This is the place to discuss anything and everything Twitch Plays Pokemon, starting from Heart Gold and onwards.
Link to the stream
What is Twitch Plays Pokemon?
Twitch Plays Pokemon is a game of pokemon where the viewers are in control. Simply input a command (a,b,left,right,up,down,x,y, or touch) into the stream chat and it will happen in game (following a 15-30 second lag). The thing is, with thousands of people controlling the game all at once, things get crazy pretty quickly.
Democracy vs. Anarchy
There are two input systems in Twitch Plays Pokemon. The first, Anarchy, works as previously stated. Every command inputted will be played out in the game, leading to sheer insanity. The next, Democracy, instead stops the game and collects votes on commands every 30 seconds. The command with the highest number of votes at the end of each 30 second voting period will be the one inputted in game, until Anarchy is voted as the top choice, at which point Democracy reverts back to Anarchy. Democracy is useful for navigating areas that require precise inputs, using items in the bag, and safely accessing the PC, among other things.
Democracy will be disabled until we reach what the streamer determines to be an otherwise impossible task. If there is no such impossible task, democracy may be disabled for the entire game.
For the Anniversary Red Run, Democracy will be enabled using area-based timers. In other words, in certain suspect areas where we may need democracy, streamer has set it so that democracy will automatically enable itself once we have been in that area for over 24 hours total. If the area in question is left, the timer will stop, and anarchy will be re-instated.
The Touch Screen
For (3)DS games, the streamer has enabled a coordinate system to allow use of the touch screen in the game. Simply input (number),(number) and that position on the touch screen will be pressed.
To help input easily, here is a script to click on the touchscreen yourself and have the coordinates sent to you:
In between games, the stream defaults to a Twitch Plays Pokemon Arena, a viewer-controlled version of Pokemon Battle Revolution. Between each battle, viewers can place bets on which team they think will win. You start out with $1000 for betting, and can never fall below $500 total. Once you place a bet, it cannot be retracted or lowered, and you cannot switch sides. You can increase your bet, however. If you want to join, simply input this during the voting period:
!bet (insert amount here) (insert team here)
Example: !bet 100 red
Players also have slight control over what moves the pokemon on their team will choose. Input the following during a battle to increase the chances of a pokemon using the move you've selected:
!move (insert a,b,c, or d here, with a being the top move and d being the bottom move)
Example: !move a
There is also a balance bot now. Input !balance when the bot is active (typically between matches) and the bot will report your total winnings to you.
Spending Real Money on This Stream
If for some reason you feel you want to give your hard-earned cash to TwitchPlaysPokemon, you can now donate to the stream. If you donate, your name (or fake name, you can input whatever you want) is displayed on a banner at the top of the stream and you get to make a donation message for everyone to read and then complain about because it's blocking the screen.
Also, finally, if you subscribe to TwitchPlaysPokemon you now have access to these Subscriber Emotes:

Current Game
Pokemon Anniversary Crystal-The 2nd Anniversary Run

Anniversary Crystal is a custom romhack of Crystal Version which will be used for our 2nd Anniversary Run. It is designed so that we can feasibly achieve the main goal of this run-completing the Pokedex. Not much is known about this game, but it is much, much different from the actual Crystal version. For one, we start the game in Kanto.
http://www.twitchplayspokemon.org/ (An alternative to the google doc)
So far, we've beaten 10 pokemon games:
Red Version
The team:
TPP Red Pokedex
Crystal Version
The team:
TPP Crystal Pokedex
Emerald Version
The team:
TPP Emerald Pokedex
Fire Red Randomizer
The Team:
TPP Fire Red Pokedex
Platinum Version (Our first anarchy only run!)
The Team:
TPP Platinum Pokedex
Heart Gold Randomizer
The Team:
TPP Heart Gold Pokedex
Link to the Reddit Live Updater for Heart Gold
Link to the Google Doc Progress Page for Heart Gold
Black Version
The Team:
TPP Black Pokedex
Link to the Reddit Live Updater for Black
Link to the Google Doc Progress Page for Black
Blaze Black 2 Version
The Team:
TPP Blaze Black 2 Pokedex
Link to the Reddit Live Updater for Blaze Black 2
Link to the Google Doc Progress Page for Blaze Black 2
Read up on the hack here.
The Team:
TPP X Pokedex
Link to the Reddit Live Updater for X
Link to the Google Doc Progress Page for X
Omega Ruby
The Team:
TPP Omega Ruby Pokedex
Link to the Reddit Live Updater for Omega Ruby
Link to the Google Doc Progress Page for Omega Ruby
TPP National Dex
Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread 3
Emerald Thread
Fire Red Thread
Platinum Thread