NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Twin Peaks: Into The Night is shaping up to be a fantastic tribute to David Lynch’s iconic series
The owls are not what they see in this PS1-style tribute to the supernatural mystery series

Created by Blue Rose Team, a small team made up of French developers Lucas Guibert and Jean Manzoni, Twin Peaks: Into The Night is a fan game that reimagines Lynch and Frost’s original series as a PS1-style survival horror game à la Silent Hill and Resident Evil, complete with tank controls and full-motion video exposition that repurpose footage from the show. Guibert and Manzoni released the first demo for the game on Tuesday, covering the events of Special Agent Cooper’s arrival at Twin Peaks and his first encounter with Laura Palmer in the Black Lodge.
No word as to when we can expect the full release, but Guibert and Manzoni have made it clear that they intend to release the game for free when it’s finished, as the project is an unofficial tribute to the TV show. The demo itself is fantastic, channeling the idiosyncratic quirks of Lynch and Frost’s signature storytelling in a way that feels right at home in the interactive medium of games. So far, Twin Peaks: Into The Night is shaping up to be the video game adaptation the series always deserved back when it was still on the air.

Twin Peaks: Into the Night [DEMO] by BlueRoseTeam