What bothers me the most is that one or two users in particular seem to have single (or I guess double) handedly run off regular/helpful posters. Hix, Dark10x, for example. Other former 'Top 10" posters who were Xbox friendly, or Xbox neutral and tried to be fair at least have requested perms.
I also can't remember the last time I sawVFXVeteran post. I hope he is still around. It seemed like he got dogpiled every time he posted towards the end. It's one thing if people are countering his points in regards to tech/performance, but the personal stuff (like "you need mental help, you're sick" and other garbage) is just uncalled for.
If you post anything contrary in The Thread That Will Not Be Named, you get mass reported and kicked out in a heartbeat.
I hate this GIF and the Jurassic Park GIF so much, to the point where I feel like I should beg people not to use them when I post a new analysis thread. So played to death.
People don't even read or watch the analysis before posting it, sometimes their "team" didn't even really "win."
Yea Hix was great contributing to the forums. While the toxic bunch just derail and shitpost. The dark thing was pathetic, i remember seeing it then. I wasn't a member then, so i didn't even know before that he was a df guy.
Yet he got ran off and the guys who did got hardly much of a punishment from my understanding