
Warner Bros. Shuts Down 15 Year Old Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum Fan Film After New Movie Reveal - IGN
After announcing Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum as a Peter Jackson-produced movie set for 2026, Warner Bros. has filed a copyright strike against a fan film of the same name despite it being live on YouTube for 15 years.
After announcing Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum as a Peter Jackson-produced movie set for 2026, Warner Bros. has filed a copyright strike against a fan film of the same name despite it being live on YouTube for 15 years.
The Hunt for Gollum was announced yesterday, May 9, 2024, as a new Lord of the Rings film starring and directed by original Gollum actor Andy Serkis. But the name itself was familiar to longtime fans of the franchise who had watched Independent Online Cinema's 2009 fan film, which had accrued 13.6 million views on YouTube before it was hauled offline.
Visiting the film's page now comes up with the "video unavailable" screen, however. "This video contains content from Warner Bros. Entertainment, who has blocked it on copyright grounds," the page reads.
The fan film follows the exact same plot about Aragorn from the Appendices and Unfinished Tales that the movie will, so try to act surprised.