Trails through Daybreak II - Announcement Trailer | Coming to Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, and PC on Feb 14, 2025

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Update: Trails through Daybreak II releases on February 14, 2025.

Via Noisy Pixel

NIS America has announced that the Nihon Falcom RPG The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II will be released in the West in early 2025 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam, the Epic Games Store, and GOG.

Taking place roughly two months after the events of the previous entry, the threat of Almata has passed in Calvard. However, a series of murders caused by a crimson beast now plagues the nation, leading to various factions aiming to either discover the truth or gain as much leverage from this precarious scenario as possible.

Protagonist Van Arkride is approached by an unexpected visitor regarding these murders, prompting the sands of time to unite many faces, old and new.

You can view official screenshots for The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II below:





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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Well, now that Falcom is developing on all platforms in-house, NIS just needs to supply localization. Prior to this, they had to port from PC.
Incorrect. Falcom are doing the NSW, PS4 and PS5 versions in-house. The PC version is done by PH3 GmbH (Japanese and later the Global EN release) and Clouded Leopard Entertainment (Korean, Chinese).
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Incorrect. Falcom are doing the NSW, PS4 and PS5 versions in-house. The PC version is done by PH3 GmbH (Japanese and later the Global EN release) and Clouded Leopard Entertainment (Korean, Chinese).
I think you misunderstood. I was referring to the console versions, of course. How could they port the PC version to the.. PC?

PS5 and Switch were ported from PC in previous releases.


That's... fast. With how many things that are coming out right now that I want to play and how relatively barren early next year is (afaik) plus that I usually like playing these games in pairs whenever possible, I might hold off on playing Daybreak 1 until 2 is out.
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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
NIS America has uploaded English profiles for The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II on the official website for the game:


Van Arkride– Age 25 – “Now, I hate workin’ for free as much as the next guy, but if you promise to reward me with some delicious sweets, I’ll deal.” The man at the head of Arkride Solutions. A lover of sweets, saunas, and orbal cars. Due to his job as a spriggan, Van has a tendency to take on legally-questionable jobs. However, the fact that he occasionally walks on the edge of the law does not preclude him from doing good by others—as is evidenced by his numerous personal contacts. While tracking down the Oct-Geneses at Agnès’ request, Van developed the ability to transform into an armored form known as the Grendel with the help of Mare, the holo core installed within his combat orbment. It was with this new ability that he was able to fend off the mafia group known as Almata. Having once terrorized the entirety of the Republic, Almata was eventually brought to its knees by the Arkride Solutions team during the fight for the Oct-Geneses. Upon the quelling of this threat, however, they decided to temporarily go their separate ways. Now left to himself in a less-than-lively office, Van is free to return to his lone-wolf lifestyle once more.


Agnès Claudel– Age 16 -“Well, it’s mine, too. So I’m going to give you a hand—whether you like it or not.” A first year at the prestigious Aramis Academy who currently serves on its Student Council. Despite her polite manner of speaking and at times meek demeanor, Agnès has shown great strength and determination while employed at Arkride Solutions—especially when facing off against the seedy underbelly of society. Agnès first met Van while searching for eight prototype orbments known as the Oct-Geneses, which she inherited from her great-grandfather. As thanks for taking on her request, she began working as one of Arkride Solution’s part-time assistants. At present, Agnès has recovered seven of the eight Geneses. Unfortunately, while continuing her search for the last remaining Genesis, she’s had no choice but to also divide her time between preparing for the Aramis Academy Festival and periodically helping out around Arkride Solutions. Regarding her relationship with Van, she both respects and admires him as her employer. However, she seems to be harboring some more amorous feelings for him as well…


Elaine Auclair– Age 24 – “…I won’t let you run away from me again. Are we clear, Van Arkride?” An A-rank bracer affiliated with the Edith branch of the Bracer Guild. She is occasionally referred to by the moniker ‘Beauty’s Blade.’ Due to her dignified beauty and masterful skill with a sword, Elaine tends to catch the eye of the media more often than not. Unfortunately, this also leads to talent agencies offering her contracts for modeling and acting—she always declines. Outside of being the poster girl for the Bracer Guild, Elaine has no present interest in joining the world of entertainment. During her high school years, she enjoyed a brief and fleeting romance with Van before he suddenly vanished without so much as a word. It was only recently, after seven years, that the two were able to reunite. Although their lingering feelings for each other have left their current relationship a bit tense, their time fighting Almata together was able to strengthen their bond once more. Some time after the events involving Almata and the Oct-Geneses, Elaine received word that the Central Intelligence Department’s elite Gamma Squad had been brutally murdered by an unknown assailant, and that a ‘crimson’ monster was spotted at the scene of the crime…


Celis Ortesia– Age 27 – “Hey, humility’s a virtue, old man. You wanna make a confession, we’ll hear you out.” The fourth of the twelve Dominions belonging to the Gralsritter, an order of holy knights within the Septian Church. Despite her small stature and youthful appearance, Celis is both foul-mouthed and temperamental; not only will she send foes flying for getting on her bad side, but she’ll even pick fights with those she deems worthy opponents. Regarding combat, Celis specializes in a fighting style that requires her to wield a giant templar sword—one that’s roughly as tall as she is. She was initially quite skeptical of Van upon learning that Bergard had taken him on as a student. However, over the course of the incidents surrounding Almata and the Oct-Geneses, she has grown to be marginally more trusting of him.


