I know these threads don’t end well on GAF a lot of times, but I saw this piece on my news feed today and thought it would be interesting to share. The article was in Brazilian Portuguese and I translated it. Tell me if anything sounds off and I’ll try to correct it, it’s often hard to translate political and educational terms from Portuguese to English due to many technical differences.
I included some links that weren’t in the original text concerning local government offices, etc.
Also, be happy that most of you won’t be able to read the comments…
Transgender students will be able to choose the bathroom and type of school uniform
Resolution by the Secretariat for Human Rights doesn’t have status of law.
The recommendation includes preferred name usage in exams and report cards.
Transgender students will be able to choose which bathroom they’ll be using and the type of school uniform (male or female), in accordance with their gender identity. They’ll also be able to have their preferred name used in the administrative processes of their school life, like enrollment, report cards, attendance record, exams and even public examinations.
That’s what says a resolution by the National Council for Combating Discrimination and for Promotion of LGBT Rights (CNCD/LGBT), a federal council connected to the Secretariat for Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic, which was published this Thursday (12) on the official journal of the federal government.
The resolution doesn’t have status of law, but it works as a recommendation that educational institutions can follow to respect the rights of transgender students. “The National Congress still doesn’t have a regulatory framework regarding the needs of the LGBT population”, said Samanda Alves, the Council’s Vice-President.
Samanda highlights that there have been many developments concerning the matter of gender identity between students. Last year’s ENEM (National High School Exam) already allowed applicants to be identified by their preferred name. In 23 federal universities preferred name usage is already allowed for students, among them the UFPE, the UFSCar, the UFRB, the UFJF, and the UFRJ. “Furthermore, 15 State Boards of Education have issued similar resolutions”, she adds.
According to the CNCD, the need for a right to use the preferred name is higher during high school and in colleges/universities. “In the case of teenagers, the recommendation is that the request be made by the parents”, she pointed.
In case the school doesn’t comply with the student’s request, the Council’s Vice-President advises that the family should seek dialogue with the institution. “It’s a very new policy in Brazil. We’re advancing on that front, the resolution recognizes that. What we can do for now is to keep seeking dialogue until the National Congress approves a law in this respect”.
Maria Clara, Maria Laura e Débora used their preferred name on the Enem 2014
I know these threads don’t end well on GAF a lot of times, but I saw this piece on my news feed today and thought it would be interesting to share. The article was in Brazilian Portuguese and I translated it. Tell me if anything sounds off and I’ll try to correct it, it’s often hard to translate political and educational terms from Portuguese to English due to many technical differences.
I included some links that weren’t in the original text concerning local government offices, etc.
Also, be happy that most of you won’t be able to read the comments…
Transgender students will be able to choose the bathroom and type of school uniform
Resolution by the Secretariat for Human Rights doesn’t have status of law.
The recommendation includes preferred name usage in exams and report cards.
Transgender students will be able to choose which bathroom they’ll be using and the type of school uniform (male or female), in accordance with their gender identity. They’ll also be able to have their preferred name used in the administrative processes of their school life, like enrollment, report cards, attendance record, exams and even public examinations.
That’s what says a resolution by the National Council for Combating Discrimination and for Promotion of LGBT Rights (CNCD/LGBT), a federal council connected to the Secretariat for Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic, which was published this Thursday (12) on the official journal of the federal government.
The resolution doesn’t have status of law, but it works as a recommendation that educational institutions can follow to respect the rights of transgender students. “The National Congress still doesn’t have a regulatory framework regarding the needs of the LGBT population”, said Samanda Alves, the Council’s Vice-President.
Samanda highlights that there have been many developments concerning the matter of gender identity between students. Last year’s ENEM (National High School Exam) already allowed applicants to be identified by their preferred name. In 23 federal universities preferred name usage is already allowed for students, among them the UFPE, the UFSCar, the UFRB, the UFJF, and the UFRJ. “Furthermore, 15 State Boards of Education have issued similar resolutions”, she adds.
According to the CNCD, the need for a right to use the preferred name is higher during high school and in colleges/universities. “In the case of teenagers, the recommendation is that the request be made by the parents”, she pointed.
In case the school doesn’t comply with the student’s request, the Council’s Vice-President advises that the family should seek dialogue with the institution. “It’s a very new policy in Brazil. We’re advancing on that front, the resolution recognizes that. What we can do for now is to keep seeking dialogue until the National Congress approves a law in this respect”.
Maria Clara, Maria Laura e Débora used their preferred name on the Enem 2014