Nintendo has released a new trailer for Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore introducing the Switch version’s new features.
New features introduced in the trailer include:
- New Costumes: “Rebellious Joker” (from Persona 5) for Itsuki Aoi, “Reuben Schwester” (from Fire Emblem: Three Houses) for Mamori Minamoto, “Cross Bravery” from (Etrian Odyssey Nexus) for Eleonora Yumizuru, and “Demonica Replica” (from Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey) for Yashiro Tsurugi.
- The ability to turn on / off glasses for Tsubasa Oribe from the Settings screen.
- New story “Extra Story.”
- New song “She is…”
- Maiko Shimazaki, Barry Goodman, and Tiki participate in Sessions.
- “Quick Sessions,” shortening performances and increasing the speed of battle.
- Faster load times.

『幻影異聞録♯FE Encore』発売まであと2日!樹が『ペルソナ5』ジョーカーに!?新要素をまとめた映像を本日公開。『FE ヒーローズ』でのイベントも! | トピックス | Nintendo
発売が2日後に迫る『幻影異聞録♯FE Encore』の新要素紹介映像を、本日公開しました!Nintendo Switchで追加された新要素をまとめてご紹介していますので、さっそくご