During the PS3/Wii/360 generation, controller style was frequently mentioned as a deciding factor for owning one system or the other. During the PS4/Wii U/X1 generation, controller was a less-relevant factor. In part, Sony and Nintendo stepped up their game to match the (imo superior) form-factor of the 360 controller. So the difference between controllers was not as pronounced.
Another major factor, however, was the surge in third-party converters that allowed players to use controllers on competitors' systems, boards that added compatibility across multiple systems, and even to use a mouse and keyboard on a console. Earlier in the gen, most converters were the USB-to-USB but now there are converters that even allow wireless connection.
Next gen, using your preferred controller will likely be even easier. That being the case, will the "native" controller factor into your platform purchase? Or will you use the controller you want on whatever system you want, looking instead to the OS features and the game library to sway your buy?
Another major factor, however, was the surge in third-party converters that allowed players to use controllers on competitors' systems, boards that added compatibility across multiple systems, and even to use a mouse and keyboard on a console. Earlier in the gen, most converters were the USB-to-USB but now there are converters that even allow wireless connection.

Next gen, using your preferred controller will likely be even easier. That being the case, will the "native" controller factor into your platform purchase? Or will you use the controller you want on whatever system you want, looking instead to the OS features and the game library to sway your buy?