Leon Balthazar– Age 25 – “And a special hello to you, Van. That beastly lookalike of yours nearly had you marked for a manhunt.” The eleventh of the twelve Dominions belonging to the Gralsritter, an order of holy knights within the Septian Church. An outwardly pleasant young man whose sadistic nature emerges in the midst of battle. Like Celis, Leon learned to fight under Bergard’s tutelage. His weapon of choice is a rapier, which he uses to strike at foes’ vitals with skillful accuracy. At present, both Leon and Celis are traveling through the Republic as wandering priests, investigating and recovering artifacts as they go.


Carmine Altera– “Now, devour them all! Shard corrode… The Grendel’s online!” A red, fairy-like holo that bears a striking resemblance to Van’s. Much like Mare, Altera seems to be in possession of free will. However, she is far more prideful and arrogant than her counterpart, and shows great contempt for humanity. After resonating with the eighth Genesis held by the man in the black coat, she gained the ability to transform him into the Grendel Zolga. It is unclear if the process she uses to do so is the same as Mare’s. Altera seems to hold a certain animosity toward Van and Mare, although the reason why remains a mystery.


Grendel Zolga– A mysterious individual in a black coat who can transform into a crimson Grendel with the help of Carmine Altera. With a physique larger than Van’s Grendel, its capacity for violence is all too clear. Despite having been identified as the culprit behind the massacre of the CID’s Gamma Squad, its motive for committing such an act is unknown. In fact, very little is known about the individual at all. What is his connection to the final Genesis that Agnès is still looking for? And why is he working with Carmine Altera? For now, theories are all that are available.


Swin Abel– Age 17 – “Turning over a new leaf takes commitment. If you want to spit on that, we’re not going to let it slide!” A former assassin who escaped from the Gardens several years ago. Swin wields his twin blades with expert skill. Not only is he capable of strengthening them by combining them into a single blade, but he can also use them to ‘mark’ his opponents’ weak points. Although he may come across as a bit cold and unfriendly, it’s not intentional—he’s just a really straightforward guy. After escaping from the Gardens, Swin swore to never take another human life. Instead, he’s opted to make his living by taking on a variety of odd jobs. And with his recent travels having resulted in a number of new connections, perhaps Swin truly has changed his ways…


Nadia Rayne– Age 15 – “A lazy life of leisure is the only one for me! I need to save all that room in my planner for back-to-back siestas!” A former assassin who escaped from the Gardens with Swin. Her weapons of choice are a set of specially-made needles and an army of explosive-stuffed teddy bears. As her intuition and abilities of both prediction and calculation far exceed those of an average individual, Nadia is capable of analyzing combat situations to determine her enemies’ weaknesses. However, because doing so tends to burn her out rather quickly, she takes every opportunity outside of battle to slack off. Her selfish behavior and the spoiled attitude she takes with Swin tend to distract from the fact that, in truth, she’s actually far more of an untrusting realist than Swin is. Aware as she is that Swin is, deep down, the more kindhearted of the two, Nadia strives to support him by acting as the cunning member of their pair when they come into contact with the more nefarious parts of their job. Like Swin, she has also made a number of new friends since the events in Crossbell, and is currently attempting to make a new life for herself.


Renne Bright– Age 17 – “Oh, I’m just an innocent little Student Council president. Girls like me are ten mira a dozen.” A second-year student and Agnès’ upperclassman at Aramis Academy, who transferred in as an exchange student from the Liberl Kingdom. As she excels at finding solutions for virtually every issue in existence, Renne is considered by many to be a genius. She currently serves as Aramis’ Student Council president. Renne’s personal history defies most people’s wildest imaginations; in addition to serving as an Enforcer for the Society of Ouroboros, she has also published a number of doctoral-level dissertations, some dating as far back as her early childhood. As a result, Renne has caught the eye of a number of engineers throughout Zemuria and the CID—as well as certain members of the criminal underground. During the incidents surrounding Almata and the Oct-Geneses, she lent her aid to both the Arkride Solutions team and the Bracer Guild. Renne’s reason for initially entering the Republic was to accomplish a mission tasked to her by the West Zemuria Tech Union. As this mission has recently been completed, she has decided to temporarily return to Liberl—in spite of Aramis Academy’s fast-approaching school festival…


Shizuna Rem Misurugi – Age 24 – “Of course, you could always turn me down if you wanted to…but I’m gonna follow you anyway. We’re stuck together like glue!” A practitioner of the Black God One Blade school who is also known as the Divine Blade of Silver. She is currently Ikaruga’s second-in-command. Shizuna wields an Onyx Odachi that bears an intricate engraving on its blade. When in combat, her skill with this sword allows her to overpower even the strongest of fighters. Although she can come across as a bit too carefree at times, Shizuna is indeed a force to be reckoned with—not least of all for her ability to see through to the true nature of things by way of a technique called the ‘Unclouded Eye,’ which she learned from her master. This, along with her other unique skills, makes her more than suited to carry the name of ‘Divine Blade.’ Shizuna originally came into contact with the Arkride Solutions team while she was hiding out in the Ishgal Mountains. Since then, she has temporarily provided Van and his compatriots with support during the incidents surrounding Almata. Although they seem to have made some kind of deal with the Calvardian government, Ikaruga’s activities, goals, and even the nature of their organization remain shrouded in mystery.


