U.S. Climate Alliance now up to 13 members

The climate alliance continues to grow:


The U.S. Climate Alliance announced that Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont and Virginia have all joined the coalition, which is committed to upholding the Paris Accord and taking aggressive action on climate change.

In response to President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, and California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. formed the Alliance to convene U.S. states committed to achieving the U.S. goal of reducing emissions 26-28 percent from 2005 levels and meeting or exceeding the targets of the federal Clean Power Plan.

With input from all participants, the U.S. Climate Alliance will also act as a forum to sustain and strengthen existing climate programs, promote the sharing of information and best practices, and implement new programs to reduce carbon emissions from all sectors of the economy.

I know these states are not allowed to currently be signatories on the Paris Accord, but I would love it if they made an exception


Just another reason why next year's opportunity to flip governorships and state legislatures is so critical.

I've been preaching this to my friends whom were originally in the "my vote doesn't matter" camp and are now thoroughly horrified by our current state of affairs. Hopefully being in the darkest timeline imaginable will be enough to actually motivate people this time.
It makes me so happy to see a State deciding to not reduce emissions is treated with derision not just around the world but also at home.

Gives me some faith, I guess.

Wish my state (Pennsylvania) would join, but I hear it wouldn't be good politically for Wolf. :(

Seems like Wolf is pressing on regardless.


State officials said the administration of Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, would press on with its efforts to cut escapes of methane – a potent greenhouse gas – from natural gas wells and pipelines. Philadelphia officials were expected to continue their drive to reduce carbon emissions and prepare for the higher temperatures and bigger storms that are forecast to come with climate change.

”Climate change is a global issue that needs cooperation at all levels, from international agreements down to local efforts to conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gases," said Neil Shader, a spokesman for the Department of Environmental Protection, which implements climate policy. ”While withdrawal from the Paris agreement will not directly impact specific DEP policies, climate change is still an issue that is already affecting Pennsylvania."

fucking chris christie

support it you hack

Don't worry, you'll have a Democratic governor in like 5 months.


C'mon, Pennsylvania! We should be acting more than anyone, seeing how Pittsburgh was, well... Pittsburgh, for so long.


Is this going to be on the ballet?

Was reading a press release earlier today about how they were going to push for it again immediately after Christie since he is "the last damn thing" blocking legal weed according to him. So, not on ballot but probably legislated soon after.
All 3 Mayors of Arizona's largest towns (Phoenix, Tucson, Flagstaff) have come out in support of this and our governor is wasting time issuing orders on the "opioid epidemic" that threatens to penalize legitimate users. Get your shit together Ducey.
I don't doubt the US targets can be met, however, it sends the wrong message to countries that have more pressing problems and the funding that the US was going to provide for initiatives in developing countries is gone. So in the end, Trump will still have a negative impact on global climate.


The Texas governor is the biggest pile of shit. Hope his ass gets voted out next time he's up for election.

Greg Abbot is a terrible governor but I don't see him being dethroned unless someone really exceptional comes along and can negotiate with the ultra conservative pockets of Texas.

Abbot's really fucked up our state with his stances on abortion, cutting funds left and right from higher education and the way he's handled the sanctuary city business.


Media Create Maven
The climate alliance continues to grow:



I know these states are not allowed to currently be signatories on the Paris Accord, but I would love it if they made an exception

Those are all states with Democratic governors I presume? (VA does for example and is the most "conservative" state on there). If so, while nice, it's totally expected. Until the Republicans actually stand for this kind of stuff it doesn't mean much imo. Nice gesture though.


Those are all states with Democratic governors I presume? (VA does for example and is the most "conservative" state on there). If so, while nice, it's totally expected. Until the Republicans actually stand for this kind of stuff it doesn't mean much imo. Nice gesture though.

Vermont and Mass both have republican governors. And as of now the member states,make up 31.4% of the U.S. population and 36.3% of U.S. GDP as of 2016, emitted 18.1% of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. That's significant on its own, never mind the over 200 mayors who are also pledged, many of whom are in Red States.



I know these states are not allowed to currently be signatories on the Paris Accord, but I would love it if they made an exception

Why does it matter whether or not they're signatories on the Accord if they are able to meet or surpass goals?

I hope these states are able to hit the goals without federal funding.
The following are also potential members going forwards, based on statements from the respective governors (and mayor), representing in total an additional 14.6% of US carbon emissions:

North Carolina
Washington, D.C.

All 3 Mayors of Arizona's largest towns (Phoenix, Tucson, Flagstaff) have come out in support of this and our governor is wasting time issuing orders on the "opioid epidemic" that threatens to penalize legitimate users. Get your shit together Ducey.

Obligatory "fuck Ducey".

Fuck Ducey.


Its so depressing hearing people at work who are "grossed" that these governors are trying to fight global warming.

I heard this from this individual who cares deeply about animals and shit. Like seems you would understand why this is a fucking big deal yet choose to be willfully ignorant and feel like its ok the world goes to shit even though it includes these fucking animals you care so much about. (and they rest of humanity)

Fucking stupid. This same person made a comment like "oh man remeber 2008 when Obama came to office? It was the worst point in history!! Uhhh" (while ignoring Bush had fucked everything himself and his crew) Sorry for my rant but these people should have no voting rights.


I look forward to these states banning suburbs.
seriously, it's the biggest and most positive step they could do.
Abbot is an evil man who conned his way into office using his wheel chair to evoke sympathy.

That said, while I highly love the symbolic gesture behind the accord and states standing up to make their voices heard, I feel that the accord was too vague to have any practical meaning. My biggest concern for it was if I'm passionate about fighting global warming, and was willing to put tax dollars toward combating it, and you couldn't tell me how the money was going to be used, I would not have faith in your plan and feel like my passion was being exploited.

I'm generally not a "give power to the states" guy, but am glad that many are making better choices than idiot in power. Maybe they themselves can come up with a practical plan that lays out specifics and not stop at merely supporting the Paris accord.
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