What is the most bad ass, ability enhancing, damage taking, impression making armored exoskeleton in all the SciFi worlds and universes? They're suits of knights armor taking to ludicrous extremes that enhance every action and reaction of the wearer while being able to absorb insane amounts of punishment and often deal it back in full and then some. Often created to fight future wars against others walking tanks or sometimes even worse things be it mutant monsters, machines run amok, aliens from another world or whatever scifi monster needs super human killing machines to stop.
The original and forefather to all Power Armor was from the SciFi classic Starship Troopers by the legendary author Robert Heinlein. Powered Armor, sometimes Powered Suit or just "Suit", was used exclusively by the interstellar shock troops of the Terran Federation, the Mobile Infantry. Described as a giant metal hypocephalic gorllias where the interior was lined with thousands of incredibly sensitive pressure sensitive plates that responded to the users smallest reaction in an instant letting them use the armor without any hindrance or resistance like a natural extension of their bodies while amplifyiny everything they do many times over.
The Mobile Infantry live up to their as well as the Powered Armor as they are inserted from orbit, fired like bullets from spaceships that are described in comparison to giant guns. Of course the armor is essential as normal troops would be liquefied during the trip. Upon landing they are equipped with all manner of normal weapons from flay throwers to rocket launchers but the tour de force is the "T" shaped mini nuke launchers strapped to their backs that launch death to either side before their jet packs allow them to launch themselves miles away leaving death and destruction in their wake.
Heinlein really set the mold with his novel but many different works of fiction from books to comics to movies to games have all given us their interpretation of Power Armor. One of the most well known are of course the Adeptus Astartes or Space Marines from Warhammer 40K. There Power Armor is a combination of ancient tech reacquired by the God Emperor of Mankind from the Dark Age of Technology and his own incredible genius and made specifically for his Super Human shock troops to create the greatest fighting force in the Galaxy, the best of the best of the best.
Their armor is highly variable but the basic idea is a hyper exaggerated knights armor. Huge interconnecting plates of super tough ceramic filled with artificial muscles and jacked right into the Space Marines nervous system reacting like a second skin. Its sealed so they can fight in the vacuum of space, equipped the best sensor equipment the tech priests of Mars can provide and allows them to use weapons that would shatter the bones of a normal man while taking all manner of punishment from Xenos, Mutants, Demons and Traitors.
However what I want to high light for my starting post is that normal power armor isn't always enough in the universe of Warhammer 40K. Sometimes you need to clear a space hulk or perhaps there is a 6 story tall demon that needs its ass kicked back to the Warp. That's when the Space Marines break out the elite of the elite and equip them with something even tougher, stronger, bigger and meaner than even normal Power Armor. That would be Terminator Armor and it was often saved for only the longest lived and most battle hardened of Space Marines or even their demi God originators the Primarchs and the very God Emperor himself.
This armor is actually based on incredibly rare suits that were used to explore and work in the most hostile and extreme conditions the galaxy had to offer and modified and upgraded to be a towering reminder of humanity's wrath and the God Emperor's power on the battlefield. Not nearly as agile or quick as their smaller counterparts but they have no need to be as they can absorb mind boggling amounts of damage before finally succumbing. They are able to wield weapons that even normal Space Marines would have trouble lifting sometimes several at a time from miniguns to rocket launcher or even double wielding power fists, gigantic armored fist swathed in power fields that vaporize anything their brute strength doesn't pulverize. Each individual piece of Terminator Armor is a relic unto itself and entire sets are absolutely priceless. As rare as they are powerful.
So that's my starter choice but so many different pieces of scifi fiction from games to comics to books to movies and so on have covered Power Armor. From the MJOLNIR Armor worn by the Master Chief in the Halo games to the more exoskelton design Tom Cruise used in The Edge of Tomorrow. Lets here them with pictures and other details on why you love that design and what makes it special amongst all the others.

The original and forefather to all Power Armor was from the SciFi classic Starship Troopers by the legendary author Robert Heinlein. Powered Armor, sometimes Powered Suit or just "Suit", was used exclusively by the interstellar shock troops of the Terran Federation, the Mobile Infantry. Described as a giant metal hypocephalic gorllias where the interior was lined with thousands of incredibly sensitive pressure sensitive plates that responded to the users smallest reaction in an instant letting them use the armor without any hindrance or resistance like a natural extension of their bodies while amplifyiny everything they do many times over.

The Mobile Infantry live up to their as well as the Powered Armor as they are inserted from orbit, fired like bullets from spaceships that are described in comparison to giant guns. Of course the armor is essential as normal troops would be liquefied during the trip. Upon landing they are equipped with all manner of normal weapons from flay throwers to rocket launchers but the tour de force is the "T" shaped mini nuke launchers strapped to their backs that launch death to either side before their jet packs allow them to launch themselves miles away leaving death and destruction in their wake.

Heinlein really set the mold with his novel but many different works of fiction from books to comics to movies to games have all given us their interpretation of Power Armor. One of the most well known are of course the Adeptus Astartes or Space Marines from Warhammer 40K. There Power Armor is a combination of ancient tech reacquired by the God Emperor of Mankind from the Dark Age of Technology and his own incredible genius and made specifically for his Super Human shock troops to create the greatest fighting force in the Galaxy, the best of the best of the best.

Their armor is highly variable but the basic idea is a hyper exaggerated knights armor. Huge interconnecting plates of super tough ceramic filled with artificial muscles and jacked right into the Space Marines nervous system reacting like a second skin. Its sealed so they can fight in the vacuum of space, equipped the best sensor equipment the tech priests of Mars can provide and allows them to use weapons that would shatter the bones of a normal man while taking all manner of punishment from Xenos, Mutants, Demons and Traitors.
However what I want to high light for my starting post is that normal power armor isn't always enough in the universe of Warhammer 40K. Sometimes you need to clear a space hulk or perhaps there is a 6 story tall demon that needs its ass kicked back to the Warp. That's when the Space Marines break out the elite of the elite and equip them with something even tougher, stronger, bigger and meaner than even normal Power Armor. That would be Terminator Armor and it was often saved for only the longest lived and most battle hardened of Space Marines or even their demi God originators the Primarchs and the very God Emperor himself.

This armor is actually based on incredibly rare suits that were used to explore and work in the most hostile and extreme conditions the galaxy had to offer and modified and upgraded to be a towering reminder of humanity's wrath and the God Emperor's power on the battlefield. Not nearly as agile or quick as their smaller counterparts but they have no need to be as they can absorb mind boggling amounts of damage before finally succumbing. They are able to wield weapons that even normal Space Marines would have trouble lifting sometimes several at a time from miniguns to rocket launcher or even double wielding power fists, gigantic armored fist swathed in power fields that vaporize anything their brute strength doesn't pulverize. Each individual piece of Terminator Armor is a relic unto itself and entire sets are absolutely priceless. As rare as they are powerful.

So that's my starter choice but so many different pieces of scifi fiction from games to comics to books to movies and so on have covered Power Armor. From the MJOLNIR Armor worn by the Master Chief in the Halo games to the more exoskelton design Tom Cruise used in The Edge of Tomorrow. Lets here them with pictures and other details on why you love that design and what makes it special amongst all the others.