Cutty Flam
Who are the strangest Zelda characters?
There are a fair amount of them tbh, looking back... Mostly beginning with the N64 era and continuing from there. From OOT to TP there is no shortage of weird characters to choose from in this series, and actually there is a handful in SS as well
One character that comes to mind is Mutoh, first seen in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I like this character, but this dude is flat out strange and a bit unpleasant to be around at times. His bizarre design in appearance and his antics kinda tripped me out as a kid ngl
There are a fair amount of them tbh, looking back... Mostly beginning with the N64 era and continuing from there. From OOT to TP there is no shortage of weird characters to choose from in this series, and actually there is a handful in SS as well
One character that comes to mind is Mutoh, first seen in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I like this character, but this dude is flat out strange and a bit unpleasant to be around at times. His bizarre design in appearance and his antics kinda tripped me out as a kid ngl