Explosive Zombie
I'm going to be doing this thread a bit different from the other two. I'm going to be going down a third party list of the "best" games of this decade and giving my thoughts on the ones I've played and if I agree with their placement. This will take place over the course of multiple posts instead of everything being right here in this first post. Anyways, time to get started...
1. Silent Hill 2
This being number one for the decade might say more about the website I'm using to figure this out than the game. Not sure how many other places would have a survival horror game that isn't RE at number 1 for any decade. But there's a pretty niche group of people voting on what gets up there on this website and this game has a pretty huge cult following besides the people who just enjoyed it more casually. Personally I was a more casual fan. I enjoyed stuff like the atmosphere and scares but found the combat annoying and the puzzles often too obtuse. I know both had separate difficulty levels but I was too prideful to ever go all the way to easy on either, haha. I wish this was available on PC, though because it's been so long since I had played it and a new chance might reveal its wonders to me.
2. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
We had to skip a game to get to this, the number 2 on the chart I was doing was Mother 3 and I've never touched that. I totally get why this is so high, I mean, I don't actually like it that much but it's very well made and this franchise has a pretty rabid fan base. For me, though, it was a fun ride that often felt like playing a movie. At the time of playing it I wasn't very big on stealth games and wasn't overly familiar with this franchise. It would be interesting to try again now but I did get a kick out of it at the time even if I didn't understand what made it one of the best games ever made to some people.
3. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
This one I never beat and as I understand most of why it has such a legacy is because of what happens in the final third. Where I got to in the game I kinda found the game annoying. Not terrible mind you, but it was a rental and after returning it I never played the game again. Once more, were the game available to me now I'd like to re-try it.
4. Deus Ex
I got this for PC at release and my PC could just barely handle it, the problem was I couldn't handle it. The difficulty was a bit obtuse to me as a youngster as I didn't really get what it expected of me. Flash forward a few years and I get the PS2 port and suddenly everything locks into place for me. My play through of this would go down as one of my favorite multi-day gaming sessions ever. I have this on Steam now and have tried to re-play it but it's a bit archaic in more ways than one so it's hard to get into it the same way I did back then. I think it should get the proper remake treatment, honestly.
5. Resident Evil 4
Here we go. Here's a game that absolutely blew me away on the Gamecube. I need to try replaying it today to see how it holds up and I've got a copy on Steam but something keeps from re-trying it, maybe I don't want to find out it loses some of its impact? Not sure, but I absolutely adored this game when I played it back in 2005.
6. Half-Life 2
One of my favorite games ever made. I didn't have a PC that could run it in 2004 and was so desperate to play it. Eventually I got the XBOX version (yes, vanilla XBOX) and despite performance issues was basically in heaven. Next I got the Orange Box on 360 and loved it even more. Then I finally got a gaming PC and played the definitive version. This game, to me, is a huge achievement in game design and no linear shooter comes close to it in terms of well... just about anything it does. There are some with slightly better shooting mechanics and certainly there are some with better AI but I think the AI argument with this game is a bad argument because the AI works for the way the game is designed, everything feels perfectly designed and set up to at times give you a roller coaster ride while at other times giving you this sense of immersion and atmosphere. I can't say enough how much I love this game.
7. Metroid Prime
I fucking love Metroid Prime, it could be the best game I've ever played, it's definitely top 5 or so. I loved it when I first played it way back when and I loved it when I replayed it via emulation a few years back. I love this genre, this sort of game where entering a new area of a world doesn't mean you did everything in the last area, I love the little secrets, the atmosphere, etc.
8. Demon's Souls
I have not even remotely played enough of this title to judge it. I rented it back in the PS3 days and didn't get very far. I emulated it recently and got a decent ways in but still felt it was the wrong way to play it. In walks this beautiful remake the PS5 is getting, finally I can experience this proper. To be fair in the PS3 days it was also proper I just didn't get the genre at the time. I'm now such a huge Souls fan, though, can't wait to tear into this. From what I've experienced it feels like what it is... the early beginnings of the franchise. I don't suspect I'll enjoy it more than Dark Souls but the remake could be something truly special indeed, more of these old games need such remakes, honestly.
