Mister Apoc
Demigod of Troll Threads

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner”
Just did a rewatch last night, what an incredible film. In my opinion its the most "Epic" crime film ever (not necessarily the best or greatest though, one could argue that a few scorsese crime films are better and other films etc. etc.)
but i do think it is the most epic crime film ever in terms of scale. The representation of Los Angeles, the various subplots and characters that all fele properly developed and real human beings.
the soundtrack
It also has arguably the greatest shootout scene in cinema history, the gunsounds on surround sound are a wonder. There is a reason it is said that cops and military training have often looked at this scene
and of course the famous coffee shop scene, the first scene in cinematic history to feature Deniro and Pacino
Collateral is a great film, and I have often seen some people say it even surpasses Heat,. I wouldn't say that Heat is the greatest crime film ever, but in terms of sheer scale I have never seen a crime film before or after that has matched the ambition of Heat. I will always cherish this movie
P.S Michael Mann is releasing a novel that is both a prequel and sequel to Heat coming out next year