness in the Flight Deck trap room after saving and loading has been fixed
- Diego boss AI adjustments, largely in the first encounter
- Cortex Reavers can now perform a strafe jump to more quickly engage the player
- Mutated Cyborg and Tiger-Gorilla dismemberment has been fixed
- Cyborg Mantis walks faster, will sprint more frequently, and HP increased slightly
- Flier-Bots now have an Autocannon in addition to Gas Grenade attacks
- Striker-Bots now have a Laser Cannon in addition to Homing Missile attacks
- Flier-Bot and Striker-Bot textures have been improved
- Fix for Hoppers and Mobile Lasers not being able to hit the player while leaning behind a wall
- Security-1 Bot now has a rapid fire attack pose
- Cyborg Warrior now has a moving attack similar to the Security-2 Bot
- Cyborg Elite Guard head-mounted laser attack damage increased from 60 to 80
- Alpha Strain long range attack now has a unique animation
- Skorpion default inventory size has been reduced from 4x2 to 3x2
- Assault Rifle damage increased slightly from 24 to 25 per round
- Plasma Rifle now has an animation to unload the active Plasma Core
- Abe Ghiran’s Head inventory size has been increased from 1x1 to 2x2
- Missing character portraits have been added
- Cyberspace I.C.E Shield FX has been improved
- Wire Puzzle has new FX to more clearly indicate the required power level to solve it
- Fix for Circuit Puzzle dead-end nodes filling from the wrong side in some cases
- Fixed holes in the walls in Research tiles,
- Berserk patches now cost 5 Tri-Credits from a dispenser instead of 4
- Shotgun ammo cost in Ammo Depots has been reduced from 15 to 14 credits
- Loot table adjustments to reduce quantity of ammo received from Exec-Bots, Flier-Bots, Striker-Bots and Cyborg Enforcers
- Ammo adjustments in Reactor, Alpha Grove, Delta Grove, Engineering, Security, and Bridge
- Reduced the number of First Aid Kit pickups in Flight Deck, Security and Bridge
- Assigned the correct idle animation to the Cyborg Drones (No more hovering guns while they are charging)
- Jump Jet improvements while in Low Gravity Volumes
- Loading a save while falling will properly restore the player’s velocity
- Barrel dispensers will no longer drop their dispensed barrels when the player leaves and comes back to a level.
- Energy Drain Mines will no longer prepend multiple “Destroyed” strings to their name after being repeatedly destroyed
- Fix for player losing Low-Grav/Repulsor mods when switching to certain weapons
- Improvements to how the enemy AI handles changing Repulsor Lift direction
- Reactor’s Repulsor Lifts have been adjusted slightly to fix potential soft locks
- Fix for the player being able to exit the Diego V1 arena by blocking main doorway
- Doors will more elegantly restore their collision state when loading a save
- Shotgun shell texture has been fixed
- Crack-O’s are now no longer considered Junk
- Fix for certain wall monitors not breaking when attacked
- Fixed small animation issue with the Isolinear Chipset on the Bridge
- Fixed sparking cable issues on Maintenance
- Fix for several achievements not completing properly
- Small text adjustments and spellings
- Music playback adjustments
- Fixed a potential audio component memory leak when concurrency limits were reached
- Added a Controller Vibration accessibility option
- Improved gamepad support on MFD
- Improved automap performance
- Fixed several visual artefacts on the automap
- Automap will always update the map info bar with the data for the currently selected level
- Implant tooltips will no longer display off the edge of the screen on certain display configs
- Fix for the ‘Back’ button on gamepad causing the player to crouch when exiting menus
- Credits updated
- Other minor improvements, adjustments and balance tweaks
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