9.The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
When it came to Nintendo's biggest franchises it felt like the Gamecube was a lesser system than N64 (besides Metroid holy shit). Like this game couldn't really stack up against Ocarina of Time, but it had a fresh art style and was still a lot of fun. It also had a bit of a resurgence in popularity thanks to the remaster it got recently.
10. Super Mario Galaxy
Another game I never beat. At the time I liked it but I thought the Wii controls for it sucked, would have rather played with a standard controller (can you on the Wii?). I especially hated collecting stars or whatever with one hand while controlling him with the other, never made sense to me and gave me a head ache. There was something off about controlling his ass in this, found myself falling in pits far too often. Really great looking game, though with a neat, original concept.
11. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
And on we go with another game I could never finish. I still remember that one guy yelling at me because all we had to do was follow the damn train. Also remember a mission that was like the chase in Terminator 2. They were getting better at the formula but the game still mostly played like ass, Grand Theft Auto IV would be the entry to fix my issues with how gun fights and driving worked mostly, though.
12. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
This was one of those games I tried getting into because everyone loved it. Made it to some boss I couldn't figure out how to beat and haven't played since. Still want to figure out what makes this game tick, again I'd like to see a remake of some sort.
13. Portal
This was a neat little puzzle game I forgot about after the 3 hours it took to complete and then the whole world lost its shit over it for some reason. Calm down, guys, the game is just fine.
14. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
My experience with this on XBOX is a horror story I'd rather not recount. I'm sure it's a great game but that XBOX port... ouch. I have it on PC but haven't been man enough to try and play it yet.
15. Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
I bought this back when I implicitly trusted game reviewers weren't blowing smoke up my ass and the ratings for this were astronomical. Cue me not getting it at all, and I don't mean not getting the appeal, I mean the gameplay. I brute forced my way to this twin statue boss (sorry if I'm describing the boss wrong but this is my memory) at which point my hands were absolutely destroyed from trying so hard to beat him that I gave up. A friend would one day tell me if I got the launch version of the game the difficulty was busted in that version, which is interesting to know since critics seemed so fucking happy with it. Maybe one day I'll try this one out again.
16. Burnout 3: Takedown
I'm not big on racing games... but I'm big on Burnout. This and the next entry are simply fantastic! The sense of speed, the combat, the CAR CRASHES!!! Yes!
17. Okami
Playing this on my Wii it exemplified why I hate motion controls. Never got very far because motion controls can blow me.
18. BioShock
What a fantastic game. I've beaten this game 5 times (I had one audio log glitched out, couldn't find it even with online guides telling me where it was, so I never got full achievement score) and it's just so well made, so atmospheric, so fun. The story is fantastic and a great meta-commentary on gaming as a whole.
19. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
This is the mascot for obtuse weird PC games. I enjoyed it in bursts but to say I ever fully "got it" would be a lie. Another game I need to give more of a shot, it's certainly unique, though.
20. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
While I'm not sure the alternate world mechanic is enough to say it's a jump over the first it's more Metroid Prime and I love that. I prefer the first probably because the alternate world mechanic is honestly often annoying, it's you know one of those toxic alternate dimensions which is always annoying to deal with.
21. Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Fun game, not quite sure why it ranks higher than the first for people? I'm I just nostalgia goggling the first?
22. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Best soundtrack in a GTA game. I made it furthest in this of any GTA from before IV because of how much I enjoyed the aesthetic of the '80s and all that. The shooting stopped me from completing it, though, I have respect for anyone who got through those mechanics to beat this, though.
23. Max Payne
I legit had a Max Payne mouse pad that came with the PC version of this. Really loved shooting people up in slow-mo, it was also a really cool game for story-telling at the time.
