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Which Star Trek series (TNG/DS9/VOY) is your favorite and why?

Which Star Trek series (TNG/DS9/VOY) is your favorite and why?

  • The Next Generation

    Votes: 72 59.0%
  • Deep Space Nine

    Votes: 34 27.9%
  • Voyager

    Votes: 16 13.1%

  • Total voters


Which Star Trek, among the three, is your favorite and why?

-The Next Generation-
Aside from the Original Series, this one is the most popular, and with good reason. Once it hit its stride, it launched Star Trek into a new renaissance that had started with the original cast movies. New alien races such as the Ferengi, the Cardassians, and the Bajorins were introduced to the setting. The new cast was introduced and became household names. Captain Picard became a serious contender for dethroning Captain Kirk in popularity. What can be said about this series that hasn't been said? Did I mention Data yet?

-Deep Space Nine-
Running concurrently for a short time with TNG, DS9 changed the setting from a Starship to a Space Station. Commanded by Captain Sisko, the station has a large cast of diverse alien races cast against the backdrop of a newly freed but divided planet and the appearance of a stable worm hole leading to a totally new sector of space. Don't forget the Dominion War story arc! If you haven't seen this series, you probably are familiar with some of the cast, such as Chief of Security Odo and Ferengi bartender Quark. Also returning from TNG to join the cast is Engineer O'Brien and Security Officer Worf. I actually think Worf fit in much, much better on DS9 than he did on TNG, even though most of his story arc was contained on that series. My personal favorite series. Garak and Bashir buddy comedy please!

Captain Janeway is in command of a Starship that has found itself launched into the furthest reaches of space yet. With no hope of rescue, few resources, and a lot of potentially hostile (and many downright hostile) alien races to contend with, Voyager faces near impossible odds of returning home safely. Voyager has my personal favorite Star Trek captain with Captain Janeway, and there are many memorable crewmates, such as the Doctor (a holographic entity), Neelix (who becomes their guide and ambassador), and Seven of Nine (former Borg). The crew of Voyager meet many, many different alien races during this series, which is to be expected given their situation. In my opinion, Tim Russ plays the best on-screen Vulcan as Tuvok (I do like Spock though)!

My vote is for Deep Space Nine. Honestly though, I have to say that it's so close between the three that I really have a hard time picking a favorite!


That's a tough one. Grew up with TNG, did not like DS9 because it was different. Finally gave it a chance and I think its my favorite. Excellent ongoing story arcs.

Did not like Voyager. Giving it a second try now, but several unlikable characters on that show for me.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
Of those three, I like The Next Generation best. It's like TOS but with better production values and more consistent quality (minus Wesley), and it had a great cast of characters.
I'm really not into Star Trek's action-oriented episodes, so DS9's storylines (and its ongoing Dominion War) never held my attention. I like Star Trek for its thought experiments and Twilight Zone-esque scenarios, or moral or scientific dilemmas, and of course I always enjoy great episodes that just focus on the fun character dynamics. I always hated the two-parter episodes, because those are typically just action storylines.
I had plenty to enjoy in DS9, but sometimes its main focus wasn't on what I like most in Star Trek :lollipop_smiling_face_eyes:


Gold Member
TNG for sure. TOS is far too uneven.

But both are just RIDOCULOUS with the smoking hot babes of the wweekTNG isnt really known for eye candy but wstching it now...WOW that casting couch was put to good use!



Storyline didn't require as much investment. Episodes were well contained and tickled the brain. Could miss some and not feel lost. Interesting discussions that re-occured for a long time but kind of settled. The crews psychological games were fun to watch. Chakotay doing his best Janeway to get Tom to do a task then smirking afterwards as Tom hopped to it was a scene that sealed it for me.


After I had watched DS9 I was much older and I liked it more and that stayed with me for decades.

But now? I don't know, Voyager is some comfort watching when you don't want political drama and want more exploration.
I think it's because I'm in a shit place so I need some dumb fun, like junk food.


TNG for me. I love TOS but it's basically the Kirk/Spock/Bones show. TNG had a stronger cast overall and the writing was a cut above imo. The comfy '80s/early '90s vibe doesn't hurt either. Just an incredible show all round.

Voyager's ok if it's on. I copped a few episodes of DS9 and found it dull and disappointing. I remember being really excited for it too. Never watched any of the other shows.