Kasim Al-Fayed – Age 28 – “Remember, Ferida. Only you can determine how to wield your flame.” Feri’s brother, also known as the Khamsin, was said to be the greatest warrior amongst the Warriors of Kruga, who are themselves considered one of the strongest jaeger corps in all of Zemuria. Despite his cool and detached demeanor, Kasim makes it a point to never drop his guard. Along with his superior leadership abilities and the immense strength required to wield his giant, military-grade buster lance with ease, it’s no wonder he has a reputation as the strongest jaeger in the world—in regard to combat, at least. Kasim is currently employed as the security chief of Marduk Total Security Company. However, two years ago, he also served as Van’s instructor in combat. It was with Kasim that he learned how to make better use of both his stun caliber and his hollow style martial arts. Despite cutting ties with the Warriors of Kruga, he appears to be watching over his younger sister from afar as she attempts to become a warrior in her own right.


Mare – “I’m good to go whenever you are, Van! Let’s show him what the original Grendel is made of!” An unusually self-assertive holo core installed in Van’s Xipha. Although she typically only displays her normal, pre-programmed personality, Mare is able to manifest physically when resonating with one of the eight Geneses. It is during these moments that she appears to possess free will—something that should be impossible for an AI. Mare is capable of surrounding Van’s body with shards, thus transforming him into the Grendel. As one can imagine, its fearsome strength and great power have saved the day a fair number of times. Over the course of the incidents surrounding Almata and the Oct-Geneses, it was revealed that Mare also had the ability to overtake a human’s consciousness. With such incredible power, it’s clear she has a crucial role to play—what exactly that role is, however, remains unknown.


The Grendel – Van Arkride’s alter ego, which was created by Mare, his fairy-like support AI. It is only upon her manifestation into the real world that she is able to transform Van into the Grendel. When transformed, Van’s base strength is greatly enhanced, granting him a level of combat prowess that exceeds anything known to man. Although the Grendel Zolga—a crimson version of the Grendel and the main suspect in a number of homicides throughout the capital—also utilizes a similar type of shard armor, it’s unknown whether or not its ‘shackles’ are the same as those that bind Van and his Grendel. Regardless, Van and Mare will likely be forced to face off against the Grendel Zolga and his support holo, Carmine Altera, during their investigation.


Feri Al-Fayed – Age 13 – “I’m gonna give it my all, too, Kasim!” A young girl from the Warriors of Kruga, a strong and well-known jaeger corps from the Central East. Due to her upbringing as part of the Kruga—a very proud and traditionalist people—Feri sees no evil in the act of fighting. This has led to her genuine admiration for the warriors in her clan, such as her father and brother, and her desire to one day rise to their ranks. Although she does indeed possess both the nobility and bravery befitting her warrior roots, Feri is, at her core, just as innocent and naive as any other girl her age. As such, she is often enthralled by new sights and experiences, and has a tendency to engage in all manner of adorable hobbies. Feri first approached Van while seeking help in her search for another jaeger who she viewed as an older sister. Interestingly enough, she decided to join the Arkride Solutions team after the resolution of her case, stating a need to experience the world beyond the walls of her clan. It was only upon the conclusion of the events with Almata that she decided to temporarily return to the Kruga village. While there, she performed the role of the priestess during their New Year’s Festival, showing her friends and family just how much she had grown in her time away.


Aaron Wei – Age 20 – “I sure as hell am not part of the Lu family. I’m just here to complete a job for the sake of an old friend.” Despite being a reckless and hot-tempered young man, Aaron has a deep and abiding love for his home in the Eastern Quarter of Langport, where he is well known among the people as a child prodigy. He is occasionally referred to as ‘The Little Conqueror of Luozhou.’ Due to his eye-catchingly bright red hair and attractive features, Aaron is often the go-to choice for playing female roles at the Eastern Theater. He is also a practitioner of Gekka, one of the three major schools of Eastern martial arts, as well as a highly-skilled fencer. As can be imagined, these various accomplishments of his have garnered him a certain amount of attention from individuals within Heiyue. Despite their interest, however, Aaron has no intention of joining the syndicate; instead, he plans on carving his own path in life. Aaron and Van first met while the Arkride Solutions team was working on a case in Langport—one that would eventually come to shake the Dazzling City to its core. It was during this time that Aaron came to learn the truth about not only himself, but Heiyue’s schemes as well. With these new revelations out in the open, Aaron began to reconsider the path he wished to walk in life, which, in turn, led to him joining Arkride Solutions. While he did eventually return to Langport, he continues to act without regard to Heiyue’s expectations of him. Recently, he’s even been taking a page out of Van’s book by helping those in need within the city.