24. Halo 3
This is apparently this site's favorite Halo, it isn't mine but it's a great game. I need to replay it via MCC but it felt far closer to what made the first special than the second game's campaign.
25. Rock Band 2
My minor, temporary addiction to this resulted in hundreds of dollars spent on DLC...
26. Ninja Gaiden
Oh, look, it's the absolute king of XBOX games I found too difficult to beat. I think I got 4 levels in, I remember beating some guy on top of a blimp and then some more open-ish level with red dragon things were eating me. Really cool game I wish I was good at.
27. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Very fun game. Some people just look at these as roller coaster rides like Call of Duty but on higher difficulties the combat becomes a fun challenge instead of the BS your average CoD becomes. I recc it to anyone who thinks the combat isn't deep enough.
28. Halo 2
Hey, I love any Bungie Halo but I think this one could be overrated? I get it, online matchmaking was huge for people but for me it was always about couch MP and couch co-op with friends. I'd rather play Counter-Strike against strangers. The campaign in this often missed the mark of what made the first so great, honestly.
29. Bayonetta
I didn't care much for this. I played to completion but... eh... it's certainly stylish but I don't 100% get the appeal of this style of game.
30. Batman: Arkham Asylum
Only entry in this franchise I really get a kick out of. The combat system is pretty fun and looks cool but I really liked the Metroid-like world design as well.
31. Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
The entry that totally lost me. I stopped understanding why this franchise is huge to people.
32. Mass Effect
Awesome RPG, had lots of issues on console and if I replayed it now on PC I'd still have to groan over those driving parts but still, great game.
33. Perfect Dark
Though this game had many advantages over Goldeneye in its features it didn't grab me like Goldeneye did because I had become more of a PC gamer at the time. Still a fantastic title.
34. Team Fortress 2
I'm one of those people who remembers the old previews for this where it would be this gritty, realistic military shooter game and was so excited. Then so disappointed it was this garish cartoon game. Actually prefer the first, to be honest. This game has its moments, though if you get past how they massacred my poor boy.
35. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Hey, it's the first Zelda game I ever beat!
36. Bully
I actually got more into this than the GTAs of the era because it didn't have their terrible combat mechanics. Never beat it as I only rented it, though.
37. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
What a friggin' awesome Lovecraftian horror game. The insanity mechanics were so cool, the story awesome, I loved that you were time and body hopping the whole game. Such a neat fucking game.
38. F.E.A.R.
Badass shooter with amazing shooting mechanics. I can take or leave the horror stuff, it mostly works and is atmospheric but this was really about shooting mofos in slow motion.
39. Ikaruga
I bought this due to glowing reviews, plus this was an era where I was experimenting with what I enjoyed. I did enjoy the first few levels of this before I couldn't get any further, though!
40. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Pretty fun campaign, pretty neat multiplayer. Worth all the hype? Not really.
41. Halo: Combat Evolved
Kinda criminal how low down the list this is. Still an amazing campaign experience to this day.
42. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
This is where this franchise began to make sense to me, I got a kick out of this.
43. Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Really fun shooter campaign.
44. SoulCalibur II
Played a crazy amount of this with friends, still probably my favorite fighting game.
45. Dragon Age: Origins
What a great fucking RPG!
46. Metal Slug 3
Fun arcade franchise. Fun with a friend, not a lot more but great art.
47. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
One of the most boring games I've ever beaten. It has its moments but man do I not get this game. Who wants to sit through 30 minute lectures on nano-machines?
48. Grand Theft Auto IV
Probably my favorite entry, they finally nailed the combat, adding a cover mechanic was very smart. Also love the enemies having locational damage. Story was fantastic, liked the way they handled the big choice and its results.
49. Dead Space
Totally awesome action/horror game, one of my favorites, if not my absolute favorite. Sound design, atmosphere are off the charts, the gunplay is actually well done and a nice comfort zone between full on action game and survival horror. Love the enemies and how you need to dismember them. Just such a fantastic fucking game.
50. Braid
This game is proof reaching the end of a game doesn't mean you beat it, or understood it, lol.
Hit the image limit for a post... lol, not done yet! Will continue this!
1. Silent Hill 2

