Handy E3 2016 Archive and Spoiler-Free Google Sheet. When the stream is finished, archives will appear in here.
Conference: 1:00 PM PDT / 4:00 PM EDT / 21:00 BST (UK) 60 minutes
Preshow: 12:30 PM PDT / 3:30 PM EDT / 20:30 BST (UK) 30 minutes
Host: Aisha Tyler
Venue: Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, USA
Official Hashtag: #UbiE3
Ubisoft E3 Promo Video

Reaction Streams:
Confirmed Games:
Dont Expect:
Courtesy of Cheesemeister and Rösti
Press Conference Threads:
Schedule and Summary Threads:

Conference: 1:00 PM PDT / 4:00 PM EDT / 21:00 BST (UK) 60 minutes
Preshow: 12:30 PM PDT / 3:30 PM EDT / 20:30 BST (UK) 30 minutes
Host: Aisha Tyler
Venue: Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, USA
Official Hashtag: #UbiE3
Ubisoft E3 Promo Video

- Ubisoft Twitch
- Ubisoft YouTube
- Ubisoft Facebook
- IGN I IGN YouTube I IGN Twitch
- Gamespot I Gamespot YouTube I Gamespot Twitch
Reaction Streams:
- GiantBomb I GiantBomb YT Mirror I GiantBomb Twitch Mirror
- Easy Allies (Twitch)
- Super Best Friends (Twitch)
- Kinda Funny Games (Twitch)

Confirmed Games:
- Ghost Recon: Wildlands is an upcoming open world third person tactical shooter set in Bolivia in development by Ubisoft Paris, FY2017 (XB1, PC, PS4)
- Watch Dogs 2 is an open world action-adventure third-person shooter set in San Fransiscos developed by Ubisoft Montreal following Marcus Holloway, a hacker who works with the hacking group DedSec, 2016 (XB1, PC, PS4)
- South Park: The Fractured But Whole is being developed by Ubisoft San Francisco following New Kid and the gang playing as superheroes, TBA (XB1, PC, PS4)
- For Honor is a hack and slash video game in development by Ubisoft Montreal. The game combat system named the "The Art of Battle", TBA (XB1, PC, PS4)
- Tom Clancys The Division DLC, 2016 (XB1, PC, PS4)
- AAA new online focused IP which was announced in Ubisofts FY report, 2016
- Eagle Flight is a VR game set in Paris 50 years after humans leave the city with single and multiplayer modes developed by Ubisoft Montreal's FunHouse division, 2016 (PSVR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vice)
- Grow Up
Dont Expect:
- Next Splinter Cell
- Assasins Creed 2017 (Rumor: Set in Egypt)
- Far Cry 5
- Beyond Good and Evil 2
- Prince of Persia Reboot
- XIII Two

- Just Dance 2017 is announced for all video game platforms INCLUDING Nintendo NX (Link, Thread)
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands. Youre the Ghosts sent to take down the Santa Blanca cartel & their leader El Sueño releasing March 7th 2017 (Link, Thread)
- South Park: The Fractured But Whole is shown with a long gameplay demo. There is a new Space and Time gameplay system. If you pre purchase the Fractured But Whole, you get Stick of Truth for free on PC, XB1 or PS4 respectively. The game releases on December 6th 2016. (Link, Thread)
- Tom Clancy's The Division DLC, Underground,will release June 28th XB1, PC and August 2nd PS4. There are also 3 exclusive outfits to download based on Ubisoft franchises. Survival
- Tom Clancy's The Division DLC, Survival is based on survival type gameplay and is shown. Releases this Summer.
- Eagle Flight VR is shown. A live 3 vs 3 PvP demo is shown a la Capture the Flag.
- Star Trek Bridge Crew (a VR game) is announced. (Link I Trailer, Thread)
- For Honour is shown. It releases February 14th, 2017. Story Campaign Trailer ICampaign Walkthrough Video I Thread
- Grow up , a sequel to Grow Home, is announced. Launches in August on PC, PS4 & Xbox One. Link
- Trials of the Blood Dragon is announced. Releases NOW on PC. (Link, Thread)
- Assassin's Creed movie is discussed with director Frank Marshall. A new trailer and development 'behind the scenes' talk is shown.
- Dedsec hacked the conference! A Watch Dogs 2 a gameplay walkthrough is shown. (Link, Thread)
- Watch Dogs 2: PS4 players get 30 days exclusive access to Watch Dogs 2 DLC
- Ubisoft announces Steep , a New Open World Action Sports Game. (Beta Registration. I Announcement Trailer IGameplay Trailer I Thread)

Courtesy of Cheesemeister and Rösti

Press Conference Threads:
- EA Press Conference by Nirolak
- Bethesda Press Conference by MattyG
- Microsoft Press Conference by Relix
- PC Gaming Press Conference by MRORANGE
- Sony Press Conference by ULTROS!
- Nintendo Treehouse Livestream by Azalean
Schedule and Summary Threads:
- Rösti's E3 2016 I General Information and FAQ Thread
- Nirolak's Conference And Livestream Schedule Thread aka Rules
- Rösti's E3 2016 Show Floor Plans Thread
- Nirolak's E3 2016 rumor and unannounced game recap Thread
- Volotaire's IGN E3 2016 Schedule E3 Thread
- Edge_Maverick's Square Enix E3 2016 live stream schedule Thread
- Nirolak's YouTube Show E3 Schedule Thread
- FordGTGuy's Microsoft E3 2016 Speculation Thread
- Shinobi602's Sony E3 2016 Speculation Thread
- AAMARMO's E3 2016 Predictions and Discussion Information Thread
- EpicBox's E3 2016 'Hype' Thread
- IntelliHeath's E3 2016 GIF and WEBM Thread
- mdubs's Canada E3 Deals 2015 IOTI
- Fried Food's E3 2016 Snacks and Food Thread
- Cheesemeisters Food's E3 2016 Bingo Thread

- Cheesemesiter and Rösti for the E3 conference timetable
- Lavalamp1138 for 2012 - 2015 E3 Ubisoft E3 Press Conference thread inspiration
- Relix, Nirolak, ULTROS!, MattyG, BY2K for various E3 Thread inspiration
- dex3108 for the streaming banner under the Streams section
- Nirolak for letting me create this thread and useful info