Ulysses 31

TNG for me. I love TOS but it's basically the Kirk/Spock/Bones show. TNG had a stronger cast overall and the writing was a cut above imo. The comfy '80s/early '90s vibe doesn't hurt either. Just an incredible show all round.

Voyager's ok if it's on. I copped a few episodes of DS9 and found it dull and disappointing. I remember being really excited for it too. Never watched any of the other shows.
Eh, if I judged TNG by just a few S1 eps then I'd be disappointed by it too.

DS9 doesn't really take off till S3 when Worf and the Defiant join the show.
Oof, it's not till S4 he shows up?

Still, S3 really starts laying the groundwork for the dominion war. :messenger_winking_tongue:
The Dominion actually gets some subtle mentions in the first couple of seasons... and the S2 finale "The Jem'Hadar" is kind of critical. But yeah the first two seasons are hit and miss to say the least. I'd still rather watch them than any season of Voyager.

(sorry I was just happy to find a Move Along Home gif even if it's comedic edit, what a piece of shit episode)
TNG has the most iconic characters. No question. Picard is STAR TREK. Even more than Shatner.

That said, the best thing Star Trek has ever done is DS9. It was different, darker, and overall told a great story.

With all these callbacks to other series, how come we have never revisited DS9? You could still use a couple of actors from the oringal if they wanted.

From a preference standpoint, but also seeing where Star Trek is today, it is where I would go next.
I have never even made it thru the first season of Voyager, is it that good? I have always heard it isn’t. The lead character and the Jeri Ryan made the show.

You all tell me. Is it worth a watch? I have also never made it thru a full episode of Enterprise. What are your thoughts on those two series?


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Actuly very difficult. I grew up with Voyager, and having it watched again in entirety a few years ago, i love the laidback approach it has, even though it quality wise isn't the greatest.

TNG i consider great middle ground, although Picard and Data and Riker are incredible characters.

And then comes DS9. I actually watched this the latest, a few years ago. But DS9 pertains to me more now as an adult because of its complex themes it explores. Its probably why in my youth, DS9 didn't catch on for me because its lore and backdrop is a lot more complex than Voyagers.

So its difficult. As a youth: Definitely Voyager. But today? DS9.

People who say Voy will be sent to gulag.
Welp, well sorry then. I think Voyager to a youth is very appealing in numerous ways. Its a lot lighthearted, Janeway's Coffee in a Nebula is something Sisko wouldn't ever say (And in TNG it would likely be Q to make that statement). And i think that's what makes them all so different. Each of these series has something enticing to go back to.


DS9, never finished Voyager but I plan on it eventually.

I thought Gul Dukat was one of the best villains in all of Star Trek.


Voyager, DS9 and TNG. DS9's religion shit made me fall a sleep every time they were yapping on about it. Biggest gripe about Voyager for me was Neelix. Was hoping for a deadly transported accident happen to him...but nah man. He kept avoiding that fate. TNG was the most boring.


There was a part in voyager when they're against the big and species 8472 destroys a borg ship and I really nerded the hell out! I loved that storyline as the borg were scared of them!

That alone made love it as much as I love the next generation so those two are tied.

Deep space 9 I have never been able to get into it but hope to one day.

I respect every other series (even the ones that I didn't see) that have tried to move the franchise forward.

There are no guidelines when you are filming a Star Trek series. You have to pull from your imagination. Especially as an actor. You are basically flying blind. So respect to all those that have tried to add something to the Trekkie universe.


TNG is the best. I actually enjoyed Voyager quite a bit. I haven't watched as much DS9 as the other 2.


TNG, i grew up watching the the original series with Kirk and didn't think it stood a chance at the time, but it won me over with the characters Picard and Data especially and it still had Gene Roddenberry at the helm, so it worked, i liked DS9 as well, but Voyager not so much, 7 of 9 was great and the holodeck, but the stories and lore etc was all over the place.
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I understand Voyager might have been super cool when you were 5, but the series is dogshit and was from its inception. Paramount was launching a new network (UPN, which eventually merged with The WB to become The CW) and they wanted to launch with a new Star Trek show but done on the cheap. They recycled costumes, sets, special effects, and unused scripts from TNG. It was the Star Trek Recycle Bin.


