No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I just discovered WhatBeatsRock.com, which is an open-ended rock paper scissors game, where you have to think of something that will beat your previous answer. You can enter literally ANYTHING and it will assess whether or not it beats what you're up against. It's obviously using some LLM to determine the win, but it's been pretty fair and impressive so far. You start with "rock", which you have to defeat. You could use "paper", but you could also use "a laser gun".
For example, I learned that "angry NeoGAF users" can be defeated by "a thread about butts", which tracks. But "resetting the simulation" apparently doesn't defeat "the destruction of time and space".
Anyway, it's a fun time-killer, and an actual creative use of AI.
For example, I learned that "angry NeoGAF users" can be defeated by "a thread about butts", which tracks. But "resetting the simulation" apparently doesn't defeat "the destruction of time and space".

Anyway, it's a fun time-killer, and an actual creative use of AI.