Risette Twinings – Age 20 – “After all, this is nothing more than a fake body. I reasoned they were illusions generated by false signals.” A service concierge for the private military company known as Marduk Total Security Company. A calm and collected beauty whose maid outfit and long, blue hair leaves a striking impression. While tremendously skilled with technology, Risette is both incredibly friendly and polite as well. Thanks to Van’s contract with the Marduk Company, he and Risette have gotten to know each other rather well over the past three years, despite most of their communication being relegated to comms. The two were finally able to meet face to face during an incident in Tharbad. Afterward, the Marduk Company opted to dispatch Risette to Arkride Solutions for extended service. As surprising as it may seem, Risette’s physical body is not her own. Rather, it’s an artificial one provided to her by the Marduk Company. Although she acknowledges having some uncertainties about their true goals, she genuinely treasures her position with them, as it has given her a variety of opportunities she wouldn’t have had otherwise. After the temporary disbandment of the Arkride Solutions team, Risette returned to Marduk’s main office in Ored. As word would have it, she’s managed to reunite with a close friend of hers while undergoing routine maintenance there.


Quatre Salision – Age 16 – “I tried to run away, even knowing how many loved ones I’d be leaving behind… I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” A young researcher studying for his master’s degree at the Basel Institute of Science. Due to his long silver hair and androgynous appearance, he is often mistaken for a girl. Quatre is often accompanied by XEROS and FIO, two orbal drones that he created himself. Despite his intelligent and kindhearted personality, he has a tendency to keep others at arm’s length. Quatre was taken in by Professor Hamilton, one of Claude Epstein’s three disciples, at an early age. Despite their lack of shared blood, she cared for him as if he were one of her own. Unfortunately, other than the fact that he was born and raised under harsh conditions, little else is known about Quatre’s past prior to Professor Hamilton’s involvement—though it seems Van may have an idea or two. Quatre first met Van and the others during an incident in Basel, which gave him the opportunity to re-examine both his skills and current educational path. As a result, he chose to join Arkride Solutions in order to use his abilities for the good of others. After the team’s temporary disbandment, he returned to the Basel Institute, where he continued to work with Professor Hamilton and the other researchers.


Judith Lanster – Age 23 – “And let’s get one thing straight here! I am NOT his lackey! I’m barely even an employee!” One of the most talented actresses in Calvard’s film industry. When it comes to her work, Judith always makes sure to maintain an uncompromising sense of professionalism. That being said, she’s actually quite friendly—as is evidenced by her large fan following. Unfortunately, her amicable nature combined with her sense of confidence can make her come across as a bit of a dimwit at times. Judith also possesses a secret identity: that of the Phantom Thief Grimcat, who is often believed to be an urban legend. When moonlighting as Grimcat, she follows her strong sense of justice, which inevitably leads to her saving the oppressed by taking down their oppressors. After encountering Van and the others on a variety of occasions—both as an actress AND her alter-ego—the Arkride Solutions team eventually came to learn her secret. It was only then that she began cooperating with them—albeit unintentionally. Apparently, her power to transform into Grimcat, and the mission she inherited with it, were handed down to her from her mother and grandmother. However, it is currently unclear as to how that process works.


Nina Fenly – Age 19 – “I’m afraid that stage was just a little too bright for me.” A young and especially talented up-and-coming actress. Nina is what’s known as a ‘method’ actress who strives to completely inhabit her roles, and her innate talent for doing so has caught the attention of countless members of the film industry. Outside the silver screen, she’s soft-spoken and humble. She’ll often respond to compliments on her acting by claiming the only reason she’s able to inhabit her roles so well is because she doesn’t really have an identity of her own. On the other hand, she also takes her work very seriously as a professional and has a genuine desire to improve, showing a persistent willingness to stand up to injustice. She and Judith, as junior and senior members of their profession respectively, share a deep trust in one another. However, they also have a bit of a friendly rivalry going on, and will frequently push each other to hone their craft further. During the Tharbad Film Festival of 1208, Nina was able to beat out Judith to win the coveted Best Actress award.

There are more character profiles on the game's official website so be sure check it out. ^^

NotMyProblemAnymoreCunt NotMyProblemAnymoreCunt Tagging you here in case you're interested in learning more about the Trails through Daybreak II characters.
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Biggest Trails Stan
NIS America has uploaded English profiles for The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II on the official website for the game:


Van Arkride– Age 25 – “Now, I hate workin’ for free as much as the next guy, but if you promise to reward me with some delicious sweets, I’ll deal.” The man at the head of Arkride Solutions. A lover of sweets, saunas, and orbal cars. Due to his job as a spriggan, Van has a tendency to take on legally-questionable jobs. However, the fact that he occasionally walks on the edge of the law does not preclude him from doing good by others—as is evidenced by his numerous personal contacts. While tracking down the Oct-Geneses at Agnès’ request, Van developed the ability to transform into an armored form known as the Grendel with the help of Mare, the holo core installed within his combat orbment. It was with this new ability that he was able to fend off the mafia group known as Almata. Having once terrorized the entirety of the Republic, Almata was eventually brought to its knees by the Arkride Solutions team during the fight for the Oct-Geneses. Upon the quelling of this threat, however, they decided to temporarily go their separate ways. Now left to himself in a less-than-lively office, Van is free to return to his lone-wolf lifestyle once more.


