‘It’s my decision’: This woman is auctioning off her virginity to help her family
This is the CNN segment that interviewed her:

Of the 20 or so women who work at the Kit Kat Ranch, one of Nevada's legal brothels, Katherine Stone is the only virgin.
The 21-year-old has been living there since May, learning the ropes and entertaining “clients” — but not for sex. Instead, Stone is auctioning off her virginity to the highest bidder, and says she wants to save herself for someone special.
Bids for her virginity are reportedly at $400,000, she said.
The unusual arrangement was set up so that Stone, who grew up wanting to become a lawyer, could raise money to help her family, she said.
In December 2014, an electrical fire destroyed her family's Seattle home. They lost everything. Worse yet, the house was uninsured. Stone moved in with relatives for about eight months, but the family continued to struggle with bills.
“For a time, my parents were actually living at the burned-down house,” Stone told The Washington Post in a phone interview. “It was really hard to actually get back on your feet after everything.”
Last summer, she said, she came across the story of Natalie Dylan, a woman who reportedly tried to auction her virginity in 2008 to pay for college. Dylan had orchestrated the online auction through Dennis Hof, a Nevada businessman who owns seven brothels in the state.
So Stone looked up Hof, found his email address and sent him a note. Then she waited.
Stone first told her story to reporter Lisa Ling for a widely shared segment on CNN's “This Is Life” that aired last Sunday. “I saw an ad on Facebook and found out all about the brothels, and the money made me think, wow, it’s a chance at, like, fixing all that I really need to fix,” Stone told Ling.
Nevada is the only state in the country in which prostitution is legal, although brothels are allowed to operate only in certain counties. Nevada has 18 legal bordellos.
Hof is fond of saying he owns "40 percent” of those brothels, including Love Ranch, where former NBA player Lamar Odom was found unconscious last year. In a phone interview with The Post, Hof said that he couldn't remember exactly when Stone's email arrived, but that he frequently receives emails from women who make similar requests.
“I get three or four a month, minimum, wanting to sell their virginity,” he said. “So virginity’s a real complicated phenomenon, if you will.
Stone said the “This Is Life” clip featuring her auction was filmed in January. Since then, she has turned 21 and, it seems, grown much more accustomed to living and working at the brothel.
“Over time, I’ve grown to understand how the sex industry works, how the brothel industry works,” Stone said. “It really is about the experience. We provide people with companionship they’re missing in life. ... It’s more than just sex."
Before the CNN segment aired, Stone said she wasn't sure who knew she worked at a brothel. She said that her sister is too young to keep up with the news and that she and her father don't have much of a relationship anymore. Her mother, while “not happy" about the arrangement, is generally supportive of her, Stone said.
“My mom still tells me she loves me," she said, adding that they talk every day. Her new goal is to buy her mother a home in the Lake Tahoe area. “I’m her daughter. What else is she supposed to do?"
Since Sunday, Stone has seen hundreds of comments online both criticizing and defending her choice.
This is the CNN segment that interviewed her: