[WARNING: This thread highlights enemy groups introduced in Part II. For those who would rather not know anything about them, or risk it, then exit the page now. (And for those who only care about 'story' bits, [as in, nothing should be even hinted at, whatsoever] it is still recommended you at least play up to the game's 'halfway point' before coming into the thread.) For all those posting, major Part II story points must be spoiler tagged. THX HOFFA!]
The last of humanity may be the last of us, but I tell ya, they're a pretty assortment of folks. There's you, and you, and even you, yes. Yes, even you. All the way in the back. Yes, we see you. Now put on some pants.
Anyway, which group in the big wide world of TLOU [that we currently know of] is your favorite post-cataclysmic scrounger? Be it from a gameplay perspective, narrative angle, or on the basis of who has the best shoes... the call is yours, babeh.

A tight-knit, prosperous community with working electricity, water, and expansive resource inventory and upkeep. Based in Wyoming.
{Joel, Dina, Tommy, Ellie, Jesse}

Rough and tumble survivors you encounter throughout Part I; presumably a general term for any non-specific survivalists across the Midwestern United States who've turned to luring and looting stragglers and small sets of wanderers to sustain themselves.

Seraphites (aka: Scars)
A Washington-based religious cult centered around a deified denouncer of the Washington Liberation Front who perpetuated ideas of a new world free from the sins of the old. Considerable in number and skilled in bows-and-arrows and melee weaponry, they are fairly medieval in their execution and interrogation methods.

Slavers from Santa Barbara. Their specialty is infecting a selection of slaves with the Cordyceps via other incapacitated infected, exploiting it as a biological armament and intimidation tool. They are privy to submachine guns.

Formerly one of the most prominent militia agencies operating in the US before the events of Part I, the Fireflies were dedicated to restoring the nation and finding a cure to the fungal infection ravaging it and the world. They strongly opposed military occupation, and pushed back with acts of terrorism and organized, guerilla-style resistance. Their belief in a better world pushed them to combat anything in their way, no matter what the price.
{Marlene, Abby, Lev, Jerry}

Silver Lake
A community of cannibals residing in Colorado. Supposedly well-stocked and formally organized enough to host a healthily sized populace.
{David, James}

Washington Liberation Front (aka: Wolves)
A militarized group based in Seattle, Washington, which had taken over the state during the years following the initial outbreak. Highly active and plenty in number, their main base is a stadium-turned-extensive-HQ, where they train rigorously, maintain all their inventory, and house all residents under their supervision and those on active duty.
{Owen, Nora, Manny}
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