Agnès Claudel– Age 16 -“Well, it’s mine, too. So I’m going to give you a hand—whether you like it or not.” A first year at the prestigious Aramis Academy who currently serves on its Student Council. Despite her polite manner of speaking and at times meek demeanor, Agnès has shown great strength and determination while employed at Arkride Solutions—especially when facing off against the seedy underbelly of society. Agnès first met Van while searching for eight prototype orbments known as the Oct-Geneses, which she inherited from her great-grandfather. As thanks for taking on her request, she began working as one of Arkride Solution’s part-time assistants. At present, Agnès has recovered seven of the eight Geneses. Unfortunately, while continuing her search for the last remaining Genesis, she’s had no choice but to also divide her time between preparing for the Aramis Academy Festival and periodically helping out around Arkride Solutions. Regarding her relationship with Van, she both respects and admires him as her employer. However, she seems to be harboring some more amorous feelings for him as well…


Elaine Auclair– Age 24 – “…I won’t let you run away from me again. Are we clear, Van Arkride?” An A-rank bracer affiliated with the Edith branch of the Bracer Guild. She is occasionally referred to by the moniker ‘Beauty’s Blade.’ Due to her dignified beauty and masterful skill with a sword, Elaine tends to catch the eye of the media more often than not. Unfortunately, this also leads to talent agencies offering her contracts for modeling and acting—she always declines. Outside of being the poster girl for the Bracer Guild, Elaine has no present interest in joining the world of entertainment. During her high school years, she enjoyed a brief and fleeting romance with Van before he suddenly vanished without so much as a word. It was only recently, after seven years, that the two were able to reunite. Although their lingering feelings for each other have left their current relationship a bit tense, their time fighting Almata together was able to strengthen their bond once more. Some time after the events involving Almata and the Oct-Geneses, Elaine received word that the Central Intelligence Department’s elite Gamma Squad had been brutally murdered by an unknown assailant, and that a ‘crimson’ monster was spotted at the scene of the crime…


Celis Ortesia– Age 27 – “Hey, humility’s a virtue, old man. You wanna make a confession, we’ll hear you out.” The fourth of the twelve Dominions belonging to the Gralsritter, an order of holy knights within the Septian Church. Despite her small stature and youthful appearance, Celis is both foul-mouthed and temperamental; not only will she send foes flying for getting on her bad side, but she’ll even pick fights with those she deems worthy opponents. Regarding combat, Celis specializes in a fighting style that requires her to wield a giant templar sword—one that’s roughly as tall as she is. She was initially quite skeptical of Van upon learning that Bergard had taken him on as a student. However, over the course of the incidents surrounding Almata and the Oct-Geneses, she has grown to be marginally more trusting of him.


Leon Balthazar– Age 25 – “And a special hello to you, Van. That beastly lookalike of yours nearly had you marked for a manhunt.” The eleventh of the twelve Dominions belonging to the Gralsritter, an order of holy knights within the Septian Church. An outwardly pleasant young man whose sadistic nature emerges in the midst of battle. Like Celis, Leon learned to fight under Bergard’s tutelage. His weapon of choice is a rapier, which he uses to strike at foes’ vitals with skillful accuracy. At present, both Leon and Celis are traveling through the Republic as wandering priests, investigating and recovering artifacts as they go.


Carmine Altera– “Now, devour them all! Shard corrode… The Grendel’s online!” A red, fairy-like holo that bears a striking resemblance to Van’s. Much like Mare, Altera seems to be in possession of free will. However, she is far more prideful and arrogant than her counterpart, and shows great contempt for humanity. After resonating with the eighth Genesis held by the man in the black coat, she gained the ability to transform him into the Grendel Zolga. It is unclear if the process she uses to do so is the same as Mare’s. Altera seems to hold a certain animosity toward Van and Mare, although the reason why remains a mystery.


Grendel Zolga– A mysterious individual in a black coat who can transform into a crimson Grendel with the help of Carmine Altera. With a physique larger than Van’s Grendel, its capacity for violence is all too clear. Despite having been identified as the culprit behind the massacre of the CID’s Gamma Squad, its motive for committing such an act is unknown. In fact, very little is known about the individual at all. What is his connection to the final Genesis that Agnès is still looking for? And why is he working with Carmine Altera? For now, theories are all that are available.


