Stoic wtf are you doing?!
“Towerborne is sold for a fixed price during Early Access. Becoming a Founder by
purchasing a Founder’s pack will get you early access to play Towerborne, and with your
help we will fine tune the game on its way to a full, free-to-play release.
We want to take a moment and let you know that Stoic is committed to the following:
● To play during Early Access, players must purchase a Founder’s Pack.
○ As a Founder, you play a crucial role in bringing our vision of a dynamic
and immersive world to life. Your support helps us create an experience
that will captivate and entertain for years to come.
○ As a Founder, you will receive an item each month upon login during
Early Access, as a reward for your ongoing support and to enhance your
in-game experience.
● When Towerborne exits Early Access it will be free-to-play.
● For both Early Access and Free Players, ALL updates will be free and NO
gameplay will ever be gated behind paid DLC.
○ Weapons, gear, or any and all forms of power-progression will never be
behind a paywall. We will be selling exciting cosmetics and must-have
convenience items – but those will not influence your power progression."”
I was willing to buy this game, genuinely was looking forward to it. Not sure how I feel about it becoming F2P while milking early access users lol.