So let's say Sony wanted to make Bloodborne 2 but From didn't. Would Naughty Dog be the next best choice? Neil Druckman is a BIG From fan and his expertise would really help polish the world of Bloodborne I think.
Have they made anything that's 100% of their own? I think they aren't experienced enough to make something as good as Bloodborne.Bluepoint is probably a more logical choice
Honestly with the way Sony's catalog is headed it just might lol
Thats the least of the OP's issues if you ask me.You are underestimating how much time and resources an AAA game takes
Astral Dog is miles better.Naughty Dogis an awful name
So let's say Sony wanted to make Bloodborne 2 but From didn't. Would Naughty Dog be the next best choice? Neil Druckman is a BIG From fan and his expertise would really help polish the world of Bloodborne I think.
fixed that for you.I dont want shit over the shoulder camera angle in my bloodborne game
Definetly made more sense when their games had more attitude.Naughty Dogis an awful name
Lots of chicks, but as your insight goes up you'll start noticing that they are all men with wigs.Question: would there be a chick in it and would she be lame and gay?
It would go to Bluepoint instead of ND most likely, but either way no thanks.
Bullshit. They knocked demons souls out of the park. They could rise to the occassion.Bluepoint is a small support studio, a project like Bloodborne 2 is way beyond their skills/capacities.
Only From can pull it off. Or any other talented Asian dev with the assistance of XDEV.
Bullshit. They knocked demons souls out of the park. They could rise to the occassion.