Swin Abel– Age 17 – “Turning over a new leaf takes commitment. If you want to spit on that, we’re not going to let it slide!” A former assassin who escaped from the Gardens several years ago. Swin wields his twin blades with expert skill. Not only is he capable of strengthening them by combining them into a single blade, but he can also use them to ‘mark’ his opponents’ weak points. Although he may come across as a bit cold and unfriendly, it’s not intentional—he’s just a really straightforward guy. After escaping from the Gardens, Swin swore to never take another human life. Instead, he’s opted to make his living by taking on a variety of odd jobs. And with his recent travels having resulted in a number of new connections, perhaps Swin truly has changed his ways…


Nadia Rayne– Age 15 – “A lazy life of leisure is the only one for me! I need to save all that room in my planner for back-to-back siestas!” A former assassin who escaped from the Gardens with Swin. Her weapons of choice are a set of specially-made needles and an army of explosive-stuffed teddy bears. As her intuition and abilities of both prediction and calculation far exceed those of an average individual, Nadia is capable of analyzing combat situations to determine her enemies’ weaknesses. However, because doing so tends to burn her out rather quickly, she takes every opportunity outside of battle to slack off. Her selfish behavior and the spoiled attitude she takes with Swin tend to distract from the fact that, in truth, she’s actually far more of an untrusting realist than Swin is. Aware as she is that Swin is, deep down, the more kindhearted of the two, Nadia strives to support him by acting as the cunning member of their pair when they come into contact with the more nefarious parts of their job. Like Swin, she has also made a number of new friends since the events in Crossbell, and is currently attempting to make a new life for herself.


Renne Bright– Age 17 – “Oh, I’m just an innocent little Student Council president. Girls like me are ten mira a dozen.” A second-year student and Agnès’ upperclassman at Aramis Academy, who transferred in as an exchange student from the Liberl Kingdom. As she excels at finding solutions for virtually every issue in existence, Renne is considered by many to be a genius. She currently serves as Aramis’ Student Council president. Renne’s personal history defies most people’s wildest imaginations; in addition to serving as an Enforcer for the Society of Ouroboros, she has also published a number of doctoral-level dissertations, some dating as far back as her early childhood. As a result, Renne has caught the eye of a number of engineers throughout Zemuria and the CID—as well as certain members of the criminal underground. During the incidents surrounding Almata and the Oct-Geneses, she lent her aid to both the Arkride Solutions team and the Bracer Guild. Renne’s reason for initially entering the Republic was to accomplish a mission tasked to her by the West Zemuria Tech Union. As this mission has recently been completed, she has decided to temporarily return to Liberl—in spite of Aramis Academy’s fast-approaching school festival…


Shizuna Rem Misurugi – Age 24 – “Of course, you could always turn me down if you wanted to…but I’m gonna follow you anyway. We’re stuck together like glue!” A practitioner of the Black God One Blade school who is also known as the Divine Blade of Silver. She is currently Ikaruga’s second-in-command. Shizuna wields an Onyx Odachi that bears an intricate engraving on its blade. When in combat, her skill with this sword allows her to overpower even the strongest of fighters. Although she can come across as a bit too carefree at times, Shizuna is indeed a force to be reckoned with—not least of all for her ability to see through to the true nature of things by way of a technique called the ‘Unclouded Eye,’ which she learned from her master. This, along with her other unique skills, makes her more than suited to carry the name of ‘Divine Blade.’ Shizuna originally came into contact with the Arkride Solutions team while she was hiding out in the Ishgal Mountains. Since then, she has temporarily provided Van and his compatriots with support during the incidents surrounding Almata. Although they seem to have made some kind of deal with the Calvardian government, Ikaruga’s activities, goals, and even the nature of their organization remain shrouded in mystery.


Kasim Al-Fayed – Age 28 – “Remember, Ferida. Only you can determine how to wield your flame.” Feri’s brother, also known as the Khamsin, was said to be the greatest warrior amongst the Warriors of Kruga, who are themselves considered one of the strongest jaeger corps in all of Zemuria. Despite his cool and detached demeanor, Kasim makes it a point to never drop his guard. Along with his superior leadership abilities and the immense strength required to wield his giant, military-grade buster lance with ease, it’s no wonder he has a reputation as the strongest jaeger in the world—in regard to combat, at least. Kasim is currently employed as the security chief of Marduk Total Security Company. However, two years ago, he also served as Van’s instructor in combat. It was with Kasim that he learned how to make better use of both his stun caliber and his hollow style martial arts. Despite cutting ties with the Warriors of Kruga, he appears to be watching over his younger sister from afar as she attempts to become a warrior in her own right.


Mare – “I’m good to go whenever you are, Van! Let’s show him what the original Grendel is made of!” An unusually self-assertive holo core installed in Van’s Xipha. Although she typically only displays her normal, pre-programmed personality, Mare is able to manifest physically when resonating with one of the eight Geneses. It is during these moments that she appears to possess free will—something that should be impossible for an AI. Mare is capable of surrounding Van’s body with shards, thus transforming him into the Grendel. As one can imagine, its fearsome strength and great power have saved the day a fair number of times. Over the course of the incidents surrounding Almata and the Oct-Geneses, it was revealed that Mare also had the ability to overtake a human’s consciousness. With such incredible power, it’s clear she has a crucial role to play—what exactly that role is, however, remains unknown.


