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Which will we get first: FINAL FANTASY XVI or FINAL FANTASY VII Remake Part II?

Which game do you think will realease first?

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Boss Mog

So according to SE, FFXVI is pretty far along and we should hear more at E3. FF7R Part II is probably fairly far along as well. I'm assuming both games will come out in 2023 at the latest if not 2022. So which do you guys think will come out first?

Personally even if it hasn't been announced yet I think FF7R Part II will release first and that's because I think it will be a cross-gen title. It looks like FFXVI is next gen exclusive and SE would benefit from Sony selling more systems before releasing it and the current shortage isn't helping. I think we'll have to wait longer than expected to play FFXVI but the result will be a very full and polished game unlike FFXV which felt like it was missing a ton of story sequences (SE tried to remedy that a bit with the Royal Edition which added story content but it still wasn't enough imho).


Gold Member
there are too many damn FF games it's confusing with all they roman nurmals. for some reason i was thinking xvi is to replace xiv. i couldn't see them ditching xiv so voted vii remake part ii. i actually would vote xvi not vii part ii.


Super obvious it's gonna be FF16.

Would be more interesting to debate which one will come first, FF7-2 or DQ12.
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The first will prob be some additional taked on extra scenario with a Kingdom Hearts title like "FF7R Integrade We aRe TurkS: UndergroWth"
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
You've already seen 16 advertised, you haven't seen a peep of 7-2. Guess.


I have some light curiosity for ff16 just because people told me that the team behind is the one that was behind ff14, the only decent FF game after IX, but the memory of the cold, raped corpse of FF7 is still too fresh in my memory so i'm probably gonna wait for a big discount and many many positive feedback from trusted users.


ChatGPT 0.001
For some reason game releases need time between them there’s a lot of speculation on release dates, FF7 Remake Part 1 was a good opportunity to bring in new fans

Astral Dog

FF XVI looks more advanced, but i bet its gonna be a shorter time from FFVIIR to FFVIIR2, than VersusXIII to XV or FFVIIHD PS3 to FFVIIR


Gold Member
Final Fantasy XVI almost certainly. SE is being very careful with the remake, even if some people don't like its direction. Which was bound to happen no matter what they did. Naoki Yoshida being a producer on it and the same division that does Final Fantasy XIV working on it tells me FF XVI will have a good development pace.


FFXVI looked way further along than I expected, so that.
Unless the reveal trailer was complete bullshit like FFXV
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FFXVI because Yoshida knows how to manage a project and he wouldn't have shown it off it was years out. FFXVI will be the better game too


where ff7r-2 will end in the story? first part was only in midgard, what come next has a lot of more diverse stuff to implement. i think the second part will stop at cosmo canyon or when they leave it after red13 arc

  • world map
  • Kalm
  • Nibelheim Incident flashback
  • chocobo farm
  • Mythril Mine
  • impaled Midgar Zolom
  • Fort condor
  • Junon
  • Cargo ship
  • costa del sol
  • Mt. Corel
  • Corel reactor
  • North Corel
  • Goldsaucer (lot of mini games to implement)
  • Corel prison
  • Gongaga
  • Cosmo Canyon


It's so crazy that Square seems to have had no real gameplan for the FF VII Remake project. Just, "Let's redo the Shinra infiltration because that's the part everybody loves and actually played, and then, fuck I don't know, we'll figure it out...maybe?"

The way we all thought about this when they started talking about really doing Remake and using an episodic approach, you would have thought they would maybe have had all the chapters planned out and would have known what parts would be expanded upon? And maybe they'd have a some side-games already in development alongside the first FF7R chapter (they already said the Turks might get their own playable bit and maybe that would have worked as a side-game or chapter,) as well as remasters of a few pieces of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII product line (hopefully a remaster of Crisis Core, also Dirge of Cerberus if they had to, or perhaps 3D remake of Before Crisis?) Maybe they'd even think ahead that this PS4 game is releasing the same year the PS5 is coming out and so maybe, maybe they should think of for a platform strategy of having a next-gen version when next-gen comes out, or not releasing one chapter on past-gen and then abandoning that platform to move all the future chapters to next-gen...

Nope. It's Final Fantasy VII. How has "having a plan" ever worked out well in the past?
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