Gold Member
I also want to add that I did despise Worf at first, but he really managed to grow on me during TNG and ended up being among my favorite characters. I do dislike Ryker, tho.

And I do think all of the Enterprise crew acted like assholes around Barclay.
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Mods need an AI or script to ban anyone saying VOY is better than DS9.

DS9 = TNG >>>>>>>>>>>>>….>>>>>VOY

DS9 is prob the best but I voted for Voyager because it's the one I re-watch more than the others. I think it and TNG are comfier to watch before bed.


I also want to add that I did despise Worf at first, but he really managed to grow on me during TNG and ended up being among my favorite characters. I do dislike Ryker, tho.

And I do think all of the Enterprise crew acted like assholes around Barclay.
You dislike Ryker? Really? He has a whole chair sitting method named after him. How can you not love a guy that has that?!


Indeed. "How dare you not goosestep in line?"
They want Star Trek opinions to be regulated like Concord forums.Think they're just insecure and lashing out. They were so triggered and on the attack that they couldn't even say what they liked about the show they picked.


TNG. DS9 is a more complex show with richer characters, knottier morality and deeper explorations of the cultures of Trek's myriad alien races, but TNG was a formative show for me in how I think about ethics, how to handle people and difficult situations, and generally become a grown-up. I'd argue that the show's simplicity relative to DS9 is its biggest advantage in terms of creating a strong sense of attachment to its viewers. While it is far from the blindly optimistic show it is sometimes painted as - episodes like Family, Chain Of Command Pt 2, The Bonding, The Drumhead, Eye Of The Beholder, etc, all deal with difficult issues that are far from 'solved' in the utopian future - it does represent characters aspiring to the pinnacle of their capabilities and to approach new frontiers in life with a consistent, considered moral/ethical belief system. DS9 is a fantastic show for challenging the limits of those belief systems and asking (among other things) when it might be acceptable or required to make compromises in pursuit of a greater good, but for myself and it seems many others, TNG is a formative show for setting people on the path to aspiriting to growth and self-improvement, with Picard most clearly representing the role model (while having some discernably human flaws) and Data representing the journey to getting there (even if, despite my love for the character, I have some qualms with his aspirations to be more human never transitioning into an acceptance and exploration of his potential as an almost-unique lifeform). DS9 asks a lot of interesting questions but didn't make me a better person in the way growing up with TNG did.

As for Voyager, it's obviously not on the level of TNG or DS9 but is still for the most part very enjoyable, comfort food Trek. I like the crew - Janeway, the Doctor and Seven especially - and for the most part it's an appreciably easy watch which elevates itself more often than it sinks (and let's face it, every series has its share of stinkers). I won't compare it to TOS, which as a TV show was very much its own thing in its own era (I love it too, but in a different way), but for all the snootiness Voyager seems to attract, it's far better than Enterprise and far, far better than any of the live action Bad Robot 'Trek' shows - Lower Decks is, again, very much its own thing, while Prodigy's visual style I find too offputting to judge it fairly.


Gold Member
You dislike Ryker? Really? He has a whole chair sitting method named after him. How can you not love a guy that has that?!
Sure, the way he sits on chairs has become a character trademark! And his actor, Jonathan Frakes, is a cool dude.

It's just that he comes across as a tryhard. Ryker never comes across as genuine. And he also seems to be weirdly stupid and obtuse at times. Not sure whether the writers dropped the ball or whether this was intended.
Ironically, I also don't like Chakotey from Voyager for similar reasons.


TNG was my main as a kid.. watched some DS9 as well and enjoyed , honestly need to take some time to rewatch these.

I have been enjoying Star Trek Strange new worlds.. Picard was great later season, season 1 had me questioning Paramount but the fan service later season really was great.

Wtf Star Trek Discovery tho... F that shit.. first episode I was like...
enough patrick stewart GIF


Deep Space Nine. Rewatched it a few years ago and it's even better when you can binge it. So many great main and guest characters. It even made Lwaxana likable.

TNG is a close second, but they had to make those crappy movies and Picard which kind of ruins it. Lets hope they leave DS9 alone.


Neo Member
I grew up on TOS when it was the only thing out there. So, it still holds a special place in my heart. But DS9 is the best Trek.

DS9 > Strange New Worlds> TNG > TOS > everything else.
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