aka IMurRIVAL69
I played the absolute shit out of my Steam Deck this year. Both the regular one and now the OLED. Always liked handhelds but now that I have a kid it has been absolutely clutch. I’ve always thought some games are just better suited for handhelds over playing on a TV and for the most part play different games on my PC than I do on the deck. So for me it’s been a weird mix of shit that I wouldn’t really wanna play on a TV. Sucks that Valve doesn’t track playtime separately for the deck but I think we all have a pretty good idea of what we played.
Amazing and simple baseball game. Not overly arcadey and not a sim either. It skirts the line very well and I have played a ton of the franchise mode. Just a very well done and addictive game.
I adored this game and played 90% on the deck. The OLED runs it at locked 90 fps.
Game hasn’t aged a day and still plays like a dream. Great roster as well.
I started playing Kakarot this year and it felt so soulless. Had to bring this banger back and it’s still so fun. Great, and I mean great, voicework. Fun combat. Weird fanservice shit. It’s got it all.
Square knocked this one out of the park. Great game that improved on the first in every way.
Square also knocked this one out of the park. This game is hard as fuck and the job system is so incredibly good here. Old school JRPG through and through.
Modern classic that looks and plays great at 90 fps on the OLED. I mostly played Spelunky 1 on Vita so this always felt like a handheld series to me.
Another series that feels like it’s just better on a handheld. I think I prefer disgaea 5 to this but i still played a ton of this. There is something fun to me about turning my brain off and watching the numbers go up.
Amazing and simple baseball game. Not overly arcadey and not a sim either. It skirts the line very well and I have played a ton of the franchise mode. Just a very well done and addictive game.
I adored this game and played 90% on the deck. The OLED runs it at locked 90 fps.

Game hasn’t aged a day and still plays like a dream. Great roster as well.

I started playing Kakarot this year and it felt so soulless. Had to bring this banger back and it’s still so fun. Great, and I mean great, voicework. Fun combat. Weird fanservice shit. It’s got it all.
Square knocked this one out of the park. Great game that improved on the first in every way.
Square also knocked this one out of the park. This game is hard as fuck and the job system is so incredibly good here. Old school JRPG through and through.
Modern classic that looks and plays great at 90 fps on the OLED. I mostly played Spelunky 1 on Vita so this always felt like a handheld series to me.
Another series that feels like it’s just better on a handheld. I think I prefer disgaea 5 to this but i still played a ton of this. There is something fun to me about turning my brain off and watching the numbers go up.