The Grendel – Van Arkride’s alter ego, which was created by Mare, his fairy-like support AI. It is only upon her manifestation into the real world that she is able to transform Van into the Grendel. When transformed, Van’s base strength is greatly enhanced, granting him a level of combat prowess that exceeds anything known to man. Although the Grendel Zolga—a crimson version of the Grendel and the main suspect in a number of homicides throughout the capital—also utilizes a similar type of shard armor, it’s unknown whether or not its ‘shackles’ are the same as those that bind Van and his Grendel. Regardless, Van and Mare will likely be forced to face off against the Grendel Zolga and his support holo, Carmine Altera, during their investigation.


Feri Al-Fayed – Age 13 – “I’m gonna give it my all, too, Kasim!” A young girl from the Warriors of Kruga, a strong and well-known jaeger corps from the Central East. Due to her upbringing as part of the Kruga—a very proud and traditionalist people—Feri sees no evil in the act of fighting. This has led to her genuine admiration for the warriors in her clan, such as her father and brother, and her desire to one day rise to their ranks. Although she does indeed possess both the nobility and bravery befitting her warrior roots, Feri is, at her core, just as innocent and naive as any other girl her age. As such, she is often enthralled by new sights and experiences, and has a tendency to engage in all manner of adorable hobbies. Feri first approached Van while seeking help in her search for another jaeger who she viewed as an older sister. Interestingly enough, she decided to join the Arkride Solutions team after the resolution of her case, stating a need to experience the world beyond the walls of her clan. It was only upon the conclusion of the events with Almata that she decided to temporarily return to the Kruga village. While there, she performed the role of the priestess during their New Year’s Festival, showing her friends and family just how much she had grown in her time away.


Aaron Wei – Age 20 – “I sure as hell am not part of the Lu family. I’m just here to complete a job for the sake of an old friend.” Despite being a reckless and hot-tempered young man, Aaron has a deep and abiding love for his home in the Eastern Quarter of Langport, where he is well known among the people as a child prodigy. He is occasionally referred to as ‘The Little Conqueror of Luozhou.’ Due to his eye-catchingly bright red hair and attractive features, Aaron is often the go-to choice for playing female roles at the Eastern Theater. He is also a practitioner of Gekka, one of the three major schools of Eastern martial arts, as well as a highly-skilled fencer. As can be imagined, these various accomplishments of his have garnered him a certain amount of attention from individuals within Heiyue. Despite their interest, however, Aaron has no intention of joining the syndicate; instead, he plans on carving his own path in life. Aaron and Van first met while the Arkride Solutions team was working on a case in Langport—one that would eventually come to shake the Dazzling City to its core. It was during this time that Aaron came to learn the truth about not only himself, but Heiyue’s schemes as well. With these new revelations out in the open, Aaron began to reconsider the path he wished to walk in life, which, in turn, led to him joining Arkride Solutions. While he did eventually return to Langport, he continues to act without regard to Heiyue’s expectations of him. Recently, he’s even been taking a page out of Van’s book by helping those in need within the city.


Risette Twinings – Age 20 – “After all, this is nothing more than a fake body. I reasoned they were illusions generated by false signals.” A service concierge for the private military company known as Marduk Total Security Company. A calm and collected beauty whose maid outfit and long, blue hair leaves a striking impression. While tremendously skilled with technology, Risette is both incredibly friendly and polite as well. Thanks to Van’s contract with the Marduk Company, he and Risette have gotten to know each other rather well over the past three years, despite most of their communication being relegated to comms. The two were finally able to meet face to face during an incident in Tharbad. Afterward, the Marduk Company opted to dispatch Risette to Arkride Solutions for extended service. As surprising as it may seem, Risette’s physical body is not her own. Rather, it’s an artificial one provided to her by the Marduk Company. Although she acknowledges having some uncertainties about their true goals, she genuinely treasures her position with them, as it has given her a variety of opportunities she wouldn’t have had otherwise. After the temporary disbandment of the Arkride Solutions team, Risette returned to Marduk’s main office in Ored. As word would have it, she’s managed to reunite with a close friend of hers while undergoing routine maintenance there.


Quatre Salision – Age 16 – “I tried to run away, even knowing how many loved ones I’d be leaving behind… I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” A young researcher studying for his master’s degree at the Basel Institute of Science. Due to his long silver hair and androgynous appearance, he is often mistaken for a girl. Quatre is often accompanied by XEROS and FIO, two orbal drones that he created himself. Despite his intelligent and kindhearted personality, he has a tendency to keep others at arm’s length. Quatre was taken in by Professor Hamilton, one of Claude Epstein’s three disciples, at an early age. Despite their lack of shared blood, she cared for him as if he were one of her own. Unfortunately, other than the fact that he was born and raised under harsh conditions, little else is known about Quatre’s past prior to Professor Hamilton’s involvement—though it seems Van may have an idea or two. Quatre first met Van and the others during an incident in Basel, which gave him the opportunity to re-examine both his skills and current educational path. As a result, he chose to join Arkride Solutions in order to use his abilities for the good of others. After the team’s temporary disbandment, he returned to the Basel Institute, where he continued to work with Professor Hamilton and the other researchers.