This being number one for the decade might say more about the website I'm using to figure this out than the game. Not sure how many other places would have a survival horror game that isn't RE at number 1 for any decade. But there's a pretty niche group of people voting on what gets up there on this website and this game has a pretty huge cult following besides the people who just enjoyed it more casually. Personally I was a more casual fan. I enjoyed stuff like the atmosphere and scares but found the combat annoying and the puzzles often too obtuse. I know both had separate difficulty levels but I was too prideful to ever go all the way to easy on either, haha. I wish this was available on PC, though because it's been so long since I had played it and a new chance might reveal its wonders to me.
2. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

We had to skip a game to get to this, the number 2 on the chart I was doing was Mother 3 and I've never touched that. I totally get why this is so high, I mean, I don't actually like it that much but it's very well made and this franchise has a pretty rabid fan base. For me, though, it was a fun ride that often felt like playing a movie. At the time of playing it I wasn't very big on stealth games and wasn't overly familiar with this franchise. It would be interesting to try again now but I did get a kick out of it at the time even if I didn't understand what made it one of the best games ever made to some people.
3. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

This one I never beat and as I understand most of why it has such a legacy is because of what happens in the final third. Where I got to in the game I kinda found the game annoying. Not terrible mind you, but it was a rental and after returning it I never played the game again. Once more, were the game available to me now I'd like to re-try it.
4. Deus Ex

I got this for PC at release and my PC could just barely handle it, the problem was I couldn't handle it. The difficulty was a bit obtuse to me as a youngster as I didn't really get what it expected of me. Flash forward a few years and I get the PS2 port and suddenly everything locks into place for me. My play through of this would go down as one of my favorite multi-day gaming sessions ever. I have this on Steam now and have tried to re-play it but it's a bit archaic in more ways than one so it's hard to get into it the same way I did back then. I think it should get the proper remake treatment, honestly.
5. Resident Evil 4

Here we go. Here's a game that absolutely blew me away on the Gamecube. I need to try replaying it today to see how it holds up and I've got a copy on Steam but something keeps from re-trying it, maybe I don't want to find out it loses some of its impact? Not sure, but I absolutely adored this game when I played it back in 2005.
6. Half-Life 2

One of my favorite games ever made. I didn't have a PC that could run it in 2004 and was so desperate to play it. Eventually I got the XBOX version (yes, vanilla XBOX) and despite performance issues was basically in heaven. Next I got the Orange Box on 360 and loved it even more. Then I finally got a gaming PC and played the definitive version. This game, to me, is a huge achievement in game design and no linear shooter comes close to it in terms of well... just about anything it does. There are some with slightly better shooting mechanics and certainly there are some with better AI but I think the AI argument with this game is a bad argument because the AI works for the way the game is designed, everything feels perfectly designed and set up to at times give you a roller coaster ride while at other times giving you this sense of immersion and atmosphere. I can't say enough how much I love this game.
7. Metroid Prime

I fucking love Metroid Prime, it could be the best game I've ever played, it's definitely top 5 or so. I loved it when I first played it way back when and I loved it when I replayed it via emulation a few years back. I love this genre, this sort of game where entering a new area of a world doesn't mean you did everything in the last area, I love the little secrets, the atmosphere, etc.
8. Demon's Souls

I have not even remotely played enough of this title to judge it. I rented it back in the PS3 days and didn't get very far. I emulated it recently and got a decent ways in but still felt it was the wrong way to play it. In walks this beautiful remake the PS5 is getting, finally I can experience this proper. To be fair in the PS3 days it was also proper I just didn't get the genre at the time. I'm now such a huge Souls fan, though, can't wait to tear into this. From what I've experienced it feels like what it is... the early beginnings of the franchise. I don't suspect I'll enjoy it more than Dark Souls but the remake could be something truly special indeed, more of these old games need such remakes, honestly.
9.The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

