No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
The Neo Geo was such a behemoth of console excellence in its time. Finally, gamers could actually bring the arcade experience home. And for the paltry price of 599 US DOLLARS!
So what are your favorite Neo Geo titles? Bonus points if they’re relatively deep cuts (so keep those Metal Slug and KoF suggestions to yourself!)
Actually, not that it’s a particularly unknown game, but Neo Turf Masters is probably my personal favorite.
Yeah, I’m breaking my own rule. This isn’t a deep cut by any stretch, but it is probably my favorite Neo Geo game. On top of the near-perfect gameplay, the soundtrack is absolutely fantastic. (Especially Baden National course!) I discovered this game back in 2017, and I’ve been addicted ever since.
So what are your favorite games on this highly-advanced 16-bit (but kind of 24-bit) arcade console?
So what are your favorite Neo Geo titles? Bonus points if they’re relatively deep cuts (so keep those Metal Slug and KoF suggestions to yourself!)
Actually, not that it’s a particularly unknown game, but Neo Turf Masters is probably my personal favorite.

Yeah, I’m breaking my own rule. This isn’t a deep cut by any stretch, but it is probably my favorite Neo Geo game. On top of the near-perfect gameplay, the soundtrack is absolutely fantastic. (Especially Baden National course!) I discovered this game back in 2017, and I’ve been addicted ever since.
So what are your favorite games on this highly-advanced 16-bit (but kind of 24-bit) arcade console?