I'm already using GeForce NOW to play my Steam library (limited to the games available on Nvidia's cloud). Since PC Game Pass is also compatible with GeForce NOW, it adds even more value to both services in my case. Plus, PC Game Pass includes its own Cloud Gaming feature, which is a nice bonus.
I also have a CloudDeck account, and I have this habit, wherever I go, if there's a screen, I try to convince the owner to let me hook up and play. My wife can't stand it, but I find it hilarious. I've definitely gotten more "no's" than "yes's", but when I do get a "yes"? Bruh!
Like one time at Ricky T’s, when the staff actually let me plug into one of their screens via HDMI. I played and drank for hours with a bunch of random, equally tipsy niggas. It was amazing, until Google Fi hit its high-bandwidth cap and shut my ass down. Their WiFi was useless, completely overloaded with locals who weren’t even at the bar. I'm surprised I don't see other gamers doing this sort of shit.
The staff at my local Sam's club was pretty damn cool as well. It's where I purchased my 85inch because they let me hook up my tablet and play a few games to see how they look. BestBuy & Walmart Staff said no so I let them keep their shit. When Sam's saw how many people started gathering around me and Rocket League on a 85inch, they were sad to see me go. lol This is where it all started because my wife takes so long to shop I have to find something to do.
In Orange Beach, Alabama, the hotel had a beach bar with a pool area and just one TV screen. Since it was evening downtime and the bar wasn’t busy, the tender (for a modest $40 tip) let me hook up my Switch. People kept walking by, catching a glimpse of the game, and going, “Wait, they have smash Bros?” And I’d hit them with, “I’ll buy you a drink if you beat me one on one” Nine times out of ten, they were like, “Say less.” Next thing I knew, their was several of us just talking shit and challenging each other to duels.
Good times.
Anyway, Play Anywhere has come in handy for me on a few occasions like those. I forgot to mention them, but if you've made it this far, you get the idea.