Judith Lanster – Age 23 – “And let’s get one thing straight here! I am NOT his lackey! I’m barely even an employee!” One of the most talented actresses in Calvard’s film industry. When it comes to her work, Judith always makes sure to maintain an uncompromising sense of professionalism. That being said, she’s actually quite friendly—as is evidenced by her large fan following. Unfortunately, her amicable nature combined with her sense of confidence can make her come across as a bit of a dimwit at times. Judith also possesses a secret identity: that of the Phantom Thief Grimcat, who is often believed to be an urban legend. When moonlighting as Grimcat, she follows her strong sense of justice, which inevitably leads to her saving the oppressed by taking down their oppressors. After encountering Van and the others on a variety of occasions—both as an actress AND her alter-ego—the Arkride Solutions team eventually came to learn her secret. It was only then that she began cooperating with them—albeit unintentionally. Apparently, her power to transform into Grimcat, and the mission she inherited with it, were handed down to her from her mother and grandmother. However, it is currently unclear as to how that process works.


Nina Fenly – Age 19 – “I’m afraid that stage was just a little too bright for me.” A young and especially talented up-and-coming actress. Nina is what’s known as a ‘method’ actress who strives to completely inhabit her roles, and her innate talent for doing so has caught the attention of countless members of the film industry. Outside the silver screen, she’s soft-spoken and humble. She’ll often respond to compliments on her acting by claiming the only reason she’s able to inhabit her roles so well is because she doesn’t really have an identity of her own. On the other hand, she also takes her work very seriously as a professional and has a genuine desire to improve, showing a persistent willingness to stand up to injustice. She and Judith, as junior and senior members of their profession respectively, share a deep trust in one another. However, they also have a bit of a friendly rivalry going on, and will frequently push each other to hone their craft further. During the Tharbad Film Festival of 1208, Nina was able to beat out Judith to win the coveted Best Actress award.

There are more character profiles on the game's official website so be sure check it out. ^^

NotMyProblemAnymoreCunt NotMyProblemAnymoreCunt Tagging you here in case you're interested in learning more about the Trails through Daybreak II characters.

I already know what happened

I played the Korean Version off of Steam using the English Fan Patch

Thanks for tagging me 👀



With so much to play and this coming out in the dead of early next year, I'm putting off Daybreak 1 for the time being. I'll play these two back-to-back, as God intended (and how I usually do, actually, with Trails games).
What do you think of it so far? 👀

Loving every single thing about it so far. New Combat system is great. I really didn't think this series could get better after Reverie which I loved but so far it looks like they might have done it. The dialogue just seems so much better in this game also. I don't know when I'll get new chars yet but I'm already loving the first two. Was also great to see Zin.


Biggest Trails Stan
Loving every single thing about it so far. New Combat system is great. I really didn't think this series could get better after Reverie which I loved but so far it looks like they might have done it. The dialogue just seems so much better in this game also. I don't know when I'll get new chars yet but I'm already loving the first two. Was also great to see Zin.

Yeah lot of great characters in this story arc new and recurring. I especially love all the new WAIFUs

You can tell that Falcom went the extra mile and tried to change up things when it comes to the gameplay especially

Also I'm fine with the graphics. Even though I do find it funny how the characters all look great visually while the environments all look like uprezed PS2 environments


I just finished chapter 5. Sadly calvard doesnt feel as interconnected as erebonia due to it being more linear.


Looking forward to part 2. I just finished chapter 5 and I'm doing the wrap up content. Judith is my new waifu.

I loved seeing Sylphid all grown up and can Xin breasts get any bigger.

It's definitely different that Erobonia, but I was drawn into the story during Aida's portion. Vans grown on me. I want answers about the behind the scenes manipulation going on!


Biggest Trails Stan
Looking forward to part 2. I just finished chapter 5 and I'm doing the wrap up content. Judith is my new waifu.

I loved seeing Sylphid all grown up and can Xin breasts get any bigger.

It's definitely different that Erobonia, but I was drawn into the story during Aida's portion. Vans grown on me. I want answers about the behind the scenes manipulation going on!

GIF by moodman

I played the game before it came out with a English Fan Patch

I'm planning on replaying the game now that the official release is out

Also yes Xin Boobs get bigger each game but not complaining. Yeah seeing Sylphid all grown up is great to see. She looks great with long hair

When it comes to WAIFUs, all the females that join your cast are all top tier. Even the non playable ones are bangers

How is the English translation?

Van is my favorite protag in the Trails series. 24 is not old 👀


One of the green rats
Been trying to get through day break .. it's just not grabbing me like the last one did, but that really didn't pick up for me until the end either. 🤷‍♂️
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