When it came to Nintendo's biggest franchises it felt like the Gamecube was a lesser system than N64 (besides Metroid holy shit). Like this game couldn't really stack up against Ocarina of Time, but it had a fresh art style and was still a lot of fun. It also had a bit of a resurgence in popularity thanks to the remaster it got recently.
10. Super Mario Galaxy

Another game I never beat. At the time I liked it but I thought the Wii controls for it sucked, would have rather played with a standard controller (can you on the Wii?). I especially hated collecting stars or whatever with one hand while controlling him with the other, never made sense to me and gave me a head ache. There was something off about controlling his ass in this, found myself falling in pits far too often. Really great looking game, though with a neat, original concept.
11. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

And on we go with another game I could never finish. I still remember that one guy yelling at me because all we had to do was follow the damn train. Also remember a mission that was like the chase in Terminator 2. They were getting better at the formula but the game still mostly played like ass, Grand Theft Auto IV would be the entry to fix my issues with how gun fights and driving worked mostly, though.
12. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

This was one of those games I tried getting into because everyone loved it. Made it to some boss I couldn't figure out how to beat and haven't played since. Still want to figure out what makes this game tick, again I'd like to see a remake of some sort.
13. Portal

This was a neat little puzzle game I forgot about after the 3 hours it took to complete and then the whole world lost its shit over it for some reason. Calm down, guys, the game is just fine.
14. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

My experience with this on XBOX is a horror story I'd rather not recount. I'm sure it's a great game but that XBOX port... ouch. I have it on PC but haven't been man enough to try and play it yet.
15. Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

I bought this back when I implicitly trusted game reviewers weren't blowing smoke up my ass and the ratings for this were astronomical. Cue me not getting it at all, and I don't mean not getting the appeal, I mean the gameplay. I brute forced my way to this twin statue boss (sorry if I'm describing the boss wrong but this is my memory) at which point my hands were absolutely destroyed from trying so hard to beat him that I gave up. A friend would one day tell me if I got the launch version of the game the difficulty was busted in that version, which is interesting to know since critics seemed so fucking happy with it. Maybe one day I'll try this one out again.
16. Burnout 3: Takedown

I'm not big on racing games... but I'm big on Burnout. This and the next entry are simply fantastic! The sense of speed, the combat, the CAR CRASHES!!! Yes!
17. Okami

Playing this on my Wii it exemplified why I hate motion controls. Never got very far because motion controls can blow me.
18. BioShock

What a fantastic game. I've beaten this game 5 times (I had one audio log glitched out, couldn't find it even with online guides telling me where it was, so I never got full achievement score) and it's just so well made, so atmospheric, so fun. The story is fantastic and a great meta-commentary on gaming as a whole.
19. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

This is the mascot for obtuse weird PC games. I enjoyed it in bursts but to say I ever fully "got it" would be a lie. Another game I need to give more of a shot, it's certainly unique, though.
20. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

While I'm not sure the alternate world mechanic is enough to say it's a jump over the first it's more Metroid Prime and I love that. I prefer the first probably because the alternate world mechanic is honestly often annoying, it's you know one of those toxic alternate dimensions which is always annoying to deal with.
21. Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

Fun game, not quite sure why it ranks higher than the first for people? I'm I just nostalgia goggling the first?
22. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Best soundtrack in a GTA game. I made it furthest in this of any GTA from before IV because of how much I enjoyed the aesthetic of the '80s and all that. The shooting stopped me from completing it, though, I have respect for anyone who got through those mechanics to beat this, though.
23. Max Payne

I legit had a Max Payne mouse pad that came with the PC version of this. Really loved shooting people up in slow-mo, it was also a really cool game for story-telling at the time.
24. Halo 3

This is apparently this site's favorite Halo, it isn't mine but it's a great game. I need to replay it via MCC but it felt far closer to what made the first special than the second game's campaign.
25. Rock Band 2

