Happy Birthday to me
If you had to buy a gift for Kojima, what would it be?

If you had to buy a gift for Kojima, what would it be?
Snatcher IP given to him with a port for PC/Consoles.If you had to buy a gift for Kojima, what would it be?
If you had to buy a gift for Kojima, what would it be?
Probably a copy of Dark Souls Remastered.Happy Birthday to me
If you had to buy a gift for Kojima, what would it be?
The guy doesn't age. His look stopped at 40.
Which Act are you currently on?Im playing MGS4 right now
I genuinely love all the acts in that gameAct 3. Im staring between Naomi her tits right now.
Happy Birthday to me
If you had to buy a gift for Kojima, what would it be?
The guy doesn't age. His look stopped at 40.
Happy Birthday to me
If you had to buy a gift for Kojima, what would it be?
Happy Birthday to me
If you had to buy a gift for Kojima, what would it be?
Mods, shut this thread down. It has overstayed its welcome and I'm not interested in it anymore.
It's because the shaders.57 YEARS OLD WHAT THE FUCK?! he looks like a 19 year old teenager...
If you had to buy a gift for Kojima, what would it be?