My minor, temporary addiction to this resulted in hundreds of dollars spent on DLC...
26. Ninja Gaiden

Oh, look, it's the absolute king of XBOX games I found too difficult to beat. I think I got 4 levels in, I remember beating some guy on top of a blimp and then some more open-ish level with red dragon things were eating me. Really cool game I wish I was good at.
27. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Very fun game. Some people just look at these as roller coaster rides like Call of Duty but on higher difficulties the combat becomes a fun challenge instead of the BS your average CoD becomes. I recc it to anyone who thinks the combat isn't deep enough.
28. Halo 2

Hey, I love any Bungie Halo but I think this one could be overrated? I get it, online matchmaking was huge for people but for me it was always about couch MP and couch co-op with friends. I'd rather play Counter-Strike against strangers. The campaign in this often missed the mark of what made the first so great, honestly.
29. Bayonetta

I didn't care much for this. I played to completion but... eh... it's certainly stylish but I don't 100% get the appeal of this style of game.
30. Batman: Arkham Asylum

Only entry in this franchise I really get a kick out of. The combat system is pretty fun and looks cool but I really liked the Metroid-like world design as well.
31. Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

The entry that totally lost me. I stopped understanding why this franchise is huge to people.
32. Mass Effect

Awesome RPG, had lots of issues on console and if I replayed it now on PC I'd still have to groan over those driving parts but still, great game.
33. Perfect Dark

Though this game had many advantages over Goldeneye in its features it didn't grab me like Goldeneye did because I had become more of a PC gamer at the time. Still a fantastic title.
34. Team Fortress 2

I'm one of those people who remembers the old previews for this where it would be this gritty, realistic military shooter game and was so excited. Then so disappointed it was this garish cartoon game. Actually prefer the first, to be honest. This game has its moments, though if you get past how they massacred my poor boy.
35. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Hey, it's the first Zelda game I ever beat!
36. Bully

I actually got more into this than the GTAs of the era because it didn't have their terrible combat mechanics. Never beat it as I only rented it, though.
37. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

What a friggin' awesome Lovecraftian horror game. The insanity mechanics were so cool, the story awesome, I loved that you were time and body hopping the whole game. Such a neat fucking game.
38. F.E.A.R.

Badass shooter with amazing shooting mechanics. I can take or leave the horror stuff, it mostly works and is atmospheric but this was really about shooting mofos in slow motion.
39. Ikaruga

I bought this due to glowing reviews, plus this was an era where I was experimenting with what I enjoyed. I did enjoy the first few levels of this before I couldn't get any further, though!
40. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Pretty fun campaign, pretty neat multiplayer. Worth all the hype? Not really.
41. Halo: Combat Evolved

Kinda criminal how low down the list this is. Still an amazing campaign experience to this day.
42. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

This is where this franchise began to make sense to me, I got a kick out of this.
43. Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Really fun shooter campaign.
44. SoulCalibur II

Played a crazy amount of this with friends, still probably my favorite fighting game.
45. Dragon Age: Origins

What a great fucking RPG!
46. Metal Slug 3

Fun arcade franchise. Fun with a friend, not a lot more but great art.
47. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

One of the most boring games I've ever beaten. It has its moments but man do I not get this game. Who wants to sit through 30 minute lectures on nano-machines?
48. Grand Theft Auto IV

Probably my favorite entry, they finally nailed the combat, adding a cover mechanic was very smart. Also love the enemies having locational damage. Story was fantastic, liked the way they handled the big choice and its results.
49. Dead Space

Totally awesome action/horror game, one of my favorites, if not my absolute favorite. Sound design, atmosphere are off the charts, the gunplay is actually well done and a nice comfort zone between full on action game and survival horror. Love the enemies and how you need to dismember them. Just such a fantastic fucking game.
50. Braid

This game is proof reaching the end of a game doesn't mean you beat it, or understood it, lol.
Hit the image limit for a post... lol, not done yet! Will continue this!
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